Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2016 Another Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube

There was a loud bang.

The huge coffin flipped in the air and hit the ground heavily.

Lu Yu walked to where the coffin originally was, looked up at the girl and asked, "This shouldn't have any impact on your next plan, right?"

The girl became suspicious, but she remained calm on the surface: "There will be some impact, but it's not a big problem... just go ahead!"

Lu Yu was not polite, and immediately punched the ground with a few more "bang bang bang" punches. The ground was immediately penetrated, and a tunnel was created where the coffin was originally placed.

As this tunnel appeared, the surrounding scenery changed again, and the starry sky scene continued to spread. Not only was there a brilliant starry sky above the dome, but even the ground below turned into a brilliant starry sky scene, leaving only two people standing. The square footage is still real land.

Lu Yu was not surprised by this.

The girl looked extremely surprised by this, but she was not surprised by the great changes around her. In fact, she had already known the changes hidden here when she chose to place her coffin here.

What really surprised her was Lu Yu's punches. How could he be so sharp and quick? As if predicting the future, he directly opened the tunnel to the ancient anchor point?

This tunnel has indeed existed for a long time, but not only did she strengthen and transform it when she built the tomb, but even before she became Emperor Siyu, senior masters of the Guanlan clan hid this tunnel. deal with……

But these millions of years of covering up seemed to not exist in front of Lu Yu!

Even with a strong girl's mind, she can't help but feel incredible about this.

The entrance to the tunnel is deep and dark, seemingly endless, and full of unknown fear.

Detective Lu Yu stretched his neck, glanced inside a few times, and suddenly said: "Wait for me here!"

After saying that, he jumped down and jumped into the dark tunnel.

The girl was taken aback and shouted quickly: "Be careful! There is..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yu disappeared, and the girl could only finish the remaining words "Ancient Anchor" with a sense of loss.

Just when she didn't know what to do, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed again, and the bright stars in the sky began to move slowly.

The girl couldn't help but be stunned again.

Although she had already seen scenes filled with stars, and although she had developed this place for more than a thousand years, this was the first time she saw such a scene... When she first explored this place, there were also gaps between the dome and the ground. The starry sky is connected into one scene, but no matter what time, the surrounding starry sky never moves!

However, her surprise was not over yet, the rotation of the stars had gradually begun to accelerate, getting faster and faster!

Finally, the stars in the sky were spinning rapidly in front of her eyes, and the sky and the earth were integrated into one. She felt as if she was trapped in a huge sphere, watching helplessly as the sphere composed of stars in the sky flew before his eyes.

The speed of rotation is still accelerating.

Even with the strength of the girl's spiritual thoughts, she could not keep up with the speed of the stars on the sphere. Gradually, she began to feel a trance... You must know that this was a feeling that she had never experienced in thousands of years. Suddenly I couldn't help but feel an inexplicable panic.

At this moment, she truly realized the danger...

Just when she was planning to break through the blockade of the sphere and escape from here at all costs, her eyes suddenly became clear.

The stars on the sphere were still rotating, but the entire sphere was incomplete, as if a piece was missing as if someone had opened a window.

Among the missing pieces, the lower half of a man's cheek was exposed. Even though the whole picture could not be seen clearly, the girl could still identify that it was Lu Yu's profile.

The girl was completely stunned and speechless.

Immediately afterwards, the "windows" on the sphere continued to open, and more and more bright light came in. When the last scene of the dark night sky was replaced by the window, the girl seemed to have returned to reality from a false illusion.

Lu Yu appeared in front of her again. They were still in the main tomb chamber, and a huge coffin was still placed next to it. The only difference was that the entrance to the dark tunnel where Lu Yu was standing had disappeared without a trace. , and even the dark night starry sky above the head also disappeared, returning to the original appearance of the dome.

The girl first looked up at the restored tomb dome, and then noticed a special sphere with a strange shape in Lu Yu's hand.

"This is..." the girl asked hesitantly.

"This is the Six-Peptide Rubik's Cube!" Lu Yu did not hide anything and told the truth openly, "It is the ancient anchor point you mentioned. This is its most primitive basic form."

The girl was shocked. She never thought that the ancient anchor point that had sealed and suppressed her for thousands of years and could evolve infinite scenes would be such a gadget... But she quickly noticed it. It looked very familiar, and he asked in shock: "I seem to have seen this thing on your other side of the ark..."

"Not bad!" Lu Yu admitted frankly: "That is another six-peptide Rubik's Cube. After I cracked it in the Suyu Cloud Pool of the Great Evil Empire, I brought it back to the Ark on the other side. Now, I plan to bring this one back to the Ark as well. On the other side of the ark!"

"Are they two the same?" The girl was surprised.

Lu Yu shook his head: "Of course they are different. Although they are both six-peptide Rubik's cubes, their properties are completely different... It's just that the principles of sealing and locking them are similar. That's why I can be so fast this time after having the experience last time." Take it apart.”

The girl didn't know what to say for a moment. After being silent for a while, she said again: "Then what do you plan to use it for?"

Lu Yu gently raised the Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube in his hand, with a drunken look in his eyes, and said with a chuckle: "Of course I have my uses, so I won't bother you with this... You are about to start the embryo cultivation plan soon. Well? Then I won’t bother you too much here, just leave it alone!”

After saying that, he put the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube into his arms and hurriedly walked towards the door of the outer tomb.

"Wait a minute!" The girl looked stern and said hurriedly.

Lu Yu calmly turned around, looked at the girl in front of him, and said calmly: "What? Emperor, are you suddenly regretting it?"

The girl calmed down and said, "I just want to see such a magical thing a few more times. Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Lu Yu was unmoved at all: "Emperor, no matter what your thoughts are, I advise you not to look at it anymore... Otherwise, you should have already noticed the power contained in this thing. If you accidentally drop it, If it goes to the ground, I can't guarantee anything else, but at least your mausoleum will be completely destroyed, and your embryo cultivation plan will definitely be ruined!"

When the girl heard this, her expression condensed.

The two men's eyes met tit for tat.

After a while, the girl suddenly smiled, and finally her attitude softened: "Stingy bastard! If you don't want to read it, don't read it. What are you talking about? I was almost frightened by you..."

Lu Yu also laughed: "If there's nothing else, I'll leave now!"

"Then let's meet again in three biological father!" the girl said loudly to Lu Yu's back.

Lu Yu never looked back.

It wasn't until his figure completely disappeared outside the tomb chamber door that the girl's expression turned gloomy.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that after getting the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube, Lu Yu seemed to be a little different. It seemed that he had more confidence...

"Forget it, no matter what he plans to do with this six-peptide Rubik's Cube, he can't be the first to come after me..." Finally, the girl murmured to herself.

On the other side, Lu Yu walked briskly after walking out of the mausoleum.

He was indeed filled with excitement.

Because the six-peptide Rubik's Cube in his hand at the moment has completely different properties from the one he cracked from Suyu Yunchi before. Its biggest feature is that it can connect to the stars.

Because of this, such a strange scene appears in the main tomb deep in the tomb.

This also means that through it, he can accurately locate a certain star field and conduct interstellar communication. With this, he can reconnect with his relatives and friends in the original world!

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