Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1859 Everyone has his own plans

"What are you doing with Afeng?" Mrs. Ru said calmly.

"What are you doing with him?"

Kou Xianyuan snorted coldly:

"Madam, you won't say that you don't know anything about what Lu A Feng did in Da Ruidi Capital, right?"

"Logically speaking, I should have gone to the Ruidi Capital in person, and then went to Xihai City to pay a visit and resolve the matter properly... Unfortunately, something unexpected happened here, so that I have been unable to escape, but okay Now that you have brought it to your door, it’s the same as settling it here!”

Mrs. Ru's heart tightened.

The other party really has bad intentions!

However, she still kept her composure on her face and said, "So, your Excellency is here specifically to ask questions this time? You don't intend to have a good talk with us?"


Kou Xianyuan couldn't help laughing, and looked back at Guo Kun and Yao Po behind him: "She actually thought that we came here to have a good talk with them..."

When Guo Kun and Yao Po heard this, they couldn't help but laugh. The smiles on their faces were meaningful.

Everyone was secretly frightened and had an unpleasant feeling.

After laughing for a while, Kou Xianyuan suddenly turned cold and said in a cold voice: "Why do you think you can be on an equal footing with our three major sects? With these rabble around you? Or is it the flame dragon that was forced out by the medicine of tiger and wolf? Or is it? Is it the Guanlan royal blood flowing through you?"

"Don't be too naive! This is no longer a thousand years ago, and it is no longer the era when the Guanlan clan dominated! Even if you were once a phoenix, the phoenix that landed is not as good as a chicken. Even if a bunch of chickens and dogs gather around you, It can’t change this fact! You will never have a chance to fly on the branch again!”

Mrs. Ru's expression changed.

She expected that this meeting would not be easy, but she did not expect that the other party would be so aggressive and leave no room for error.

The strong men around them couldn't help but look ugly.

Although most of them succumbed to coercion and were forced to join the Fuxing Alliance, as a powerful man who once dominated the party, he naturally didn't feel good when he heard Kou Xianyuan use words like "rabble" and "pieces of chicken" to describe himself.

"Okay, okay, it's been so many years, Kou Xianyuan, you still haven't changed at all, you still like to pretend so much!"

At this time, Po Yao also came up and said.

"You don't think that you have some old grudges with them, so you can use this as an excuse to attack them first? If that's the case, then Fatty Guo and I won't be polite to you!"

As she spoke, she gently pulled the hem of her skirt, and suddenly the long red skirt was like a waterfall flowing into a river of blood. Countless red lights poured down, dyeing the entire ground scarlet in the blink of an eye.

Guo Kun also waved his sleeves gently, pointing the cuffs in the direction of Kou Xianyuan, and said with a smile: "You're right, although the old witch is a bit unreasonable, I still hate self-righteous guys like you even more. Some...don't you think you are the only smart person?"

Everyone around them was stunned. They had no idea what was going on. How could they suddenly start fighting each other again?

Mrs. Ru could not help but murmur in her heart.

What are these three guys doing here?

"What the hell is going on?"

Taking advantage of the stall where the three of them were confronting each other, Mrs. Ru waved to King Ye and asked in a low voice.

King Ye shook his head. He was also confused: "I don't know... As far as I know, I have never heard of any personal grudges between the three of them..."

Mrs. Ru could not help but be silent for a while.

This whole thing is really strange, not only the scene in front of me, but also the fact that the three people in front of me came to the door at the same time... The three major sects are originally competing with each other, especially when it comes to discovering the secrets of Fenghe Province's miracles. How could they suddenly come to the door at the same time as if they had already discussed this matter?

"Could it... be related to Master Feng?" King Ye said in a deep voice.

"A Feng?" Mrs. Ru was surprised and uncertain.

King Ye said: "Master Feng has been very mysterious during this period. I think if he is just spying on the enemy, there is no need for him to go to such a level..."

Mrs. Ru fell silent again.

In fact, she has a deeper understanding of Lu Yu's capabilities. With Lu Yu's ability, of course it is impossible to just spy on information. Otherwise, how could it be possible to spy for so many days but never bring back any information?

Originally, she thought that Lu Yu was busy with matters related to the miraculous treasure, and in order to keep the secret, he acted so secretly... But now it seems that this may not be the case.

"I don't know, he didn't reveal anything to me." Mrs. Ru said in a low voice.

In the time between these few words, something changed in the field. The three of them seemed to have a disagreement and started fighting.

"Madam, what should we do now?"

King Ye looked at the three people huddled together, frowned and said.

Although it seemed that Guo Kun and Yao Po had reached a verbal agreement before, and the two of them joined forces to deal with Kou Xianyuan, but when it came time to actually take action, it was not the case at all. If there was a chance, they would try to trick the other party.

Everyone now fully understood that no matter how extravagant the words were, it could not change the fact that the three of them were hostile to each other. The conflict between them had reached a fever pitch, and they all wanted to take advantage of them to take advantage of the other two. Get rid of.

The sky was overcast with clouds, there were bursts of lightning and thunder, and the earth was cracked.

The situation in the field was changing rapidly, and everyone was dazzled. Even if everyone had the strength of a strong man, it was very difficult to keep up with the rhythm of the three people in the field.

"Don't worry about them!"

At this time, Mrs. Ru finally made up her mind: "Since A Feng has not made any special instructions, it means that he does not need us to do anything, so we will just wait and see how things get better!"

After a pause, he changed his tone: "However, just in case, let's distribute the elixirs first!"

After saying that, she opened the purple and white plant box in her hand, took out a Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill, and then handed the entire box to King Ye.

There were not many elixirs left inside.

Although she didn't know that the three people in front of her were having an earth-shaking fight, Mrs. Ru didn't think she could rest easy once the three of them decided the winner.

If the situation continues to develop like this, a last-ditch battle will inevitably be necessary in the end.

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