Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1949 Choose one of the two

Mother and daughter looked at each other silently, their eyes competing.

Lu Yu had now confirmed that the mother and daughter were indeed at odds again.

He really couldn't understand. They obviously cared about each other very much. They had gone through hardships this time and finally reunited. Why did they fall apart again in such a short time?

"Okay, let you do it then!" In the end, Fu Jing gave in. She shook her head gently: "But even so, you can't change anything..."

Mrs. Ru sneered unconvinced: "Really? That's not necessarily true!"

"If you don't believe me, just wait and see..." Fu Jing said lightly, then turned to face Lu Yu, her tone instantly softened: "A Feng, then... let her come with you next! Can you still do it by sending me away alone?"

"Uh... OK!" Lu Yu was caught off guard by such a change and nodded blankly.

Then a colorful light belt was drawn, and Fu Jing was sent away from this place first. Although there was not much real energy left in his body, it was still enough to just send one person.

Suddenly, only Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru were left on the scene.

"Madam... what is going on? Wasn't it fine just now? Why did it suddenly become like this?" Lu Yu asked.

Mrs. Ru's face was as dark as water and she said: "A Feng, do you think you should stop calling me Madam... Now that the Renaissance Alliance has been established, it is just around the corner that the Guanlan Dynasty can regain its former glory. It's time for me to change my name to a brand new one!"

"Uh...then what should I call you?"

"My real name is Huo Yunru, you can call me 'Yunru' from now on!"

"Yunru?" Lu Yu looked stunned.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Ru nodded helpfully and agreed softly: "Yes!"

Lu Yu suddenly felt bad. Although he had always been an informal person and had done deviant things, the other party's reaction at this time was undoubtedly very strange.

"This...seems a little bad, doesn't it?" Lu Yu's eyebrows almost twisted into a twist.

"There's nothing wrong with it! We'll call it that from now on!" Mrs. Ru said, "Let's go! Let's talk as we go!"

"Well, I'm afraid this won't work for the time being..." Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "I don't have much real energy left now..."

Mrs. Ru stared at him for a moment in silence. Finally, as if she had finally made up her mind, she strode in front of Lu Yu, closed her eyes, stood on tiptoes, and then kissed him...

Lu Yu was shocked. When something went wrong, there must be a monster. This was too abnormal... He subconsciously turned his head and hid aside.

Mrs. Ru opened her eyes again and asked, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing……"

"I'm helping you recover your true energy!" Mrs. Ru said matter-of-factly, "Don't you and Jing'er always do this? Even with me... you haven't done this to me before... "

Although she was confident at the beginning, in the end, she still couldn't help but blush slightly.

Indeed, when he successfully escaped from the Temple of Hades for the first time, Lu Yu did forcefully kiss the seriously injured Mrs. Ru in order to help her recover, but that time was actually under the instruction of Fu Jing... Mrs. Ru has never been... She has never shown such a proactive behavior before, and she has always tried every means to avoid such contact. Her current behavior is really abnormal.


Before Lu Yu could say anything, Mrs. Ru interrupted softly: "Don't move!"

She stared at Lu Yu closely, a very complicated color flashed in her eyes, and said: "Those things you did with Jing'er in the past, you can do the same with me now..."

After saying that, he kissed Lu Yu directly on the lips.

At this distance, Lu Yu had no choice but to avoid him.

He could only passively accept it all.

It was not that he had not thought about whether Mrs. Ru at this moment had been tampered with by others. For example, Lord Qianyanyan left a special power that affected her mind... However, after his careful inspection, it turned out that there was no trace of Mrs. Ru in the end. Something suspicious was found on Madam, and her actions at this time were indeed her true thoughts.

Unknowingly, the two of them had entered the ethereal realm, and the true energy in Lu Yu's body began to grow and recover crazily.

Mrs. Ru finally let go of Lu Yu's lips, her face turned red, she gasped slightly and said, "Can you leave now?"

Lu Yu nodded: "Okay!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and drew out a brilliant strip of light, surrounding both of them.

The bodies of the two people naturally rose up and left the place quickly.

During the whole process, the two of them maintained a hugging posture, so that the state of the ethereal realm could continue.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had reached the high altitude, and the mountains and rivers below were quickly wiped away under their feet.

The two of them had experienced similar scenes more than once, but for some reason, this time there was something...

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