Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1811 Water Palace

I saw that the lake surface was as flat as a mirror, and countless white clouds continued to fall into the lake. The spiritual energy here was actually extremely rich.

Even the lake in front of him is very special. This is not ordinary water at all, but the result of liquefied spiritual energy.

In other words, the water in the jade cloud pond in front of you is actually a kind of true essence water.

Because the spiritual energy is too strong, it is rare for the spiritual energy to turn into dew or frost, but it is not unheard of. For example, such scenes often occur in spiritual veins.

But in nature, Lu Yu had never seen such a huge lake of true essence formed naturally.

If converted into spiritual veins, the jade cloud pool in front of you does not know how many spiritual veins have to be drained to form the scene in front of you. It is no wonder that top-notch treasures like purple and white plants grow here.

At this moment, Lu Yu somewhat understood the rules of operation here. No wonder the entire Mount of the Dead was deserted. Even walking in it would feel a sharp loss of spiritual energy on his body. It turned out that it was precisely because all the spiritual energy around him gathered here. reason.

In other words, the jade cloud pool in front of you is like a black hole of spiritual energy, causing all the surrounding spiritual energy resources to gather here uncontrollably. Only within a certain range, such as this canyon area, This passing trend will stop.

Only in a place like Guantian World, which is extremely rich in spiritual energy resources, can such a spectacle be formed. To a certain extent, this can also be regarded as a feature of the Guantian Event.

However, even if Lu Yu saw this, it was only a very superficial understanding. He still knew nothing about how this place was formed and what the underlying logic was.

"You three, please come this way!"

As Duke Yunyang spoke, he pointed out the location of a plank road to the three of them in a cloud of steaming mist.

This is a plank corridor with a stone structure, entrenched above the lake, obscured by the white mist. It is not known where it leads, but it is obviously man-made. Judging from its existence alone, It can be seen that the Great Evil Empire has been operating here for many years and has a considerable degree of control over it.

The three of them followed Duke Yunyang's guidance and walked onto the plank road. At this time, they felt as if they were walking on the lake. They felt the richness of the spiritual energy, almost a sticky feeling, as if they were wrapped in paste. Average.

"Three of you, you must have felt it!" Duke Yunyang followed the three of them and continued: "The environment here is very special, so I ask the three of you to exercise restraint no matter what situation you encounter. Don’t act rashly!”

When Fu Jing and his daughter heard this, their expressions changed slightly.

They could understand the meaning of what Mr. Yunyang said. Because the spiritual energy was too strong, they were as if they were on top of a gunpowder keg. Any spell cast was equivalent to a spark being lit. If they were not careful, they would be in trouble. It may cause a series of chain reactions, blowing everyone to pieces.

In other words, despite the unusually rich spiritual energy here, in fact it is a forbidden magic area. If someone acts recklessly in it, everyone will not end well.

Lu Yu was naturally aware of the situation here, but he didn't react much. Instead, he couldn't help but laugh: "Madam, it seems that you were right. This place is really a trap..."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help being speechless for a while.

If this place was a trap, it was entirely because they asked for it. It was Lu Yu who took the initiative to request this place as a place for negotiation. It was tantamount to running headlong into the trap and could not blame anyone else.

"General Lu, you are joking again..." Mr. Yunyang said, "Our Great Evil Empire will never use this place as a trap to murder you, because we have done sufficient research and prediction. If there is a change in this place, , the turmoil caused will completely destroy the entire Wangjing City. Such consequences are definitely not something we can afford, let alone the extremely important resources here..."

"On the contrary, we use this place as a place for negotiation, and agreeing to your entry here is equivalent to handing over the fate of the entire Great Evil Empire into your hands, thus increasing our sincerity!"

"Really?" Lu Yu couldn't help laughing: "In this case, I am even more curious. What will be waiting for us in front? What level of sincerity do you have?"

Duke Yunyang couldn't help but fell silent.

In fact, his current actions are entirely in compliance with the will of Emperor Wang Daxie. As for the specific arrangements that Emperor Wang Daxie will make ahead, he does not know.

Everyone continued to move forward and finally walked through the long plank road and arrived in front of a palace.

It is said to be a palace, but in fact the environment here is very simple. It is basically the same as a pavilion flying on the water. It is only because the words "Water Palace" are written on its plaque that it is regarded as a palace. A palace.

However, being able to build a pavilion flying over the water in such an environment fully illustrates the strength of the Great Evil Empire.

In the palace, a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance was sitting. Although he was only wearing casual clothes, he exuded the extraordinary demeanor of a natural superior.

As soon as he saw this man, Duke Yunyang immediately knelt down and shouted: "See your majesty!"

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