Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1790 Return

"It is absolutely impossible for you and Jing'er to have anything to do with each other!"

Mrs. Ru suddenly said.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. In fact, what he had been thinking about was another issue. When Leng Buding heard Mrs. Ru suddenly say such a sentence, he didn't react for a moment.


"There is no reason. If I say it's impossible, it's impossible!" Mrs. Ru's face was cold and her attitude was extremely determined.

At this time, Lu Yu couldn't help but become interested.

In fact, after these few days of contact, he could clearly feel that Fu Jing had a vague affection for him. Although he had no intention of responding positively, Mrs. Ru's attitude at this time was undoubtedly very strange.

"Madam, with all due respect, I'm afraid you can't be the lady's boss now, right?" Lu Yu said.

Mrs. Ru's face changed slightly, and she said forcefully: "Whether I can make the decision or not, you can't... No matter what your identity is, what kind of background you have, Jing'er can't commit to you. So you can put away your wishful thinking, otherwise, I will never let you go!"

Lu Yu's heart moved and he asked, "Could it be that there are other secrets in Miss's body?"

Mrs. Ru's face tightened and she replied coldly: "You don't need to know that much! In short, I have warned you! If you still insist on going your own way, it will not only harm Jing'er, but also yourself!"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it that serious?"

Mrs. Ru just snorted coldly and made no further response.

Lu Yu couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although Mrs. Ru did not respond directly, her attitude undoubtedly confirmed from the side that Fu Jing did have other secrets.

What kind of secret could this be?

Is this secret related to the abnormal condition of my body at this time?

Lu Yu couldn't help but fell into thinking.

After a long silence.

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but broke the silence first: "Hey, have you been in a daze enough?"

Lu Yu raised his head and gave her a confused look.

Mrs. Ru was dissatisfied: "We have been out for a long time, shouldn't we find a way to go back?"

Lu Yu came back to his senses, looked around, and asked, "Where are we now?"

"I don't know the specific location, but it should be within the Great Evil Empire..."

"Within the Great Evil Empire?" Lu Yu was slightly shocked, "Why did you come here? According to the escape trajectory I set, the location shouldn't be so far off..."

Immediately, he fixed his gaze on Mrs. Ru: "Madam, did you do anything to me when you left before?"


Mrs. Ru subconsciously wanted to deny it, but then she remembered that she had indeed shaken Lu Yu violently for a while on the light belt.

Could it be that his actions interfered with the stability of the spell?

She immediately became speechless.

"How can you blame me? You were already unconscious at that time. Under such circumstances, what else can I do except wake you up?" Mrs. Ru argued forcefully, but her tone was not as fierce as before.

Lu Yu shook his head: "Even if I have lost consciousness, the spell has already been preset, so I asked you to hold me tight at that time. Even if there are some twists and turns in the process, it will never deviate to this point. …”

Mrs. Ru's face turned green and red. Could it be that she was the culprit of the current situation?

In the scene that happened just now, I let this bastard take advantage of me for no reason. Is it all my own fault?

Such a result could not help but make Mrs. Ru feel mixed in her heart.

"You didn't speak clearly at the time, how did I know... You can only blame yourself!" Mrs. Ru said angrily, "Well, there is no point worrying about this now. Is there anything you can do to let us Rush back as soon as possible?"

Lu Yu said: "Of course there is a way. At worst, if you use the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape a few more times, you can find the location of the army's base camp. It just takes a lot of effort."

"Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape?" Mrs. Ru repeated it and asked, "Can you cast this spell stably now?"

Lu Yu patted his chest: "Of course!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you use it quickly!" Mrs. Ru urged.

Lu Yu looked her up and down and said, "There's nothing wrong with me. I can leave at any time... But, madam, are you ready?"

Mrs. Ru looked confused and hesitated for a moment, but finally mustered up the courage to walk up to Lu Yu and hugged him.

"I'm... ready," Mrs. Ru said.

Lu Yu couldn't help but froze, and said with some embarrassment: "Madam, I think you may have misunderstood. I asked you to hug me tightly when I ran away before. It was because I had a premonition that my magic might be out of control... But now I The situation is very good and the situation like before should not happen again. ”

When Mrs. Ru heard this, she immediately pushed Lu Yu away as if she was electrocuted, and asked angrily: "What on earth do you mean? Are you trying to make fun of me on purpose?"

"Uh..." Lu Yu felt ashamed and had to swallow what he originally wanted to say, "Forget it, it's okay, let's leave it like that!"

So, Lu Yu put his fingers together and stroked lightly.

Suddenly, colorful bands of light appeared in the void again, which was the magical effect of the Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth.

The light belt spread directly under the two people's feet, wrapping their feet.

Immediately afterwards, a silent force suddenly activated, bringing the two of them above the clouds in an instant.

The wind roared in my ears.


At the same time, there were bursts of exclamations from Mrs. Ru.

It turned out that as the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape broke through the sky, the "temporary coat" she was wearing was completely vulnerable. All the leaves were blown down and scattered, and she returned to the way she was when she first faced Lu Yu. appearance.

"Look, I told you a long time ago that this thing is of no use at all." Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Besides, this is what I just wanted you to prepare for..."

Mrs. Ru curled up, folded her arms and stared angrily at Lu Yu, unable to say another word.

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