Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1956 Give everything you have

Next, Lu Yu began to answer Cui Zhenzhen in detail.

Cui Zhenzhen has extremely keen insight. In Lu Yu's view, many deep-seated questions should be far beyond her current understanding, but she still raised them. The angle of the questions was very tricky and sharp, and she hit the mark every time. The point is, facing such diligent and studious students, Lu Yu couldn't hide his clumsiness even if he wanted to.

From a teacher's point of view, the happiest thing is to have a very smart and tireless student. Moreover, Lu Yu himself hopes that Cui Zhenzhen can achieve success in her studies as soon as possible so that he can share part of the pressure for himself, so for her, it is He taught everyone everything he knew, and talked about everything he knew without any intention of hiding anything.

The elixir refining process in front of him has become the best on-site teaching. Many abstract theories can be found here with ready-made examples. In order to further clarify these abstract theories to Cui Zhenzhen, Lu Yu even further slowed down the refining process. process, so that we can take out ready-made examples and analyze and explain them individually for Cui Zhenzhen.

Unknowingly, time ran out. The refining process that originally only took an hour or two to complete after Lu Yu came in, was delayed again and again, and the speed was slowed down again and again. Half a day had passed. There is no end.

In the end, even Ning Wanxuan, who was waiting outside, couldn't help but come in to check on the situation.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing in there?"

Her voice came from far away from the entrance. Although her cultivation strength was higher, her sensitivity to changes in alchemy was far less than Cui Zhenzhen's. Therefore, it was impossible to walk to Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen without alerting the giant dragon in the sky. location.

"Although I don't want to ruin your good deeds, I still have to remind you that a long time has passed... Do you want to go out to eat and rest? Then start the second half to avoid injuring your body?"

Lu Yu suddenly had a black line on his forehead.

What is she thinking about? Could it be that she thought she was messing around with Cui Zhenzhen in the alchemy furnace... Luckily she could figure it out!

Cui Zhenzhen blushed all the way to her ears. She lowered her head timidly and whispered, "Sister Xuan seems to have misunderstood..."

"Sister Xuan?"

"Ah...I went a little overboard, but this is what she asked me to call..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head.

Sure enough, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps...

"Don't worry about her! Let's continue..." Lu Yu said, "However, the speed of this batch of elixirs cannot be suppressed any longer. You first need to see how I finish them. After this batch is over, I will tell you later. Let’s open another furnace and start explaining again!”


Cui Zhenzhen agreed and took the initiative to step aside.

Next, Lu Yu began to take over the overall situation. This pot of elixirs that had been taking a long time finally ushered in the final moment when it was ready.

I saw Lu Yu reaching out and pointing towards the sky, and his fingertips injected a stream of green energy into the void. There was nothing surprising about this energy at first, but after drawing a certain distance in the air, it suddenly cracked, and in an instant The crack turned into hundreds of qi energy and spread into the air, just like a firework exploding in the air.

"Do you see clearly?" Lu Yu turned around and asked.

Cui Zhenzhen's eyes were bright, staring at the sky without blinking, and nodding her head.

"Then you have to watch it more carefully, because this is the real point!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and injected green energy into the air again, but this time it was no longer one, but three in a row.

Like the first green energy before, these three green energy also cracked and exploded quickly like fireworks, but they were no longer scattered in disorder. Every landing point and angle was rigorously and accurately calculated. , and finally intertwined into a huge network in the sky.

The flame dragon mimics in the air kept rolling violently, but no matter how they rolled, they could not escape the constraints of the network formed by the green energy, and were imprisoned in one grid after another.

In the end, they were like clay balls, sealed and shaped in the grid, and then slowly fell down, suspended in mid-air, like mature fruits.

"This is the method of 'green-yellow grafting'!"

Lu Yu finally said.

At this point, the furnace of elixir is officially completed.

In fact, in the program originally set by Lu Yu, there was no need to use this "green-yellow grafting" method, and the entire batch of elixirs could also be successfully completed. After all, Cui Zhenzhen's level could not use such a method. .

But because of the explanation to Cui Zhenzhen, he pressed the speed inside the alchemy furnace again and again. The original program had long been changed, and this was the only way to remedy it.

However, all this is exactly what Lu Yu wants, and it just allows him to explain this difficult alchemy technique. The use of this technique is the key node in his series of explanations.

"That's it!" Cui Zhenzhen was dazzled and deeply shocked. She kept mumbling: "I understand, I finally understand..."

Seeing her like this, Lu Yu felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. Frankly speaking, this made him happier than making a whole furnace of pills.

"Now that you understand it, I don't think you need to explain it any more later. I'll just let you try it yourself next time!" Lu Yu said with a smile.

"Ah... I, I'll come in person? Is this really okay?" Cui Zhenzhen said with a sigh.

It could be seen that she actually wanted to try it in her heart, but she was worried that she would mess up the matter.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Practice is the only criterion for testing theory. No matter how many techniques and theories you have mastered, if you can't put them into practice, it's just a bunch of empty talk... Besides, I didn't tell you to make another furnace. With the same elixir, we can start with something simpler. I think your current level is enough," Lu Yu encouraged.

After hearing what Lu Yu said, Cui Zhenzhen finally stopped hesitating: "Okay... then I'll give it a try!"

There was a frightening light in her eyes, as if she couldn't wait to start right away.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, you have been here for several days. Take a rest first and regain your energy before starting... Besides, it also takes some time to tidy up here!"

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