Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2139 What would you do?

The ark on the other side continues to move forward.

The several battleships of the advance team are still attached to the outside of the Ark. Since they did not have time to complete the deceleration and braking operation, they now become the driving force of the Ark, pushing the Ark to continue to accelerate forward.

Soon, the Ark on the other side entered the extreme speed mode and shuttled through the cosmic space at extremely high speed. In this state, even the powerful God Lord who dominated a star field could not intercept it at all.

As for the pursuers of the Skyfire Legion behind them, there was no trace at all.

"It looks really good...these advance teams were originally here to hold us back, but unexpectedly they inadvertently helped us a big favor!"

Lu Yu was checking the situation of the Ark on the other side at this time, and couldn't help but said to Fu Jing beside him.

Fu Jing couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Have you thought of this a long time ago? So you let our eleven attack arrays fire freely before, which was your plan to lure the enemy deeper?"

Lu Yu smiled helplessly: "I'm not that good... But I did think that the eleven attack array's offensive would be frustrated. After all, Su Qinghe said that the strength of the Skyfire Legion's advance team should not be underestimated, and we This is the first time to launch an attack array, so it’s not surprising what happens... Anyway, with Brother Ding and I here, we will find a way to cover it up, and achieving such an effect now can be considered a mistake! "

Fu Jing nodded and said: "Using this method to help our Ark on the Other Side speed up is indeed a new approach... However, I heard that not only the personnel of these battleships were captured by you, but also the operation consoles inside the battleships. They have all been dismantled... In the current state, let alone slowing down, it is difficult to even adjust the direction. What should we do next? "

"What's next?" Lu Yu smiled, "Don't worry, Brother Ding will take action at the critical moment. We can still use their engines for boost. When they are no longer needed, Brother Ding will completely dismantle them." clean!"

Fu Jing thought of all the incredible operations of the Shenmu King Cauldron, and sighed for a moment: "The ability of this senior Shenmu King Cauldron is really terrifying. I am afraid that his strength alone can be equal to a fleet. There are so many of us." No one can compare to him..."

Lu Yu said: "We don't need to belittle ourselves. Brother Ding was able to shine so brightly in this battle because we built a good platform for him in advance... If it had been a month or two ago, Without the current formation system and the 3,600 Waidan nodes, Brother Ding would never be as comfortable as he is now..."

After a pause, he continued: "Furthermore, the reason why the eleven attack arrays did not play their due role this time is because everyone is not familiar with them when they are put into use for the first time..."

"These ordinary attack arrays are different from the Kuangsha Array. Just one strike from the Kuangsha Array is enough to destroy the world. However, these ordinary attack arrays need to coordinate with each other, both in terms of attack frequency and attack effect. Only when it is just right can the effect be maximized. Without enough practical experience, there is no need to rush! ”

Fu Jing responded: "What you are saying is... During this period, each team has been familiar with these attack arrays. At first, they thought they had learned a lot about it, but once they actually entered actual combat, they found that it was not the case at all. Many real-life situations are completely different from the expected pictures..."

Lu Yu said: "Take your time and pay attention to the summary first. These members of our current team were once powerful. It's not that they have no actual combat experience, they just don't have such actual combat experience. I believe they will adapt to it soon!"

Fu Jing nodded and said: "They are now actively summarizing. I just went to check it out. Some of their views are quite profound. I believe they will definitely make progress next time!"

Lu Yu thought for a while and said: "When making this summary, don't forget to bring Su Qinghe with you. He is a fierce man who can control an entire fleet by himself. He must be very experienced in such situations... In fact, in Before the official start of the war, he had already suggested to me that we should pay attention to the coordination of the frequency and effect of the eleven attack arrays. However, we were all a group of new recruits at the time, and we did not know what specific effects would be produced after the array was activated. Even if he said it, it would be in vain... But the situation is different now, and it is just right for him to give you a summary! "

Fu Jing couldn't help but have a strange look on his face: "Mr. you still want to train him to be our coach?"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "He who is capable has a lot of work, even if he is the chief instructor of our Ark on the Other Side, it is not a bad idea... Although this guy thinks very highly of himself, he does have something in his belly. It is best to make him the chief instructor of the Ark." It’s better to dig out all the goods!”

Fu Jing said: "I understand."

The two exchanged opinions while constantly patrolling, and soon passed through all important areas of the entire dragon city.

At this time, Lu Yu was already aware of all the situations inside the Ark on the Other Side, and was about to return to the Magic Dragon 2 again, continuing to keep an eye on the surrounding movements.

But at this moment, I found Fu Jing showing an expression that was hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yu asked, "If you have anything to say, just say it. What else can you be polite to me about?"

Fu Jing hesitated for a moment and said: "Actually, it's not an important matter, it's just a curiosity in my heart... I heard from Senior Shenmu Wangding that the real Yudie who may have been captured in a panic, she I am not just an ordinary friend with you, I have a very special relationship with you..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Brother Ding, are you still talking about this? Where do you have the time to talk about this?"

Fu Jing couldn't help but blush slightly: "I'm just a little curious... I want to know, that Jade Die is really... is she your wife in Huangtian World..."

Lu Yu looked at her without speaking.

It seems that the conversation between her and Shenmu Wangding did not go very far, at least they haven't even found out this information yet...

Fu Jing lowered her head, not daring to look directly into Lu Yu's eyes, but her face became even redder.

"Who do you think she will be for me?" Lu Yu asked.

"I, I... I don't know... I just heard from Senior Shenmu Wangding that your relationship is extraordinary..." Fu Jing said softly.

Lu Yu stepped forward and looked at her as frightened as a deer. He couldn't help but feel pity in his heart. He reached out and gently touched her fair and delicate cheeks, and asked softly: "What if... it's really like you?" As you think in your heart, she is my wife in Huang Tian's world, what will you do?"


There was a confused look in Fu Jing's eyes. After a moment, he finally firmed up and said, "I will do my best to help you rescue her. No matter what the price, I am willing to pay!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile.

" treat me like this, how could I betray you? You don't need to worry about her identity at all..."

"But the truth may be different from what you expected. Yudie is not my wife, she is my wife's sister... In other words, she is my sister-in-law."

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