Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2106 The mysterious visitor

The ark on the other side sets sail again.

Huo Siyu's words are right. No matter what the situation is, we should go and take a look first.

While heading towards the target area, the Magic Dragon Field No. 2 array also began to operate. The situation in the target area was magnified hundreds of times and appeared on the array. However, Huo Siyu and Lu Yu faced this magnified area. They took turns searching the area for a long time, but found nothing.

"Could you have made a mistake? Is there really a strong attack?" Lu Yu said with a frown.

Originally, he had great trust in Huo Siyu's judgment, but seeing this situation, he couldn't help but become suspicious.

"Impossible!" Huo Siyu said categorically, "You can doubt me, but you can't doubt Hades!"

The implication undoubtedly proves that her previous ability improvement is indeed closely related to Hades.

Hearing what she said, Lu Yu naturally couldn't refute, so he said, "Is it possible that the other party has already left?"

"It's also impossible... It's hard for me to describe my ability to you in detail, but in short, no matter whether the other party enters or leaves the starry sky, I can react accordingly. At present, I only sense that someone has intruded. When I came in, I didn't feel anyone leaving," Huo Siyu replied.

"In other words, are you sure that the person who broke in is still in this starry sky?"


Lu Yu's brows couldn't help but frown even more tightly.

As a result, the situation is worse than expected. As the saying goes, it is easy to hide from an open gun, but difficult to guard against a hidden arrow. If the opponent is coming directly towards Guantian World, then it is better to be more prepared. If the opponent deliberately hides his head and tail, he does not know what is going on behind his back. What kind of conspiracies will be played here.

"Expand the search scope!" Lu Yu's eyes flashed: "As long as he hasn't left this area, he will be found sooner or later!"

So the two of them gave up on the area Huo Siyu initially determined and started searching the surrounding area.

After expanding the scope three or four times, the two finally made a new discovery.

"Hey, what do you think this is?" Huo Siyu said suddenly.

I saw a series of strange light spots appearing on the formation of Demon Dragon II.

However, it was impossible to tell what the specific thing was just from the images on the formation, so Lu Yu asked Huo Siyu to give up his position and observe it himself.

He connected his mind and consciousness with the Demonic Dragon II, and soon obtained the true vision of that area... He saw a dead universe with mess everywhere. This situation was quite familiar, so... It was the same situation as when they fought against Thousand Eyes Lord's lair...

Lu Yu suddenly turned around, looked at Huo Siyu and asked, "Are there actually two groups of people who broke in?"

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be stunned: "Well...if they broke in within a short period of time and the time span was not particularly large, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart. It is indeed possible..."

"That's right!" Lu Yu said: "These are all traces of battle...Looking at this situation, there should be two groups of people who broke into the starry sky one after another. They did not deal with each other, and it was even possible that they were fighting each other. They were chasing after the intruders, so they were upset as soon as they came in. The reason why we couldn't find their whereabouts was because they had just finished a fight. Maybe one of them died, maybe both of them were injured... But in short They have temporarily hidden their whereabouts!”

"Is that so?" Huo Siyu was stunned: "Then what are their origins?"

Lu Yu rolled his eyes and said: "How can I be so powerful? I can tell who I am just from the traces of the battle? I can count the number of powerful people in all the worlds on one hand... "

"But no matter what, in short, they are seriously injured now, right?" Huo Siyu said again: "Now is the time to beat up the drowned dog!"

"Judging from the traces of the battle over there, I can't say the exact extent of the injuries, but it's certain that a lot of energy was consumed... You're right, this is indeed an opportunity to beat up a drowned dog. !”

The Ark on the other side began to move forward at full speed.

Soon after, they finally arrived at the target area.

Observing from here, we can even see how brutal the battle was. There were wreckage everywhere. The intensity of the battle was no less intense than what Lu Yu and others had experienced before. However, we did not see any fighting because of the distance. scene.

After all, the space distance in the universe is so huge that many things cannot be seen with the naked eye alone.

Lu Yu said: "Looking at the situation of the battle, I'm afraid both sides have quite a lot of background, and their strength is at least as strong as the Tianwei Legion. I don't know if there are any survivors... The next step is up to you!"

The last sentence was said to Huo Siyu. Within such a distance, she could already directly search the area ahead through her mind and consciousness, which was far more efficient than other methods.

Huo Siyu didn't answer and closed her eyes silently. A cold breath spread silently from her body. If a person with weak strength stood here, he would be instantly crushed by her strong mental power... …Apparently she’s already at work.

After a moment, she suddenly opened her eyes again and looked at the wreckage in front of her, "There seems to be something going on over there..."

"Anyone alive?"


As a result, the Ark on the other side immediately approached.

However, although Huo Siyu's spirit has firmly locked onto the other party, if he wants to find out what is going on, he still has to go and check it in person.

The only people most suitable for this job are Lu Yu and Huo Siyu.

So the two opened the transmission channel again and entered the universe in person.

Since they didn't know what the specific situation was, the two didn't dare to make any assumptions. Lu Yu held the Galaxy Sword tightly, while Huo Siyu directly used the Ice Crystal Prism to prepare for any eventuality.

The two of them kept pushing aside the debris, and finally came to a rectangular structure.

The first moment he saw the rectangular parallelepiped, Lu Yu couldn't help but think of Wei Zhihan's Nine Lives Coffin. However, this obviously couldn't be Wei Zhihan's Nine Lives Coffin, but it should be a similar treasure.

It was with such a treasure that the survivor was able to survive and hide his whereabouts. It was not until Lu Yu and Huo Siyu came here in person that they became aware of his existence.

"Is that person in here?" Lu Yu asked.

Huo Siyu nodded: "Yes, I have sensed it. The people inside are still alive..."

Lu Yu winked at her, signaling her to stay where she was, and then he took the initiative to get closer.

Her ice crystal prisms can be retracted and retracted freely. Once something is wrong, she can strike back at any time. If there is a real danger, Lu Yu can also avoid it by transforming her body into the secret of the stars and integrating the human sword.

No matter what happens, this person's strength cannot be as strong as Qianyanjun. This will not be the case, so Lu Yu is not particularly worried.

He walked to the edge of the rectangular structure, reached out and patted it, and said loudly: "Come out, stop hiding! We have discovered you!"

As the words fell, the rectangular structure disintegrated like building blocks, and in the blink of an eye, a man's figure emerged from it.

The man's aura was extremely powerful, and in Lu Yu's opinion, it seemed to be a bit more powerful than the previous Lord of Divine Pressure.

He looked coldly at Lu Yu in front of him, and then at the ice crystal thorn in Huo Siyu's hand. He said nothing, his eyes full of surprise.

Lu Yu pondered for a moment, wondering if this person didn't understand his words and whether he should use his mind to communicate with him.

Unexpectedly, the other party spoke first and asked, "Are you Lu Yu?"

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