Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1798 Above the Grand Duke

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky turned dark instantly.

The cloud bridge behind the two people began to expand rapidly, and its color changed from light to thick, and then from thick to black. On the surface, it seemed that the status of the cloud bridge had changed from white clouds to black clouds, but in fact the cloud bridge was not. The real white cloud is formed by the power of Tiangang, which shows that its internal power structure is changing rapidly.

However, the power of Tiangang cannot be directly converted into the power of Earthly Evil. The changes on the Cloud Bridge can only show that it is rapidly gathering the power of Earthly Evil.

Lu Yu had known for a long time that what the strong men in this world were best at was to combine the power of Tiangang Earthly Evil in a thread-like way to form a unique Tiangang Earthly Evil texture. At this time, the methods used by King Ye were also different. It doesn't go beyond this category, but the scale of his Tiangang Disha texture is really huge, and this cloud bridge is just one of the "textures".

In the blink of an eye, black air pillars formed, standing between the sky and the earth, forming a very unique scene, just like tornadoes raging continuously between the sky and the earth.

The entire world was suddenly divided into two scenes. One side was a gloomy and depressing world supported by countless black storms, and the other side was a strange realm with Fu Jing as the center that was blooming with bright light.

The formation of these black storms is actually a kind of Tiangang Disha texture, and it is also the domain of King Ye.

Even Lu Yu couldn't help but marvel at this scene.

I remember that when we were fighting against the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor of the Bixiao Shrine in the original world, the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor used the corpse mountain and blood sea formation to connect with the power of the earth evil underground, forming a huge black storm directly on the sea of ​​worms, like a Optimus Prime.

At this time, the black storm formed in King Ye's domain was no less than that then, because the key point was that the Jiuxuan Landlord only summoned a black storm at that time, but at this time, King Ye's domain was filled with There are dozens of black storms of the same size, but their intensity is completely different.

At this time, a word appeared in Lu Yu's mind involuntarily, and that was - Kingdom of God.

The scene in front of us could only be compared with the Xuanshui Kingdom at its peak. What was driven in the Xuanshui Kingdom was only the power of Xuanshui, but what was driven in this area was the intertwining of Tiangang and Earth. The power of texture.

You must know that in the original world, the reason why Yue Xishan was able to drive the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom was because he received the guidance of a mysterious force outside the sky. He did not expect that the King Ye in front of him could reach such a level.

This is not to say that King Ye’s cultivation attainments are enough to rival the mysterious forces outside the sky. The reason why he is able to drive such a field in front of him is also related to the unique environment of Guantian World. The two cannot be simply compared, but no matter how No matter what, Lu Yu felt that King Ye's cultivation level could no longer be measured solely by the realm of the Grand Duke.

"Is this the realm above the Grand Duke?" Lu Yu said in surprise.


King Ye couldn't help but glance in Lu Yu's direction: "I didn't expect you to have such eyesight... Now you should be able to understand what I said before, right?"

Immediately, he raised his head and looked at Fu Jing, who was already in mid-air and was opening the field equally quickly, and continued:

"The reason why I, Yeshuluo, have been able to survive from the turbulent era to this day is not due to luck or the forces behind me, but to my own strength! My strength is above the level of the Grand Duke!"

"City Lord Fu Jing, I know that you are a descendant of the Guanlan royal family and have awakened the power of blood. However, back then, there were many Guanlan royal families who fought against me, and many of them also awakened the power of blood. For you, I know exactly what kind of abilities I will have, but you may not know what kind of methods I will have! "

"Now, I am willing to give you one last chance. If you give up now and turn around and leave immediately, it will still be too late. If you still insist on persisting, you can't blame me!"

In mid-air, Fu Jing was still driving the field rapidly, accumulating his own power.

She did not answer King Ye's words, but responded to him with her own practical actions.

The sky was low and the storm was raging. The expansion of her domain encountered great resistance, but she did not give up. Although the speed of expansion was slow, it never stopped. The strange light blooming inside the domain became more and more intense. shines brightly.

Her domain is like a weed that lives in the cracks of rocks. Even if the rocks on her body weigh as much as 10,000 yuan, it cannot suppress the strength of its growth. Instead, it bursts out the miracle of life in the midst of adversity.

King Ye shook his head: "If you are stubborn, you can't blame me! I have already given you a chance, and even the Temple of Hades will have nothing to say!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Could it be that the reason why King Ye delayed for so long was because of the Temple of Hades?

So, the Hades Temple does not want to see anything happen to Fu Jing, and they have already put pressure on the Great Evil Empire through some channels?

However, before he could think about it carefully, King Ye's offensive had already been launched, and the mountains were covered with darkness...

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