Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1809 Desolate Land

Half a day later, the third batch of strong horses pulling the cart had changed, and Wangjing City was finally in sight.

This is also a majestic city with a very long history. The year of its initial establishment is difficult to verify. It is only known that it was built during the reign of the Guanlan Empire.

Later, with the disintegration of the Guanlan Empire and the rise of princes from all over the country, Wangjing City gradually developed and expanded. Until now, its city size is among the top in the world.

The city is very majestic. When viewed from a fertile plain, it feels very oppressive. Not only because the city is so tall and majestic, but also because there are many powerful people sitting in it, giving it a naturally intimidating aura.

If anyone else had seen this scene, they would have been intimidated by the powerful momentum of Wangjing City. Even Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru couldn't help but sit upright as the city continued to approach.

Because what they saw was not only a majestic city, but also the aura of many strong men sitting in it. While they were looking at this majestic city, they didn't know how many other strong men were also watching intently. Watching them, seriously speaking, this scene is many times more dangerous than the previous siege...

However, Lu Yu was completely unaware of this. It could be said that he had no disturbance in his heart. He even felt a little sleepy. While yawning, he said, "Have we finally arrived? My butt almost hurts from sitting..."

At this time, Duke Yunyang came over and said, "Thank you for your hard work, you three. It was a tiring journey all the way. When we enter the city later, we will meet you at the best restaurant in the city. Everything has been arranged there!"

"Jie Feng?" Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "Your Excellency Yunyang Palace, do you feel guilty for saying this? In all fairness, does the Great Evil Empire really welcome us so much?"

Duke Yunyang didn't know how to answer for a moment.

This Lu Afeng was so unconventional that he had no idea what the other party was planning...

Lu Yu added: "It's better to save it! In order to cooperate with you in getting ready, we have all been riding in a carriage all the way. What else do you want? Is it that you haven't been ready for so long?"

"This, this..." Duke Yunyang still couldn't answer, and asked tentatively: "General Lu, what do you mean?"

"Take us directly to Suyu Yunchi! Stop playing with those nonsense. Let's solve any problem directly at Suyu Yunchi!" Lu Yu said bluntly.

"This..." Duke Yunyang couldn't help showing a look of embarrassment, but in the end he nodded: "Okay, since you insist so much, then I will inform Suyu Yunchi to be ready!"

After saying that, Yunyang Palace left in a hurry.

It didn't take long for the carriage team to change direction. Instead of heading straight towards Wangjing City, it turned ninety degrees to the left.

Lu Yu and Fu Jing's mother and daughter had not known the specific location of Suyu Yunchi before. Now it seems that Suyu Yunchi is probably not inside the capital, but in the nearby suburbs.

Immediately afterwards, the carriage passed through a series of heavily guarded checkpoints. It seemed that they had entered a military restricted area.

All this is also in line with Lu Yu's psychological expectations. It would be strange if Zibaizhu, with such a rare and important resource, was not heavily guarded.

After passing through the military restricted area, they came to a large mountain. On the surface, the mountain seemed lush and green, and seemed to be pregnant with endless life... But when the convoy entered the range of the mountain, the surrounding environment suddenly changed. After a change, the mountains suddenly became bare, barren of grass, like a desert of life.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

This kind of change is really unusual, and more importantly, he can't see any traces of man-made changes at all, which means that all of this is naturally formed.

"This is the Dead Souls Mountain." Yunyang Gongxiang Lu Yu and others introduced, "The Suyu Yunchi is located in this Dead Souls Mountain."

"The environment here is all caused by the breeding of purple and white plants?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

Yunyang Palace did not answer directly, but just smiled bitterly: "I have told you, General Lu, that the environment here is actually quite bad. What we see now is just the tip of the iceberg. The environment inside is actually quite bad." Even worse!"

"Really?" Lu Yu couldn't help laughing, "When you say that, I'm looking forward to it even more!"

After walking forward for a while, the desolate atmosphere became even worse. It seemed that even the horses had a premonition of the danger ahead and stopped on the spot, refusing to move forward any further.

So everyone got off the carriage and began to move forward on foot.

Gradually, the surrounding men of Duke Yunyang began to pant and could no longer keep up with the pace of Lu Yu and others. It seemed that there was a magical power in the desert. As long as they walked on it, their strength would increase. Involuntarily passing by, in such a strange land, the level of everyone's cultivation level is clear at a glance.

Among them, Lu Yu was the only one who was completely alien. He had not even developed the golden elixir yet, but he could still move freely in it. He followed Duke Yunyang's steps closely and acted very relaxedly. Even Duke Yunyang himself Not as relaxed as he made it sound.

"Is this a scam?" Mrs. Ru came closer and whispered in Lu Yu's ear, "Is this really the place where the purple and white plants grow? Is it a trap they deliberately set?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "If this is a trap set by them on purpose, then they are too powerful... Even if it is a trap, I have to go to the end to see what is going on today?"

Mrs. Ru said in shock: "Don't you feel the strong pressure here? Why do you act so relaxed?"

Lu Yu shook his head gently: "I have been to a more magical place, where the gravity is dozens of times higher than normal. Ordinary people can't even move their toes there. Where are you? "

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned, unable to imagine that there was such a place in the world.

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