Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 188 A sudden change in the back mountain

On the mountain behind Jade Butterfly Peak, in a seemingly inconspicuous building.

This is the alchemy room that Lu Yu specially built for himself. The design fully combines the knowledge in the "Lotus Alchemy Sutra". All the equipment and equipment are purchased from the top manufacturing workshop of Yuhai Xianzong. It can be said that this is The best alchemy room in the entire Jade Butterfly Peak.

This alchemy room was just completed in the past few days, and Lu Yu couldn't wait to move in as soon as it was completed.

While the alchemy conference in the Shanjing Banquet Hall was in full swing, Lu Yu locked himself in this alchemy room alone.

The reason why he locked himself up here alone was for a huge alchemy project.

He had previously exchanged the Cleansing Pill for ten kinds of top-notch heavenly materials and earthly treasures from Baoding Peak. Recently, he had established orders with various forces and received a large advance deposit. At this time, he can be said to have resources in his hands. rich.

In addition, the alchemy room that he spent a lot of effort and built for a long time was finally completed. Lu Yu could no longer hold back the impulse in his heart and couldn't help but need to start refining the alchemy.

Because of this, he did not even show up on such an important occasion as the Alchemy Conference. Compared with the two, the alchemy plan involving ten top-notch natural materials and earthly treasures was undoubtedly more attractive to him. .

In his plan, the entire refining process will need to last at least twenty-one days, and the operation must be continued in the middle, and the fire must not be cut off. If everything goes well, he will refine an elixir with extremely abundant spiritual energy. , it is not certain that it can be worth his years of cultivation.

Lu Yu used the evolutionary effect in the second star to think over and over again, but he still didn't take action.

After all, the materials used this time were too valuable, and this was also the first time he had personally carried out such a huge refining plan, so he had to be cautious.

Suddenly, a beam of light from a communication talisman flew in.

Lu Yu opened the messenger talisman. It turned out to be developed by Qi Yun, and reported to him how successful the Dan Dan conference just ended was and how Fang Gan's performance amazed everyone. Now everyone is very excited and is holding a banquet to celebrate in the front mountain. , as if celebrating the New Year, asked Lu Yu if he wanted to go over and participate.

Lu Yu smiled faintly, threw the communication talisman aside, then stopped continuing the deduction, stood up and walked towards the alchemy furnace in the room.

In fact he had been waiting for this summons.

Although he had expected that as long as Fang Gan used the method of extraction, there would be no problems in this elixir discussion conference, but he still had to worry. After all, if there was any emergency, it might still be necessary. He went out to the rescue.

Now that the news of the successful conclusion of the entire Dan Conference has come, it means that in the coming time, there will no longer be any important matters that require his intervention.

Even if there are some matters that occasionally require him to make a decision, he can still handle them through the communication talisman without disturbing his entire alchemy plan.

In other words, he could finally start this huge alchemy project without any distractions.

Lu Yu took a deep breath and opened the alchemy furnace.

He has deduced the entire refining process countless times, but he still feels a little nervous.

After all, theory is theory and practice is practice. Although in theory there is no problem with the entire plan, no one can guarantee whether his hands will shake a little during the actual operation.

With this thought in his mind, Lu Yu did not hesitate in his hands.

Add ingredients, seal the furnace, and light the fire!

The entire set of operations is completed in one go, without any sloppiness.

Lu Yu's heart couldn't help but get excited as the flames beat in the furnace.

There is no turning back when the bow is fired. After so many days of planning, success or failure, good or bad, all depends on this.

Lu Yu kept moving his hands quickly and accurately, injecting the power of the red lotus into the alchemy furnace.

Following his gesture, the alchemy furnace made a whining sound. Every time a red lotus power was injected into it, the entire huge furnace body vibrated.

The movements of Lu Yu's hands became faster and faster, and the vibration frequency of the alchemy furnace became higher and higher.

In the end, the entire alchemy furnace seemed to be dancing, spinning around in place.

At the same time, the whining sounds also continued, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

This scene, if seen by outsiders, would definitely be awe-inspiring.

Such a momentum shows that the alchemy energy in the furnace is also surging, majestic and vast!

Lu Yu's operation lasted for two full hours.

It wasn't until late at night that he finally stopped.

At this time, the entire huge alchemy furnace had three feet off the ground, hovering three feet high above the ground, spinning slowly, like a large hydrangea being hung up.

Lu Yu let out a long breath.

This first step is finally done, and there are no mistakes. Next, you can take it slow and wait for time to ferment. You will not need to operate again after four hours.

Lu Yu walked to the futon aside, planning to take a good rest.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt a warning sign.

Someone broke into the area of ​​​​the alchemy room!

Lu Yu was not very nervous. He guessed that the person coming was Fang Gan.

In order to help Fang Gan summarize the extraction method, the formation of the alchemy room here was undefended for him, and this guy had a criminal record. He liked to come to him in the middle of the night to talk about alchemy. I think he was the only one who would be there. At this time, he ran over to find himself.

"Senior Brother Fang Qian, is that you? How much wine did they drink to you tonight..."

Halfway through the words, Lu Yu immediately realized something was wrong because he didn't smell any alcohol.

And if it was Fang Qian, as the protagonist who stole the show at the Dan Conference today, it was impossible for him not to be drunk by everyone.

The intruder came in quickly.

As expected, it was not Fang Gan, but a tall and thin man.

He was also wearing the deacon uniform of the Dali Sword Sect.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frowned.

Could this person be one of the representatives sent by various forces to observe the Lundan Conference? But why didn't I have the slightest impression of him?

"Who are you? Why are you trespassing in the forbidden area of ​​Jade Butterfly Peak?"

"Forbidden area?" The man smiled, "Could it be that if you just circle a place on Jade Butterfly Peak, you can call it a forbidden area?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown even more tightly.

Judging from the other party's attitude, it seemed that this person had bad intentions. He really couldn't think of any deacon representative who would have such an attitude towards him.

The man walked into the Dan Fang, looked at the three-legged giant cauldron spinning in the air behind Lu Yu, and laughed.

"You are indeed an alchemy genius. In the Jingyan Hall on the front mountain, I heard your disciples talk about the extraction method. I found it quite novel and interesting! What method is used in this alchemy furnace now? I have never heard of it before. I’ve never heard of such a unique alchemy technique!”

Lu Yu felt a chill in his heart.

This person really came from the Dan Dan Conference, but I don’t know how he got here quietly. Why didn’t he trigger any alarms along the way?

"Who are you? If you continue to refuse to identify yourself, don't blame me for being rude."

While talking, Lu Yu took out the Feihong Sword and held it in his hand.

The man glanced at the shining magic weapon in Lu Yu's hand and smiled faintly.

"I'm Xu Mingshen."

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