Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2156 Everything

Boss Qiao's eyes widened slightly: "The sword in your distinguished guest's hand must be of great origin..."

Lu Yu said calmly: "It has no origin, it's just something I've carried with me since I was a child!"

This is indeed true.

The predecessor of the Galaxy Sword was the Divine Sword, but for a long time, it was called the Feihong Sword, and it was left in the study room of the third room of the Lu family as a relic of Lu Yu's father, and Lu Yu often stayed there when he was young. Cultivation, so it can indeed be regarded as something he has carried with him since childhood.

But when Boss Qiao heard these words, he had a completely different feeling.

The sharpness of this sword can be seen at a glance, and it can definitely be regarded as a magic weapon. However, such an item has only been with the opponent since childhood. So what kind of incredible identity and background does this person have?

In short, as Commander Xia said before, it cannot be just a simple Shuiyun tribe merchant...

"May I ask, distinguished guest, what do you call me?" Boss Qiao asked cautiously.

"My surname is Lu."

"It turns out to be Mr. Lu... Please forgive Qiao for talking too much and ask again, where is Mr. Lu's fairyland?"

Lu Yu smiled: "What? Is Boss Qiao also so curious about my identity? You should know that Commander Xia asked similar questions to you not long ago..."

"Uh..." Boss Qiao said in panic: "How dare you compare yourself to Commander Xia? Mr. Lu, please rest assured. I have no other intention. I just want to know who bought our Tiangongfang goods. I have heard that I will never reveal even a single bit of it later..."

The smile on Lu Yu's face grew stronger: "How about this, I can tell you my true identity, but what's wrong with giving me a 50% discount on the price of this batch?"

As soon as he said this, even Fu Jing, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but look at him in surprise.

She couldn't help but feel a little confused for a moment, and couldn't figure out what kind of medicine Lu Yu was selling in the gourd...

"50% off?" Boss Qiao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, "This may not be too much..."

"But this is the price for knowing my identity." Lu Yu looked into his eyes and said unhurriedly: "My identity is also worth this price."

Boss Qiao wiped his sweat and said: "Mr. Lu, you killed too hard with this knife. This is beyond my authority..."

Lu Yu smiled and said unceremoniously: "So, you are not worthy of knowing our true identity."

Boss Qiao was speechless for a moment, so he had to wipe his sweat again and said with a dry smile: "I was rude, please forgive me, sir, just pretend that I didn't ask... You two, please follow me, the things here are I’m afraid I can’t meet your needs.”

With that said, he led the two of them towards a nearby building.

It is said to be a building, but it is just a larger ship. It is similar to the painted penthouse ship that Lu Yu saw in Da Ruidi Capital, but the style is completely different.

"Is this your warehouse?" Lu Yu asked.

"Part of it is, but not completely..." Boss Qiao replied, "Young Master should also know that the fabrics produced by our Tiangongfang are very particular in texture, but the environment here in Fengze City is not very friendly. Chang A humid environment will affect the performance of fabrics to a certain extent. The more high-end fabrics, the greater the impact. Therefore, we have to build a moisture-proof array specifically to preserve clothing made of these high-end fabrics... Therefore This is actually a display window for these high-end fabric material relics, and only a small area is used as a warehouse..."

Lu Yu nodded suddenly, then frowned: "So, isn't your best clothing hidden? People outside can't see it at all? Boss Qiao, are you doing something wrong with your business?" Too shrewd?"

Boss Qiao smiled: "These high-end clothes are not meant for ordinary people. If they are truly powerful guests, such as Mr. Lu, I will find a way to let them see the display window here... "

While talking, the three of them had already walked to the rows of display windows. As Boss Qiao introduced, the clothes here are obviously more high-end than those on the speedboats outside, and their defensive capabilities are also more outstanding.

"Mr. Lu, do you want to give it a try?" Boss Qiao picked up a piece of clothing in the window and made a gesture towards the Galaxy Sword in Lu Yu's hand.

Lu Yu said in surprise: "Are you really willing to let me try the sword directly?"

Boss Qiao smiled proudly: "Since I brought you two here, I naturally don't worry about letting you try it!"

Lu Yu was silent for a moment, then suddenly swung his sword towards the clothes in Boss Qiao's hand.

He didn't use the real power in his body, but the sharpness of the Galaxy Sword itself was enough to cut gold and stone. But he didn't expect that with one strike of the sword, a burst of gold and iron came from the clothes that seemed to be made of white silk. There was no sound of fighting, but not even a scratch appeared on the clothes.


Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised.

He had expected that Tiangongfang's clothes were very good and could withstand the edge of the Galaxy Sword, but he never thought that it would be presented in this way...

It seemed that at the moment the sword edge fell, a strange force field suddenly appeared on the clothes. It was very delicate and ingenious, and it could withstand the edge of the Galaxy Sword in just a few inches.

Extrapolating from this, when this piece of clothing is fully activated, the protective capabilities it produces will be even better.

"What kind of material are you using for the clothes here?" Lu Yu couldn't help but ask.

Boss Qiao smiled mysteriously: "This is our trade secret... We will not expose this secret under any circumstances. Even if Mr. Lu is willing to reveal your identity, we will not agree to exchange it."

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile. Boss Qiao was really interesting. He didn't expect that he would boomerang to him here.

However, he was not angry, and said calmly: "I was the one who was abrupt..."

Boss Qiao said proudly: "How do you like it? The quality of this dress is to your liking, right?"

Fu Jing naturally had no objection and turned to look at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu asked calmly: "How many pieces of clothing like this do you have in total?"

"Is it this type? Not many, there are only one hundred and three in total here!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Haha, Tiangongfang is really powerful...Okay, I want them all!"

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