Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1994 Are you sure you want this?

Lu Yu woke up from the world of thoughts again, with a happy expression on his face.

"Jingjing, I have succeeded! Now we can start taking action!" He said excitedly.

However, after he said the words, he realized something was wrong and turned around suddenly. Only then did he realize that the person standing behind him was not the Fu Jing he remembered, but Mrs. Ru who had disappeared for several days.

"Madam...why is it you?" Lu Yu was greatly surprised.

In fact, when he read Xu Zhiyang's memory, he was not completely isolated from the outside world. When the other party entered the Hall of Heroes, he noticed someone approaching, but he subconsciously thought that the person was Fu Jing because he didn't pay special attention. I didn't expect to find out now that this person turned out to be Mrs. Ru.

"What? Are you disappointed to see me? Then who do you want to see?" Mrs. Ru said with a sneer.

Lu Yu said nothing and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He soon realized that the reason why he had caused such a misunderstanding was because of the blood power in her body... At this moment, Mrs. Ru, like Fu Jing, had also entered the second stage of awakening the blood power!

You know, Mrs. Ru had personally said before that her limit was the first stage of awakening.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, she would break through her original limits and advance the awakening of her bloodline power to the second stage... This was even more exaggerated than Fu Jing, who had pure bloodline!

"Did you think it was Jing'er who appeared here?"

Mrs. Ru twisted her waist like a water snake and walked towards Lu Yu.

"Are you always with her these days? Isn't it enough that you two have been together for so long?"

"Besides, what did you call me just now? Madam? You didn't call me that before..."

As she spoke, she kept approaching, her watery eyes looking straight at Lu Yu, and her towering breasts almost pressed against Lu Yu's body.

Lu Yu's face was as dark as water and he asked: "What have you been doing these days?"

Mrs. Ru smiled softly: "You have already seen it, right? How about it? Am I no worse than your 'Jingjing' now?"

Lu Yu said helplessly: "Can we talk about business first?"

Mrs. Ru smiled and said: "Business? Are you referring to my experience these past few days? Are you curious about this? Then you call me again. If it satisfies me, then I will forget about it and transfer all the mistakes. Tell you everything!”

Lu Yu was slightly startled.

Seeing her unreasonable look, Lu Yu had to admit that he was passive now. If he continued to argue with her, he didn't know how long it would take before he could get the truth from her, so he had to compromise.


"What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly?"

Lu Yu had no choice but to repeat it again: "Yunru...can you stop showing off?"

Mrs. Ru was finally satisfied. She flew onto Lu Yu's body and clamped her legs tightly around his waist. The swaying waves almost hit his face. She looked down at Lu Yu and said, "This is it." That's right! I don't blame you for falling into Jing'er's gentle land. After all, she was better than me before, but now I am no worse than her... I am willing to give you a chance to choose again!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Although her tone was very gentle, the threat in it was unmistakable.

Lu Yu didn't expect that after going through such a big circle, she would return to such a situation. Obviously, if her choice did not satisfy her, it would inevitably cause very serious consequences, but this time the consequences would definitely not be her own. It's so easy to commit suicide...

"Okay, can we stop messing around?" Lu Yu frowned and said, "When you go to Junshui City, did Emperor Siyu give you any new instructions?"

Mrs. Ru's eyes lit up: "Do you already know about Emperor Siyu?"

Lu Yu pointed at Xu Zhiyang, who had an obvious hole in his head next to him, and sneered: "What do you think he is doing here? Is there any secret he can hide from me?"

Mrs. Ru said: "Since you already know about Emperor Siyu, that's even better... Let me tell you the truth, Emperor Siyu supports me. She is the strongest support behind me. Tell me now." It’s your choice!”

Lu Yu shook his head: "Don't try to deceive me. What a strong backer. To put it bluntly, she is behind all this, right? Since Emperor Siyu is involved, you must make her conditions clear. I I won’t make any vague promises to you!”

"Why are you so confused?" Mrs. Ru said dissatisfiedly: "When you and I swore an oath to each other and loved each other, it was not like this..."

Lu Yu was puzzled for a while, thinking to himself when did he and her swear an eternal love and affection? Although there was indeed an ambiguity between the two of them, it couldn't be compared to their eternal alliance...

Immediately, Lu Yu discovered a sly smile in her eyes.

With a thought in his heart, he turned around and saw that Fu Jing had also arrived at the scene.

The scene suddenly became a little subtle...

Mrs. Ru's whole body was "hanging" on Lu Yu's body, and her breasts were almost covering Lu Yu's face. If she didn't know the inside story, she would have thought that the two of them were engaging in some kind of intimate sport.

The words she just said, "we vow to each other, and we are dear to each other," were obviously meant for Fu Jing...

If Fu Jing had seen this scene before, she might have stomped around and left, but Mrs. Ru didn't know that during her absence, the relationship between the two had been sublimated again. It was definitely not It will be destroyed if it is slightly disturbed.

Fu Jing did not turn around and leave, but stood firmly on the spot and asked in a deep voice: "Huo Yunru, what kind of monster are you doing?"

Mrs. Ru turned her head and glanced at her, slightly startled. It was obvious that Fu Jing's reaction was somewhat beyond her expectation...

Unexpectedly, seeing such a scene, Fu Jing neither lost her temper nor immediately blamed Lu Yu. Instead, she calmly questioned herself as a mother... Her calmness made Mrs. Ru feel a little strange.

After a moment of silence, Mrs. Ru ignored Fu Jing's question, turned to look at Lu Yu again, and said with a smile: "Do you want to know Emperor Siyu's conditions? Well, I will tell you personally... …”

As she spoke, she shook her body like a duck just out of the water, and shook off all the clothes on her body, until she was completely naked.

This scene was so exciting that even with Lu Yu's determination, he couldn't help but swallow.

"Didn't you want to train me into a cauldron before? This is the condition offered by Emperor Siyu. A descendant of Guanlan with second-level bloodline power may even break through to third-level awakening in the future. It's excellent. The body of the cauldron is at your disposal to take whatever you want..."

As Mrs. Ru spoke, she slowly "slipped" off Lu Yu's body, gradually lowered her body and knelt between Lu Yu's legs.

She turned to look at Fu Jing, looked at her daughter provocatively, and continued: "I will satisfy all your demands, no matter how excessive!"

After saying that, he set out to capture Lu Yu's vitals.

Unexpectedly, her move was blocked by Lu Yu.

Lu Yu pinched her wrist and looked down at her with a half-smile: "Are you sure you want to do this? Emperor Siyu?"

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