Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2086 A little trick

In fact, whether it was when Emperor Sainty drove the Ark of the Other Shore and crashed into the Huangtian World, or when Lu Yu first came to the Guantian World, the Ark of the Other Shore directly interacted with the laws of the big world without activating any internal protective arrays. A collision occurs.

After experiencing such two waves of impact, the Ark on the other side is still safe and sound, which shows that its sturdiness can indeed withstand the test.

Therefore, Lu Yu has absolute confidence that the Ark on the Other Side can withstand the chaos that will follow, because no matter how fierce the aftermath of these starry sky thieves' offensive is, it cannot be compared to the impact of the laws of the great world...

If Lord Tianwei and Lord Thousand Eyes were to attack with all their strength, they might be able to cause a power comparable to the impact of the laws of the great world, but at this time they are still too busy to take care of themselves, and under such circumstances, it is impossible to rashly attack the Ark on the other side with all their strength.

Therefore, the pressure they face can only come from the turmoil transmitted through the Ark on the other side. This is like a pile of eggs in an iron box. The iron box is very resistant to falling, but the eggs in the box may not be .

What Lu Yu and others need to do is to try their best to protect themselves in this iron box and not to be smashed to pieces in the bumps.

Fortunately, he had already had a similar experience once... When he first came to the Great World of Guantian, his cultivation at that time was far less than what it is now, but he could withstand the violent impact alone. Now naturally Not a problem either.

As for the other members within Ark, their cultivation levels are at least at the level of the Grand Duke and the powerful, and after this period of time, they have made great progress in understanding the power of the dragon. Their cultivation levels are also far beyond Lu Yu's original level. I think It is easy to withstand such a wave of impact.

The only thing I'm worried about is the dragon city itself... There is no problem with the building bases here. They have also withstood the impact, and they have withstood the test of hundreds of millions of years, but they are attached to this city. The formation facilities above may not be visible, otherwise Lu Yu would not need to spend so much time repairing the formation facilities here.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Lu Yu ordered a group of members within the Ark to protect the formation facilities, especially the Kuangsha attack array, because the safety of this array is directly related to whether the Ark on the other side can survive the violent impact. Being able to maintain the ability to fight back is the most important thing.

Therefore, following Lu Yu's order, everyone once again sacrificed their dragon mimics and entrenched them on the Kuangsha attack array. If a violent shock occurred, these dragon mimics would be the first to withstand the first wave of impact. , thus creating a certain buffering effect for the Kuangsha attack array itself.

As for Lu Yu himself, he called Fu Jing, and the two gathered hand in hand above the power control area, intending to activate the real scene of Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir when the shock occurred, and prepare to protect the Ark engine, because this

Now it is also the top priority of the entire Ark on the other side.

"What are you doing?" Huo Siyu asked curiously when he saw Fu Jing standing arm in arm with Lu Yu.

So far, only Lu Yu and Fu Jing know the secret of Jiujiu Liansheng. Even Huo Yunru and the others have not revealed it. Naturally, Huo Siyu also knows nothing about it, but now they see the two of them standing side by side. , but couldn't help but make her think deeply.

"Protect the engine here!" Lu Yu replied matter-of-factly, "Don't you still know the importance of this place?"

"There is no doubt about the importance of the engine array..." Huo Siyu's eyes revealed a suspicious look, "But I don't think you two have any plans to activate the dragon's mimicry. How do you want to protect it? "

Lu Yu turned to look at Fu Jing, smiled at each other, and said: "Of course we have some special tricks. The protection ability is not inferior to the dragon mimicry. You don't need to worry about this!"

"What kind of little trick?" Huo Siyu couldn't help but feel something in her heart. She intuitively told her that this must be related to the mystery of Lu Yu's golden elixir. This would be an excellent opportunity to learn about Lu Yu's secrets: "Can't you also teach it? Me? I know what Jing'er knows now, how about letting me cooperate with you this time?"

Naturally, Lu Yu could not agree to her request. From the perspective of mastering the power of the Guanlan clan's bloodline, perhaps she was indeed no inferior to Fu Jing, and might even be better than Fu Jing. However, this was not just about being stronger. In weak contrast, in addition to the combination of strength between the two parties, what is more important is trust.

He could trust Fu Jing without any reservation, and at the same time, Fu Jing could open her body to him without any defense, leaving no secret. If it were Huo Siyu, could he do all this?

That's why Lu Yu said those words to Fu Jing before. For him, Fu Jing's existence is unique and no one can replace him.

"This is not something that can be learned simply by teaching..." Lu Yu said: "In short, there will never be any accidents with us on the engine side. On the contrary, you need to pay more attention to the Magic Dragon 2 over there to be safe. For the sake of safety, let Yunru’s ninth team come over to help you! I don’t want us to be blind when we need to launch a counterattack later!”

After speaking, Lu Yu waved his hand and took the initiative to cut off the communication channel.

Suddenly, the two intertwined areas were split into two, and there was no intersection between them.

The ninth team led by Huo Yunru also immediately withdrew from the array. After the dragon-like body tumbled for a while, it arrived at the area where the Demon Dragon No. 2 was located in a blink of an eye.


Huo Yunru stood in front of Huo Siyu and bowed her head.

"Why did you really come here? Why don't you stay there to see what they are doing?" Huo Siyu frowned.

"I..." Huo Yunru didn't know how to answer for a moment.

She didn't know whether she subconsciously obeyed Lu Yu's order, or felt that she couldn't face Lu Yu and Fu Jing standing side by side, so she subconsciously chose to escape... Which of the two factors was more important, she herself couldn't figure it out.

"Forget it... Since you are here, let's help!" Huo Siyu waved her hand again and said.

The main reason was that she had already observed that a powerful attack was about to arrive, and now even if Huo Yunru rushed back, it would be too late... Besides, the Magic Dragon No. 2 Field was basically a semi-finished product, and its solidity was far inferior to other facilities that had been integrated into the entire Dragon City. If Huo Yunru and others hadn't helped, she really couldn't guarantee that there would be no mistakes.

"Anyway, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future... One day, I will dig out all the secrets of this guy!" Huo Siyu muttered in a low voice.

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