Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1997 The Key to the World


After a while, Huo Siyu regained his composure and praised Lu Yu.

"Now I finally understand why Thousand Eyes took the risk of crossing the starry sky to get rid of you. You are indeed a terrible opponent. If I were in his position, I'm afraid I would also have trouble sleeping and eating. Uneasy..."

"Get rid of it quickly?" Lu Yu smiled softly: "I'm afraid what the emperor said is wrong, isn't it? Isn't the condition that Lord Qianyanyan offered you that he wants my soul? He should have never thought of killing me. Let’s get rid of it quickly, right?”

Huo Siyu once again showed surprise: "It seems you really know everything!"

Lu Yu said: "I have said before that since you sent Xu Zhiyang here on purpose, you should be prepared for all the secrets to be in my hands. There is no need for you to test this again!"

Huo Siyu looked at Lu Yu steadily, looked at each other silently for a moment, and said: "Before coming here, I had full expectations for you, but now it seems that my expectations are still somewhat insufficient... Anyway, I admit that I did underestimate you, so you don’t have to do these meaningless actions anymore!”

"I have passed your test of what the Emperor means, right?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, "But didn't you just say that you want all aspects, but now I have only shown one aspect!"

Huo Siyu said: "From this aspect, we can already see a lot of things. You are indeed qualified to cooperate with me. There is no point in further testing! So, let's get straight to the point!"

Fu Jing was stunned when he heard the conversation between the two.

Originally, she thought that gaining the trust of Emperor Siyu would be a very difficult process, but she did not expect that the situation would progress so smoothly. In such a short period of time, Luo Yu passed the test of Emperor Siyu... ...It can only be said that Lu Yu is really outstanding. Even though she and Lu Yu are very familiar with each other, she still doesn't know enough about it.

However, what she didn't expect was that Lu Yu did not accept the olive branch extended by Emperor Siyu.

"Let's get to the point?" Lu Yu sneered: "Isn't the emperor a little too hasty? Although you have verified my qualifications, I have not yet got to know you in depth. If we cooperate under such circumstances, it will be unavoidable. It’s unfair!”

"What? Do you still want to test me?" Huo Siyu couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly: "I thought you had really seen my strength clearly?"

Lu Yu said: "You are just a ray of spiritual thought. The main part should still be in Junshui City to plot the big plan. How could I not know this? A ray of spiritual thought is already so powerful. What is the real spiritual thought main body?" You can imagine how powerful you are... Of course I'm not questioning your strength, but there are some problems. I think it's best for us to clarify them before we cooperate, so that we can have a good foundation of trust!"

"So, you want to negotiate terms with me first?" Huo Siyu smiled and looked back at Fu Jing behind him, "Is it her you want to talk about? It seems you really care about her!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned. Complex emotions arose in her heart, and she didn't know what to say.

Lu Yu admitted openly: "Jing'er's matter will naturally be mentioned, but it is not the first to bear the brunt. The most critical point at the moment is to first find out what conditions Qianyanyanjun has for you. What is it... He asked Xu Zhiyang to tell you that he would exchange my soul for the one thing you want most. I want to know what that thing is? "

Huo Siyu blinked: "So you are interested in this?"

Lu Yu said calmly: "If you want to cooperate, then I always need to know what you will lose by cooperating with me, and whether I can provide an equivalent weight."

Huo Siyu smiled and said: "I really appreciate you more and more... However, the thing Qianyan mentioned is a bit complicated to explain. Generally speaking, you can think of it as a key."

"Key?" Lu Yu frowned.

Huo Siyu nodded: "This key can unlock the ultimate secret of the blood power in our Guanlan clan..."

As she spoke, she turned to look at Fu Jing: "Aren't you also very interested in the origin of the bloodline of our Guanlan clan? For many years, I have been tirelessly exploring the answer to this question. Now, regarding this question The clue to the final answer lies in the hands of Qianyanjun and his gang."

"As long as we get the key in his hand, I dare not say that all problems will be solved, but at least it will give us a deeper understanding of ourselves. Only then will our Guanlan family usher in true glory. !”

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu Yu frowned even more tightly: "You have said so much, and it sounds very powerful, but when you think about it carefully, it seems that you didn't say anything at all..."

Huo Siyu said: "You are not a descendant of the Guanlan clan, so you don't know how we feel. Even if you can easily deduce the characteristics of our power, you still don't understand the pulling force rooted deep in the blood... But Jing'er has touched When she reaches the true meaning of power, she should be able to understand this feeling..."

"Perhaps, I should explain it in a way that you can understand... You should have noticed that this world is not what it is originally, but its basic origin and the origin of power in our blood are very subtle. The connection between the two, the real names of the two in the universe are very close, this must not be a coincidence, but what is the relationship between the two, I can't tell either..."

"But the key in the hands of Qianyan and others can decipher the world and restore its original appearance. In that case, why does the Guanlan clan appear in this world? What is our connection with this world? Even Where do we come from, what is the source of our birth, maybe we will all find answers..."

When Lu Yu heard this, he couldn't help but be startled.

In fact, he had long noticed that this world was unusual.

Why are the spiritual energy resources here so abundant? Treasure resources are extremely scarce?

This abnormal state made him suspect that it was the result of deliberate tampering. Now Huo Siyu's words undoubtedly further confirmed this.

But after hearing what Huo Siyu said, the first thing he thought of was the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube...

In what Huo Siyu told Xu Zhiyang, she called the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube "ancient anchor points", and there were more than one. Now that the original appearance of the world she mentioned has been changed, could it be related to these ancient anchor points? ?

"When you call cracking this world, do you mean those ancient anchor points?" Lu Yu asked.

Huo Siyu's eyes lit up: "It seems you have already guessed it! Yes, the ancient anchors are indeed shackles that block the world, but they are only part of it... It is like an extremely huge stone door. The ancient anchors The point is the locks on the stone door. Only by opening these locks can the stone door be moved. But now just opening the lock is not enough to open the stone door, because you must also have the ability to move the stone door. It takes strength... and the key in Qian Yan and others' hands is a lever that can offset the weight of the stone door!"

"So, do you understand now? Even if you have the ability to open all the ancient anchor points, you cannot restore the original appearance of this world. You must have the key as a lever..."

Lu Yu nodded. Huo Siyu explained it in such a profound and simple way that he naturally understood it, but at the same time, a new question arose in his heart - who did such a troublesome thing?

This doesn't sound like the work of the Bixiao Shrine. Is such a thankless thing just to hide the secret of the existence of the Guanlan clan?

"It seems that this 'key' is really important to you..." Lu Yu concluded.

Huo Siyu corrected: "It's not important to me, but to the entire Guanlan clan..."

After a pause, he continued: "I understand your worries... Frankly speaking, if that key is placed in a trading market somewhere and can be exchanged with your soul, I will not hesitate. I will find a way to collect your soul and then trade it with you..."

"But the problem now is that the key is not in a fair trading market, but in the hands of a group of ambitious guys. They had intended to control me and then the entire Guanlan ethnic group thousands of years ago, so I don't believe it. They, on the contrary, would be better off working with you, especially if your abilities are as good as ever."

"This is all from the bottom of my heart, how about it? Am I being honest enough now?"

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