Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1894 Act according to circumstances

"Thousand Eyes Lord!"

Lu Yu said in a deep voice.

"Wha...what?" Mrs. Ru was surprised.

Lu Yu took a deep breath, spit it out leisurely, and said: "Do you still remember what I told you? This is my enemy... To be precise, this is just one sent by my enemy. One of the leaders, and also an extraterrestrial force hidden behind the Temple of Hades! "

Mrs. Ru said: "In other words, this is a real god?"

"Whether he is a real god or not depends on how you define it..." Lu Yu said, "Generally speaking, as long as you transcend the laws of the big world and can successfully transcend tribulations and fly into the sky, you can already be called a god, but in this case There are certain differences between gods and gods in myths and legends. For example, the legendary Dragon God, this Thousand-Eyed King must not have reached the level of him... but in any case, he is definitely more like a god than me. True God.”

"Then what should we do now?" Mrs. Ru asked confusedly.

Although the idea of ​​​​rescuing her daughter has not changed in her heart, the natural repressive power of a god in the distance makes her involuntarily less confident and instinctively feels fear.

"What are you afraid of!"

Lu Yu scolded.

"I've said it before, even gods are not omnipotent, otherwise I wouldn't still be here alive and kicking... not to mention I haven't really come here yet!"

Mrs. Ru was stunned: "You haven't come here yet? But... what is going on in front of you?"

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "A friend once told me in the past that after ascending to heaven, the gods outside the sky will be repelled by the laws of the big world because their power is too strong, so it is impossible for their main bodies to enter the big world. , there are only two ways to re-enter the big world, either to reincarnate, or to suppress the realm and descend as a Dharma body. The situation in front of you does not look like reincarnation..."

Mrs. Ru was surprised and said: "In other words, this Thousand Eyes King is coming in the form of Dharma body?"

Lu Yu nodded and continued his analysis: "The purpose of his dharma body coming is definitely to deal with me, but he also knows my abilities and knows that if he is not strong enough, he will probably not be able to do anything to me... Therefore, he must use this aspect to be powerful. The emergence of the strongest strength within the scope allowed by the laws of the world will not be an easy task, and it will not be completed so quickly..."

Mrs. Ru saw a cold light flashing in Lu Yu's deep eyes, and she couldn't help being frightened: "So... you plan to prevent him from coming?"

"That's the best thing to do!"

Lu Yu said with a cold look, "Don't look at the majestic noise over there, but in fact he is like a baby in labor. This is the time when he is at his weakest. If you want to deal with him, now is the best time. ...Although there is a high probability that it will not hurt his body, it is good to delay his arrival. What we need most now is time!"

Mrs. Ru said: "I'm afraid this won't be easy... Judging from the location, that side should be the central area of ​​the Hades Temple. Not to mention preventing the arrival of Thousand Eyes Lord, even if we want to enter it, it will be difficult. Such an easy thing..."

"Of course it won't be easy." Lu Yu said, "Whether we can succeed or not depends on whether the other party gives us a chance. In short, as I said before, let's go over and see the situation first, and then we will act accordingly!"

"Of course, there is a more important point! That is, before that, we must recharge our batteries and appear there in the best condition... So, madam, can you stop being distracted?"

Mrs. Ru suddenly couldn't help but show an apologetic look.

The triggering of the ethereal realm is not just about two people being in close contact together. In addition, there must be desire as a pulling force... But just now she suddenly saw the sight of Thousand-Eyed King coming in front of her, and she could not help but put all her emotions into it. All the charming desires were thrown out of his mind, so the ethereal realm had ceased at this time.

"Hug, sorry... I, I can't do it right now, please give me some time to relax..." Mrs. Ru said softly.

Although all this happened for a reason, she still felt that her performance was "very unprofessional."

Lu Yu said: "I can wait for you, but Lord Qianyan and the people from Hades Temple will not wait for us..."

"It'll be fine in a while..." Mrs. Ru said with a blushing face.

However, this kind of thing can often only be understood. If you are too deliberate, you will never feel it...

"Is it that difficult? Madam, your performance makes me doubt myself..." Lu Yu said with a dumbfounded voice, "In that case, why not let me help you!"

After saying that, he put one hand up and the other down, and simultaneously launched an attack on the snow-capped peaks and dark forests.


Mrs. Ru was caught off guard and let out a sweet cry.

However, her voice was soon blocked by Lu Yu with his mouth...

After a while, the two finally entered the ethereal realm again.

The true energy in Lu Yu's body was quickly restored.

After using the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape several times in a row, the two of them had already crossed a distance of thousands of miles. At this time, the light and shadow of the totem coming from Thousand Eyes Lord in front of them became clearer and clearer, and one could already see that there was something hidden in the huge eyeball totem. Thousands of small eyeball patterns are so densely packed that it makes one’s scalp numb just to see them.

It was only at this moment that Mrs. Ru finally understood why this powerful man from outside the world was called Lord Thousand Eyes.

But strangely enough, as she was getting closer and closer to Qian Yanyanjun's totem, the fear in her heart lessened. She no longer had the involuntary trembling that she had before. She didn't know if it was because of Lu Yu... …

However, at this moment, she suddenly noticed a strange scene.

I saw a pattern of a peacock spreading its wings suddenly appeared under the earth...

"Look! What is that?"

Mrs. Ru quickly reminded Lu Yu and said.

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