Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1966 Another Road

Fu Jing's face suddenly became unnatural: "Why are you looking for me? Aren't you afraid that your Yunru will know?"

Lu Yu smiled awkwardly: "You should know that I was completely helpless. Madam threatened to die at that time. If I dared to say the word 'no', she would immediately smash her head with a palm..."

Fu Jing said: "Even if you are helpless, it is a fact that you have done something extremely outrageous in private!"

Lu Yu felt a burning sensation on his face. Recalling the scenes that happened between him and Madam Ru on the colorful light belt before, he could ignore the ridicule and ridicule of the world, but it was indeed difficult to face Fu Jing's eyes at this time.

He rarely avoided Fu Jing's sight, and said with a lonely and helpless face: "Then...what do you think I can do?"

This question, on the contrary, stumped Fu Jing.

She knew the real crux of the matter. In the whole thing, Lu Yu was just a tool man, and he really had no choice at that time.

"Forget it, I won't say anything..." Fu Jing sighed faintly: "I know, all this is my mother's strategy. She deliberately wants me to face this situation and make me uncomfortable in order to force me... I really can't blame you." Lu Yu said: "In fact, I have never figured out the real reason behind this. Are you two mother and daughter hiding something from me?" "There are indeed some reasons..." Fu Jing's eyes revealed an extremely complicated look. After thinking again and again, she finally shook her head: "I don't know where to start. Speaking of which, in short, my mother wants me to do something I am reluctant to do..."

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Let me guess, this matter is not related to the supreme power of the Guanlan clan?"

Fu Jing was surprised and said, "How do you know?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "It's not difficult to guess. Madam loves you very much. After you were abducted by the Hades Temple this time, I saw her reaction clearly. I can't think of any other reason for her to force you like this, except for the factor of the supreme power... Moreover, during the whole process of your birth into this world , the Supreme Power originally played an extremely important role. "

Fu Jing smiled bitterly and nodded: "Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from you. All this is indeed related to the Supreme Power, but my mother did not really tell me what happened. However, as my strength increased, I gradually had some vague feelings about many things. I roughly guessed her intentions... However, these are just some of my guesses after all!"

Lu Yu asked curiously: "Then what did you guess?"

Fu Jing looked at him and blushed slightly: "I feel that my mother wants me to always remain pure and innocent , not only physically, but also mentally, no damage is allowed..."

Lu Yu was stunned: "So, Madam thinks that my existence will destroy your physical and mental purity?"

Fu Jing's face became redder: "She has indeed regarded you as the biggest threat..."

Lu Yu didn't know what to say for a while. No wonder Madam Ru's series of attitudes were so strange. It turned out that the crux of everything was here...

Physically pure and chaste, this is easy to say. As long as she keeps an eye on the two of them and doesn't give Lu Yu any chance, it's not so easy to destroy.

As for the state of mind... Lu Yu can feel Fu Jing's feelings for him, which is indeed hard to guard against. No wonder she deliberately got intimate with him in front of Fu Jing, it turned out to force Fu Jing to cut off the love.

This is why she has no way to get rid of herself. If she had other ways to target herself, she might have taken other tougher methods long ago!

However, as far as what we have seen so far is concerned, this is just an appearance.

Why does Fu Jing need to keep both her body and mind pure and chaste at the same time?

What use does all this have for the supreme strongman?

It seems that when she talked about her experience in the Hades Temple, she did not tell everything. Deep in her heart, there are still some unknown secrets hidden, which are so important that even Fu Jing today has not revealed them...

Lu Yu shook his head and stopped worrying about these problems.

There are still many things that give him a headache, such as the imminent supply of elixirs... If he gets entangled in these problems now, he will waste a lot of thoughts.

In this situation, every bit of his energy is precious. He might as well think about how to repair these array settings on the Ark of the Other Shore. Before the next wave of actions of the Bixiao Palace arrives, he must at least repair one attack array and one defense array, so that he can have the strength to fight against the strong enemy.

"Then... what do you think?" Lu Yu asked.

"I..." Fu Jing was confused for a while: "I don't know either... I originally thought that by being with you, I could find the answers to all the questions and the secret of the origin of the blood power in our bodies... But my mother asked me to choose another way."

"It doesn't matter, no matter which way you choose, I will support you!" Lu Yu said: "But before you think about all this clearly, can you accompany me to a place first?"


"Su Yu Yunchi."

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