Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1964 Sufficient supply


Lu Yu was completely unaware of what was happening in the distance.

But even if he got the news, he probably wouldn't have time to care about it at this time.

With the reopening of the Ark on the Other Side, this legendary creation with hundreds of millions of years of history was revealed to the world for the first time without reservation. Although it was only part of the outer shell, its internal structure was completely like a majestic and huge city. This brought unprecedented shock to everyone, and also made Lu Yu very busy.

Several days passed. At this time, the list of the first batch of selected personnel had already been determined, and the personnel had officially settled in. As the only veteran who knew the way, Lu Yu was naturally responsible for settling these personnel and ensuring that they could work reasonably and effectively. Carry out activities in an orderly and safe manner.

Although Lu Yu had been alone in the Ark on the other side for a long time in the process of escaping from the original world, he had also explored various structural facilities inside the Ark when he was bored.

But even so, he didn't dare to say that he had a complete grasp of all the situations here. Even as he continued to explore, he felt more and more that this ancient mysterious creation was unfathomable, and there might be something hidden somewhere. A danger he didn't even know existed.

Therefore, Lu Yu circled a specific area and allowed the first batch of selected people to only move within the scope he had circled. In this way, it was not only a kind of protection for everyone, but also a protection for the Ark on the other side. .

This is naturally not an easy task for everyone. Anyone who sees such a mysterious and magnificent city can't help but want to explore it in depth.

Fortunately, Lu Yu's prestige at this time is no longer what it used to be. In the eyes of everyone, he is already an almost god-like existence. Therefore, everyone buys into his account. No one dares to act within the scope he has defined. Half a step beyond the thunder pool, otherwise, the few barriers he has set up will not be able to stop these people.

This work alone took Lu Yu several days in a row.

Fortunately, this process is not without any gains. What makes Lu Yu most gratified is that Guo Kun has made rapid progress during this period.

Perhaps because he officially entered this Dragon God ruins, he felt the aura and power of the Dragon God clan more deeply. Not only did he have his own special understanding of the power of the Dragon God, he was even able to communicate with other people. , guidance.

This undoubtedly saved Lu Yu a lot of time.

He reopened the entire ark, not to lead this group of people in to explore the secrets, but to let them better understand the characteristics of the dragon and gain a deeper understanding of the power of the Dragon God... Due to the lack of dragon blood, These people will definitely not be able to truly master the power of the Dragon God in the end, but as long as they understand the power of the Dragon God more deeply, they will be more comfortable operating the fire dragon dragon mimicry, and then they can perfectly simulate the dragon posture. Then the entire Ark on the Other Side can be radically transformed and repaired!

All this is naturally possible.

Lu Yu himself has been able to achieve perfect simulation. In other words, as long as the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill is blessed, he can turn into a real dragon at any time and control the Ark on the other side. He will never appear like when he first came. I can only sit in a daze on the porthole of the ark, helpless to deal with any changes around me.

Of course, what he can do with his "power of one dragon" alone is still very limited, so he needs more "helpers".

This process is not easy, nor can it be accomplished overnight.

Fortunately, now we have Guo Kun's personal experience, which is undoubtedly a good start. After all, the experience of a beginner like Guo Kun is more easily accepted by people with the same cultivation background as him.

If it were Lu Yu who came to speak out, he might be too high-minded, because his practice experience is definitely not a good learning experience for the general public.

Inside the Ark on the Other Side, everything was going on nervously and orderly.

After several days of busy work, Lu Yu finally completed the demarcation of the area, the layout of the barrier, the arrangement of personnel, and systematically explained to everyone the key points of controlling the flame dragon's mimicry.

Just when he thought he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, he didn't expect that there would be new news right away, which immediately made him breathless again.

"What did you say? The Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill is almost used up?" Lu Yu's eyes widened at Ning Wanxuan who came to report.

When he left Suyu Yunchi, Lu Yu gave her the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill for safekeeping, so she has been in charge of distributing it in the past few days.

"It's not all used up yet! There are about two hundred pills left now..." Ning Wanxuan said: "But it's almost done. Judging from the consumption rate in the past few days, it can last for two or three days at most!"

Lu Yu said in astonishment: "How could it be so fast? I remember when I left Suyu Yunchi, there should be at least thousands of Red Flame Dragon Control Pills in the box I gave you..."

Ning Wanxuan spread her hands and said: "There are thousands of them, but we can't stop the number of people we consume... The first batch of confirmed personnel list this time has hundreds of people, but the duration of one pill is only a short time." In just a quarter of an hour, even taking into account the cooling time, it is no problem to take three or four pills a day. How can a mere thousand or so pills be able to withstand such consumption? "

"In short, I distribute them strictly according to the standards you set. The whereabouts of every pill is recorded. If you don't believe it, you can check the account at any time!"

At the end, Ning Wanxuan was not only somewhat angry.

Lu Yu shook his head: "No, how could I not trust you... I was just too busy during this period of time, and I didn't expect that so many days have passed, and I didn't react for a while. Now I am sober!" Ning Wanxuan was no longer angry, and said: "Should we lower the standard appropriately, or only give priority to the most outstanding personnel... After all, this kind of elixir is too precious. We can't afford it if it continues like this. I have advised you before, but you insist on doing it..." "No." Lu Yu refused without thinking: "This standard cannot be lowered, otherwise the efficiency cannot be guaranteed... I have many plans next, which must be based on many members who can be familiar with the operation of the giant dragon mimicry. If this step fails, all the subsequent plans cannot be implemented!" Ning Wanxuan sighed: "What should we do now? Although tributes are still coming from all over the country, there is no shortage of materials for the time being, but it will take a lot of time for you to refine the elixir, right? If this goes on, you will probably have a hard time even if you stay in the Su Yuyun Pond every day!" Lu Yu couldn't help but be silent. This is indeed a problem, but he had actually thought of this problem a long time ago.

Not to mention that the first few days were too busy, even if everyone could perfectly simulate the dragon after stabilization, it would not work. Every time the Ark of the Other Shore was operated, a huge amount of Red Flame Dragon Taming Pills would be used. In this way, the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pills would become the power source of the Ark of the Other Shore in disguise. Even if he could open the furnace to refine pills without stopping, there would not be so many materials to supply continuously.

Therefore, this problem must be solved as soon as possible.

According to his initial idea, he planned to start from two aspects. One is to improve the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill and try to extend its duration; the other is to build a brand new pill furnace inside the Ark of the Other Shore to save the time cost of refining pills.

Originally, he thought he could do these two things later, but he didn't expect to face these problems so early.

Lu Yu thought silently for a moment, and finally his eyes revealed a firmness, and said: "You continue to keep a sufficient supply according to the original plan. As for the rest, I will find a way!"

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