Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2142 New Form

"Are you talking about the prisoners of the Skyfire Legion?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

Su Qinghe smiled and said: "Not bad."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised.

When he handed these people over to Su Qinghe before, he really wanted to subdue them through Su Qinghe so that they could continue to exert their remaining heat in the Ark on the other side, but at best he was just using them as coolies. Unexpectedly, Su Qinghe can actually make them play a greater role.

Su Qinghe said: "Don't underestimate these people. The Skyfire Legion is originally an elite corps, far from being comparable to the Star Thieves in the Sea of ​​Stars. As members of the advance team, these people are the elite among the elite... Even The people in the Red Navy Regiment can open their own arsenal and assemble warships, so how could they not be able to do it? "

Lu Yu nodded: "Of course I know they are talents, otherwise it would be impossible to capture them. If you are their leader, I believe they can really shine... In this way, will there be any problems? What's the problem? After all, you've only been training them for a few days, are you sure you can control them?"

Su Qinghe smiled proudly: "Haha, I can control an entire fleet by myself, so what does it matter if I control a few of them? Lu Yu, although you have mastered many secrets, with all due respect, for real power, your We still know very little!”

Oh shit! Installed again!

Lu Yu couldn't help but complain in his heart.

God knows very little about real power... I just don't know how this guy felt when he was manipulated by Huo Siyu?

However, Lu Yu would not dismantle him at this time. He just smiled and said: "In that case, I will wait and see! I believe Brother Su will not let me down!"

As a result, the plan to transform the Ark on the Other Side began.

Two days later, Su Qinghe completed a set of transformation plans and immediately presented them to Lu Yu for review.

Lu Yu looked at the pages of complicated drawings. Although he was unwilling to do so, he still had to admit that this was a bit beyond his ability... It wasn't that he couldn't understand it at all, but it looked very obscure. It is impossible to browse smoothly at all.

After all, so far, he only knows the structural plan of the Ark on the other side, and the plan Su Qinghe came up with is mainly for the improvement plan of the eight advance team warships. The two are completely different design systems and Concept, without working hard in this area, Lu Yu would not be omniscient and omnipotent.

"Okay, let's implement this plan!" Lu Yu waved his hand and said directly.

Anyway, it’s just the battleship of the advance team. Even if everything breaks, I won’t feel bad. Just let Su Qinghe get started directly. At worst, the final effect will not be good, and let him come up with the second version of the plan...

"Okay! Then I'll do it!" Su Qinghe said enthusiastically.

Obviously he is also very happy to have such an opportunity. After all, this is a successful transformation to match the legendary dragon treasure, the Ark on the Other Side. If it can succeed, it will also be a good proof of his ability.

"However, we still need some help..." Su Qinghe said again.

"Oh? How can I help?" Lu Yu couldn't help but become interested. It was really hard to see this guy actually lowering his body and asking for help.

"You? How can you help?" Su Qinghe glanced at him sideways, "I'm talking about your sacred tree king tripod brother, we need some help from him..."


Lu Yu was speechless.

Thinking about it, he had done a lot of earth-shattering things, but in the eyes of the other party, they seemed not worth mentioning at all, especially the little look in his eyes, which made him feel particularly hurt...

However, even if he felt unhappy, he still had to prioritize important matters after all. Lu Yu still sent the Divine Wood King Cauldron to participate in their transformation plan.

First of all, in order to carry out this transformation plan, the Ark on the Other Side must first exit the extreme speed state. In the extreme speed state, many things cannot be completed. If you want to exit the extreme speed state, you must re-adjust the engine directions of the eight warships. This can only be done by the Shenmu Wangding.

So at Su Qinghe's request, the Shenmu Wangding entered the space again. After shuttling between eight warships, it completed the adjustment of the engine direction... The speed of the Ark on the other side began to gradually slow down - this step This was what the advance team had desperately wanted to do, but it wasn't really completed until this moment.

Next, Su Qinghe's instructions were even bolder. He asked Shenmu Wangding to dismantle all eight battleships into parts.

If you want to renovate, you will naturally have to dismantle it first, which is originally an extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive task.

However, the ability of the Divine Wooden King Cauldron to disarm various magical weapons and treasures allowed Su Qinghe to see a new path. As long as the components are taken apart and looked at, the starry sky battleship is just a pile of treasures. As long as it is operated properly, Naturally, we can use the ability of the Divine Wood King Cauldron to quickly dismantle it.

However, it is not easy to do this. After all, the complexity of star battleships is far beyond that of ordinary treasures. Fortunately, with the guidance of Su Qinghe and other "old masters" who are very familiar with the internal structure of battleships, Shenmu Wangding gradually figured out the rules. .

The progress was slow at the beginning, but gradually practice makes perfect, and the speed of disassembly became faster and faster.

When it came to the last battleship, Shenmu Wangding only took a quarter of an hour to dismantle it into its original parts, and at the same time, no part was damaged... This speed was simply amazing.

Therefore, in the end, it only took less than a day for all eight warships that were originally wrapped around the outer shell of the Ark on the Other Side to be reduced to parts.

Su Qinghe looked at the Divine Wood King Cauldron as if he were looking at the most beautiful goddess in the world. He almost couldn't help but pounce on the spot, muttering to himself: "If you and I join forces, all the heavens will be destroyed." Who among all the worlds can rival..."

Even Lu Yu felt very emotional in his heart. He wondered whether after this transformation, the Divine Wood King Cauldron would be cultivated into a being that could even "disarm" starry battleships... If that were the case, it would be simply a super artifact. Even if the final renovation plan fails, it will definitely be worth it!

However, the final result did not develop in the direction Lu Yu expected...

After the eight battleships were completely dismantled, they turned into a pile of "building blocks." As Su Qinghe said, the prisoners in this advance team were all talented people, and they had great experience in how to play with these "building blocks."

After a few days, although the sacred wood king tripod temporarily had no room for development and it failed to complete the transformation into a super artifact, these piles of "building blocks" played new tricks in the hands of Su Qinghe and others.

A huge coral-shaped external structure was placed on the outer shell of the Ark, replacing the original eight star battleships. It was like a pile of huge tree trunks covering the body of the Ark.

The makeover plan seems to have really worked.

The new form of the Ark on the Other Side also has a new name - the Spirit Tree.

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