Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1840 Nine-Nine Lotus Born

"Is that really you?" Fu Jing asked.

"I think so."

Lu Yu looked into the other person's eyes and said slowly, "Actually, I also saw a very magical scene just now. I think it should be you..."

"I also turned into a lotus?" Fu Jing couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"It's not a lotus, but a piece of jade... seven orifices exquisite jade."

"Seven orifices Exquisite Jade..." Fu Jing murmured to himself, and then quickly shook his head: "How could this happen? You are a god, so it is not surprising that you would turn into the image of a lotus, but I am just an ordinary person. It’s just, how can it have an incarnation?”

Lu Yu said: "Are you considered an ordinary person?"

"Compared with ordinary people, I am certainly not ordinary, but compared with you, am I still ordinary..."

"You are definitely not ordinary!" Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head when he thought of her birth. "In addition, the incarnation image has nothing to do with being an ordinary person. Before I came here, I was actually just an ordinary person. Just ordinary people..."

"Stop it, stop it!"

Fu Jing moved one hand repeatedly, and held his forehead with the other hand.

"Can you please stop talking to me? My mind is so messed up right now... Let me clear my mind first, and then we can talk about these topics, okay?"

After speaking, she hurriedly turned around and left without waiting for Lu Yu's response.

It seemed that as long as he stayed farther away from Lu Yu, the confusion in his mind would be alleviated.

Lu Yu shrugged speechlessly and could only watch Fu Jing leave.

In fact, he could understand Fu Jing's feelings at this time. He had also experienced the feeling of having so many things crammed into his mind that he was about to explode.

Compared with Fu Jing's cultivation strength at this time, her mind and consciousness are not strong, so this painful feeling will be more intense, and it is not surprising that she would have such a reaction.

But then again, even if the mind and consciousness are strong enough, the previous process is still quite difficult to understand. Even Lu Yu himself still has many things that he has not yet figured out.

"I also need to sort out my thoughts..."

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The interaction of power with Fu Jing just now actually brought him a lot of information. It not only allowed him to better understand Fu Jing and the seven wonderful jade in her body, but also gave him a better understanding of his own power. A lot of thinking, these thoughts could not be deepened at the time, but now is the time to settle down.

At this moment, Lu Yu suddenly sensed that Mrs. Ru was approaching.

He suddenly couldn't help but have a headache.

After the turmoil just now, it is not difficult to imagine how furious Mrs. Ru would be.

She must have mistakenly thought that she had "intimate contact" with Fu Jing again, and was completely unwilling to listen to her own explanation.

"Forget it, I can't afford to offend her, I can afford to hide... Let her calm down first!"

After saying that, he plunged directly into the lake.

By the time Mrs. Ru arrived, there was only a shallow ripple on the lake.

Another day and night passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yu had been lurking under the lake and never showed up.

He was like a baby immersed in the amniotic fluid of his mother's womb, quiet and peaceful, free and comfortable.

But all this is just a superficial phenomenon. Deep in his mind and consciousness, earth-shaking changes have already taken place...

Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, there is still a vast starry sky.

But at this time, the starry sky is no longer quiet, but in full swing. Every star is beating constantly. There is no fixed coordinate position and stable trajectory. The stars are chaotic like fireflies on a summer night, and they collide with each other from time to time. Together, an extremely violent turmoil broke out, a scene that looked like the end of the world.

These chaos correspond to the golden elixir blueprint in Lu Yu's body.

His golden elixir blueprint has long been determined, and it is exactly the image of the Nine Stars Qianmo. This scene means that the idea of ​​the Nine Stars Qianmo is collapsing.

All of this is the result of his "precipitation" of his thoughts.

The insights he gained from Fu Jing completely shook his original idea of ​​the golden elixir, and almost destroyed the already solid blueprint of the Nine-Star Qianmo.

The reason for such a change was that he had doubts about the stability of the Nine-Star Terrace. The Nine-Star Terrace was derived from the Mystery of the Stars. At one time, he thought that this was the limit that the Mystery of the Stars could evolve. But after After observing the seven holes in Fu's crystal, he realized that this might not be the case.

In the seven-aperture exquisite jade, the phenomenon of the seven apertures interpenetrating with each other corresponds to a law of the operation of the universe.

If Jiuxing Qianmo is viewed according to this law, then it is no longer absolutely stable and reliable.

The Nine Stars Terrace is just the evolutionary limit of one dimension of the Mysteries of the Stars. But through the laws of the Seven Apertures Exquisite Jade, Lu Yu suddenly realized that the universe he was in was not just one dimension.

This feeling is like playing with a Rubik's Cube. I had finally managed to unify the color of one of the faces, and I felt a sense of accomplishment. But when I turned around, I realized that the Rubik's Cube had several other faces, and those faces The color is still a mess.

This kind of "mess" is what Lu Yu displayed in his sea of ​​consciousness at this time.

It was not until this moment that Lu Yu realized that on the scale of the universe, the positions of stars were not static.

Now he must find a new way to structure it so that the secrets of the stars can remain stable in other dimensions.

Of course, it is not easy to do this. Fortunately, he does not need to actually do it now. He only needs to come up with "imaginations" now. After being inspired by the Qiqiao Linglong Jade, he already has some clues, but It will take more time to completely sort out these clues.

Several days passed in the blink of an eye.

For people outside, this has been a long time. They have long been like ants on a hot pot, but to Lu Yu, all this seems to be a snap of a finger.

Finally, he found a clue among the chaotic stars in the sky, and suddenly a flash of light flashed through his mind, and his thoughts suddenly became bright and enlightened.

Nine huge stars appeared in the starry sky again, interconnected with each other, forming an interconnected orbit.

This is exactly the scene of Jiuxing Qianmo. Originally, in a single dimension, its structure has been extremely stable, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as indestructible.

But on the scale of the universe, there are more dimensions. Even the star as the base point is no longer static, and the nine-star network derived from it is naturally no longer solid and reliable.

Sure enough, under the shock of the starry sky, the Nine-Star Street was instantly oppressed, disrupted, and distorted, and was about to be destroyed... But at this moment, Lu Yu constructed a brand new Nine-Star Street, which was just right to support it. The first scene of Nine Stars Street appeared, which was about to be shattered into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the second nine-star street quickly began to twist, and Lu Yu constructed the third one in time...

The fourth picture...

The fifth picture...

The sixth picture...

Whenever the Nine-Star Terrace in front was torn apart, Lu Yu would construct a brand new Nine-Star Terrace to forcibly support it. However, the turbulence of the multi-dimensional universe was too intense. No matter how many Nine-Star Terraces were constructed, they would eventually be destroyed. Once it returns to disorder and chaos.

The turning point occurred when the ninth nine-star Qianmo appeared.

This time, Lu Yu did not simply support, but performed an incredible operation, making the ninth nine-star barrier connect with the original first nine-star barrier at an incredible angle.

Suddenly, a magical scene happened!

The lines of the street that were originally completely distorted turned into a brand new picture after being connected by ninety-nine links.

This picture is strikingly in the shape of a lotus!

Lu Yu stared at the lotus flower intently, feeling that every line, every intersection, every arc in it was full of infinite mystery.

A word popped up in his mind involuntarily - Jiujiu Liansheng!

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