Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2092 Trump Card

Spider silk continued to shoot out from all directions, wrapping around the ark on the other side.

These spider silks were originally part of Thousand Eyes Lord's lair, but they were already riddled with holes in the previous fierce battles. At this time, under the command of Thousand Eyes Lord, they showed a posture of launching attacks from all directions.

However, with the size of the Ark on the other side, it is a super behemoth even for Qianyanjun's lair. It is not easy to completely control it. Therefore, Qianyanjun has to increase the intensity of the attack, which will expose it. After receiving more information about his body, Lu Yu and Huo Siyu clearly sensed his location even without the monitoring from the God's perspective of the Magic Dragon No. 2 Factory.

"Have you already planned these...?"

Huo Siyu looked back at Bian Ark, who was wrestling with those black spider silks, and said.

Although many members of the Ark on the Other Side have entered a period of weakness after launching the Kuangsha attack, the engines inside the Ark have not been affected, so they can still continue to fight against the opponent's spider silk offensive.

"How could I have such a long-term plan?" Lu Yu said, "Well, I did have the idea of ​​using the Ark on the other side as bait... but I didn't expect that it would really work. I just did my best to obey fate. Now the other party is like this To cooperate, it can only be said that God wants him to die..."

"Are you sure?" Huo Siyu's mouth twitched, "Don't you think it's too early to say something like this now?"

Lu Yu said: "I have confidence in you. You have been secretly thinking about the method for thousands of years. It cannot be ineffective... If it is really ineffective, then we can only accept our fate. God is going to kill us..."


Huo Siyu opened his mouth and then smiled bitterly: "It would be great if I could be as confident as you. Although I have understood the methods of dealing with him for thousands of years, I have not experienced any practice after all..."

"It doesn't matter. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter... Then we just have to accept our fate with peace of mind. God is going to kill us..."

Huo Siyu was completely speechless, silent for a moment, and suddenly thought of something again, and said: "Actually, there is a way to increase my confidence... When we were fighting against the fluctuations of the chaotic offensive, I saw you and Jing'er staying together in a very magical state. , it seems to imply some kind of truth... If you are willing to share the state when you are with Jing'er, it should make this matter much easier!"

When Lu Yu heard this, he turned around and looked at her in surprise: "Aren't you..."

"What's wrong with me……"

Lu Yu shook his head, with a half-smile expression on his face: "It's already now, and you still want to dig out my secrets? What do you think this means... Okay, I can now be 100% sure that Thousand-Eyed Lord this time Dead!"

Huo Siyu couldn't help but became speechless.

Then he laughed again and said: "Are you so cautious about me? Then can I think that you also have other trump cards? Even if my method doesn't work, you still have a way to deal with him?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "I really don't have this... The reason why I dare to make such a dangerous move with you is actually mainly for three reasons: First, I know that you are very strong now, and your true strength is far better than what I have seen. Secondly, I know that Qianyanjun is very weak now, otherwise he would not dare to respond even a word now; thirdly, what Qianyanjun wants is my soul after all, if it is my judgment If something goes wrong, at worst, I will use my soul as a threat. Maybe he won't be able to do anything to me after all... So, don't have any illusions about me. If you don't believe it, we can give it a try. !”

Huo Siyu was speechless again.

How to try this? Put your own life to the test?

She couldn't help but shook her head helplessly, and had to admit in her heart that the guy in front of her was indeed more superior.

When it comes to dealing with Thousand Eyes Lord, Lu Yu can deliberately hide his tricks to test his own trump card, but he has no way to test his trump card.

"Okay, okay, I believe you are... Anyway, no matter whether you have other trump cards or not, I will go all out later!"

Huo Siyu said and glanced sideways at Lu Yu: "However, even if I try my best, I may not be 100% successful. After all, the opponent is a divine king who dominates the world. Even if he is in a weak stage, his strength cannot be underestimated. You Just don’t play offline!”

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Of course I will also go all out!"

Huo Siyu nodded with satisfaction, then rolled his eyes and said, "If this trouble is really solved perfectly this time, is there any reward?"

"Reward?" Lu Yu wondered whether he should laugh or cry, "If we deal with him right now, not only will you get your revenge, but you will also be able to get the key that you have longed for. Isn't that the best reward for you?"

Huo Siyu's eyes were bright and cunning: "This reward is good, but I also want some extra things..."

Needless to say, the extra head she wanted must be related to the secret of Lu Yu's golden elixir.

"Let's talk about this later..." Lu Yu said vaguely, turning to look at the dark area ahead: "It seems that we have arrived... let's finish the business first!"

The area in front is empty, and nothing can be seen within the line of sight. However, because nothing can be seen, it seems more suspicious. Otherwise, other places are full of debris and debris, only this area in front of it is A little too clean.

Lu Yu and Huo Siyu both knew that Thousand Eyes Lord was hidden in the area ahead. It was precisely because his huge body occupied the space that there was no debris filling it.

Without the distribution of debris, it means that they have no bunker to hide in. Therefore, no matter what kind of means they have, this is the critical point for launching.

"Are you ready? Don't say you haven't adapted yet..." Lu Yu said.

Huo Siyu's eyes began to change strangely, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple... all kinds of brilliant colors flashed through, and finally turned into turbulent waves, hidden in the deepest part of her eyes, and said: "I'm ready... but , Didn’t you say before that you would use spells to control him first?”

"Not bad...I'm going then!"

After saying that, Lu Yu swung his sword directly and struck into the dark void ahead.

Huo Siyu's heart suddenly rose to his throat. Wasn't he just trying to scare the snake away?

Then she discovered that Lu Yu's figure not only merged with the sword light, but also disappeared from the place in an instant...

When he reappeared in the next moment, Lu Yu was already in the void at the far end, and the bright sword light revealed a dark and huge creature.

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