Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2033 Time passes

A group of giant dragons around were immediately frightened.

They were originally attracted by the aura of the ancient Saint Ancestor, but what they didn't expect was a strange light group that appeared in front of them. What was even weirder was that this light group also said the name of the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons. This was really far away. It exceeded their expectations.

Lu Yu didn't explain too much to them. In fact, he had seen these giant dragons before, and some even looked very familiar, but he didn't know their specific names.

If you mention your name to them, they will definitely know it, but on a cosmic scale, it is not easy to maintain such communication. Lu Yu can appear here in the form of this light group, in fact, it is thanks to Emperor Shuntian, He is not willing to waste his energy on these ineffective communications.

It would be better to wait for Liu Hongxu to show up and get to the point directly.

In fact, according to Lu Yu's original plan, he planned to enter the spiritual relay station and then try to call Liu Hongxu, inviting her to join the spiritual relay battle, and then communicate at the spiritual level.

But there is no doubt that that efficiency is far less than what it is now, because he is not sure about Liu Hongxu's attempt to call. On the contrary, although this flying land is not in Huangtian World, it has a stable relationship with Huangtian World. The entrance to the transmission channel is the Zulong Palace located on the top of Panlong Realm Mountain. Liu Hongxu can come here at any time.

Of course, the premise is that she is in Panlong Realm Mountain. If she is not there, there is nothing we can do.

However, in general, this is more efficient, especially when Lu Yu only has three days to try.

Fortunately, what Lu Yu was worried about did not happen. Soon the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons opened the teleportation channel and landed on the flying land outside the territory.

In fact, Liu Hongxu had already known everything about the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, but now such a strange situation suddenly appeared, which made her feel very confused. Therefore, when she first faced the light ball transformed by Lu Yu, her eyes were full of vigilance. .

However, Lu Yu only used one sentence to break her defense instantly.

"I'm Lu Yu...Hongxu, are you okay?"

"What?" Liu Hongxu was shocked, his eyes widened in disbelief, unable to believe what his ears just heard.

"Who are you...who are you?"

"I am Lu Yu." Lu Yu confirmed again: "I am in another world, and now I am communicating with you across the distance of the star field with the help of Emperor Shuntian."

"This, is this possible!" Liu Hongxu still felt unbelievable.

"If you have any doubts about this, then communicate with me at the mental level. This method cannot fool anyone." Lu Yu said.

Liu Hongxu's heart was complicated and he had doubts. However, in the end, his concern for Lu Yu defeated his inner doubts.

She slowly stretched out her hand and penetrated into the light ball in front of her...

The next moment, Lu Yu's figure appeared in front of him, replacing the original position of the light group.

Of course, this was not Lu Yu's real body, but because the two people communicated with each other, she could "see" the essence of this light group.

In fact, this place is already an illusion, but this illusion does not belong to Lu Yu, nor does it belong to Liu Hongxu, but a transfer station built by Emperor Shuntian...

At this time, all the giant dragons around had disappeared, leaving only Lu Yu and Liu Hongxu.

"Sir! It's really you!" Liu Hongxu was overjoyed.

Contact at the level of thoughts cannot deceive people. If it weren't for the real Lu Yu's consciousness, it would be impossible to be so lifelike.

Lu Yu looked around and said with a smile: "Emperor Shuntian is really easy to save trouble. He just copied the original environment here and was not willing to change it!"

It was much easier to communicate in this state, so Lu Yu could make some emotional reactions.

"What on earth is going on?" Liu Hongxu continued to ask.

Lu Yu said: "It's a long story. To put it simply, I found the soul consciousness of Emperor Sainty on the other side of the Ark, and then established the connection with his help, so we were able to communicate in this state... …”

Liu Hongxu was stunned and silent. He stared at Lu Yu for a while and then said, "Master, I didn't expect you to be in another world and still be so incredible... This is really the best news I have heard in the past ten years. !”

"ten years?"

"That's right! It's been ten years since you left this world, Master!"

Now it was Lu Yu's turn to be stunned.

In fact, in his impression, including the time of wandering alone in the Ark on the Other Side, only more than a year had passed. Unexpectedly, by the time he got in touch with the original world again, ten years had already passed. …

As time passes in all the worlds, the exploration of this mystery is a more grand proposition.

Lu Yu shook his head and stopped thinking about this issue. He was more concerned about other things than this grand proposition.

"It's been ten years. What changes have occurred during this time? Apart from you, everyone else...are they okay?" Lu Yu said in a trembling voice.

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