Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2088 Counterattack

Next, everything was as Lu Yu expected, and the first wave of shock was just an appetizer.

Wave after wave of attacks continue to strike again, and the amplitude of the shock is no weaker than the first wave, and often when a wave of fluctuations lasts for half, it suddenly turns 180 degrees in another direction... This shows that the Ark on the other side has just been affected by one of the offensives, and it has not yet ended, and it will be affected by another wave of offensives.

Although Lu Yu could not clearly see the situation outside, he knew from the vibrations he felt inside the Ark that they were actually trapped in a tight siege.

Things were developing in the direction he expected. The Ark on the Other Side had turned into a fragrant steamed bun. There were countless people outside who were rushing for this bait.

In such a drastic change, Lu Yu no longer had any extra thoughts to care about other things. He even stopped complaining and focused all his attention on the actual scene of Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir to cope with the ever-changing multi-dimensional distribution.

Although the pressure existed, it was still within Lu Yu's bearable range. The red years gathering on him were always as bright as stars, and the engine array that was firmly pressed by him remained motionless.

The Ark on the other side is like a leaf of duckweed swept up in the river, constantly rising, falling, and bumping in the roaring waves. No matter how the waves push and roll back, it never responds...

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Finally, the violent oscillations subsided again, and there were no more fluctuations for a long time.

This means that the disputes outside have finally come to an end. I don’t know whose hands this “bait” fell into at this time...

But that doesn't matter, no matter who you are, you have to pay the price.


Lu Yu withdrew Jiujiu Liansheng and reactivated the dragon mimicry. While controlling the engine array, he let out a dragon's roar.

This roar was the signal he had agreed on in advance, which meant that the time to fight back had arrived.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel excited. After enduring for so long, it was finally their turn to show off their power!

In fact, all members within the Ark have already taken the Golden Flame Dragon Controlling Pill. Although this brand-new pill lasts longer than the original Red Flame Dragon Controlling Pill, it can only last for two hours at most. If it continues If you continue to endure it, you might have to wait until the medicine expires...

Fortunately, this did not happen.

At this time, as Lu Yu roared in his life, everyone inside the Ark responded one after another. Dragon mimics surged up from the darkness. In an instant, the light once again lit up the dragon city that had been plunged into darkness.

As the light lit up again, the magic circle on the bulkhead was activated again, and everyone finally saw the outside world...

I saw a smattering of stars outside, like fireflies on a summer night. It looked beautiful, and the Ark on the other side seemed to be flowing in a quiet star river.

But Lu Yu knew that all this was just an appearance. Those scattered scenes were formed by the fragmentation and destruction of starry battleships. It was unknown how many starry thieves had died in such a scene, not because of the existence of space in the universe. There is a vacuum, and sound cannot propagate in it, so this scene seems to have a strange quiet beauty...

Lu Yu naturally would not feel pity for these people.

However, he also urgently needed to understand the current situation in order to determine the next step, so he shouted loudly: "I want eyes!"

Suddenly a golden dragon roared over. It was the dragon mimic controlled by Huo Yunru. As she took her position, the passage between the power control area and the Demonic Dragon Field No. 2 was successfully constructed again, and the two areas merged again. For one.

"The glasses you want are already here!" Huo Siyu responded.

Sure enough, she did not disappoint Lu Yu's expectations. Not only did she protect the Demonic Dragon Field No. 2 extremely well, but she also reactivated the formation in advance.

Lu Yu saw the situation outside at a glance.

From this perspective, we suddenly have a more intuitive understanding of the situation outside... At least hundreds of star battleships have broken apart and ignited raging fires, creating a scene like a river of stars flowing outside.

No wonder the shock finally came to an end, the battle was so tragic.

However, this is not all of the Starry Sky Thieves. There are still many Starry Sky Battleships following them from a distance. Obviously, they have learned enough lessons from the previous tragic battles and they no longer dare to swarm forward again, but they still refuse to give up. , like a group of hyenas following the lion that has succeeded, waiting for the opportunity to snatch food from the lion's mouth.

As for the "lion" who is controlling the Ark on the Other Side at this time, it is surprisingly the Mighty Heavenly Legion.

Lord Tianwei is worthy of being the one who made the decision in the first place, and indeed he had the last laugh... At this time, the Junwei was riddled with holes and was no longer as bright and beautiful as before, but it was still mighty and powerful, and all the Tianwei Legions The battleships all gathered behind it and regrouped into a special formation.

Even the two starry sky battleships that were initially thrown out at an accelerated speed by Lord Tianwei had returned to the array at this time.

Lu Yu didn't know that the two star battleships were commanded by Gang Ya and Red Hu, who were the deputy captains, but he also saw that the purpose of Tianwei Shenjun sending them was to contain Thousand Eyes Lord. Now that they Being able to return to the formation unharmed means that their plan has worked.

Did Thousand Eyes Master actually lose?

Or could it be that his injuries were indeed serious and he had not recovered at all. He had only tried to take a breath before, so he still gave the other party an opportunity to take advantage of him.

Lu Yu didn't want to think too much.

Now that the mighty Tianwei Legion was close at hand and had gathered into a unified array as he wished, he was completely rude.

"Every team is ready! Activate the Crazy Array!"

Following Lu Yu's order, dragons began to fly in a giant dragon city.

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