Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2161 Calculation

Lu Yu quickly bowed, with a look of fear on his face: "Your Majesty, you are too polite. I don't dare to be called 'sir' in front of you. Just call me Xiao Lu!"

Commander Chen waved his hand and said: "There is no priority in learning, and those who have mastered it come first... Although you are still young and your cultivation is not obvious, your alchemy skills have already been superb. You are definitely worthy of the word 'sir'!" "

"Lord Commander, you are really overestimating me!" Lu Yu quickly humbled himself again, with a joyful expression on his face.

Of course, this was not his true thoughts, but now he was very curious as to what the purpose of Commander Chen was.

Commander Chen gave a few more simple greetings, and Lu Yu also answered accurately.

At this time, several people finally arrived at the reserved position. This was the front row seat of the entire auction venue. Those sitting nearby were giant businessmen who had cooperated with Fengze City for a long time. To put it bluntly, it was the total amount of taxes paid. Only when your degree reaches a certain level can you be qualified to sit in the front row.

People like Lu Yu and others, who had never had any tax payment record, sat directly in the front row. This had never happened before in a night auction.

However, everyone around them had no objections to this, not only because Lu Yu and others showed extraordinary strength as soon as they arrived here, but also because they were all very curious about Lu Yu, the rumored Shuiyun tribe, and wanted to see him. What kind of inventory is there in his belly?

"Mr. Lu, your alchemy skills are extraordinary. Everyone has high expectations for you. They say that you have some other special preparations tonight, and you also bought two registration numbers for this. I don't know. Is it true?" Commander Chen asked with great interest.

Lu Yu smiled, and facing Commander Chen's shining eyes, he said without any timidity: "We do have some special preparations. As for whether we can satisfy you, we don't know..."

"Oh? I wonder what Mr. Lu has prepared?" Commander Chen deliberately looked calm, but his hot eyes still betrayed his true thoughts.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "This is not a big deal. I can tell Mr. Chen in advance, but in exchange, can you please do us a favor?"

When Su Qinghe heard Lu Yu's words from the side, he couldn't help but frown.

This guy really dares to negotiate terms with anyone, and his skill at selling people off is even more proficient... Isn't he afraid of annoying Commander Chen in front of him?

"What are you busy with?" Commander Chen asked calmly.

Obviously he was not as easily annoyed as Su Qinghe imagined.

"Commander Chen, can you help me find out what rare materials are available at tonight's night auction... You also know that my old business needs a lot of rare materials. If I can buy some rare materials here, If you have rare materials, it will be of great help to me!" Lu Yu said with a sincere face.

Commander Chen was slightly startled: "You want to know what rare materials will be available in this auction?"

"I know that this is indeed a merciless invitation. The goods in the night auction are never disclosed in advance. Only when the wheat owner comes on stage to introduce it, do you know what exactly is being auctioned. It is not easy to collect this information... …But I think this shouldn’t be a difficult task for Commander Chen, right?” Lu Yu said slowly.

Commander Chen couldn't help but be stunned.

Su Qinghe was even more frightened.

They all heard that Lu Yu's words were polite on the surface, but in fact they were directing the army led by Chen.

Commander Chen wanted to see the trump card in his hand, but he in turn asked Commander Chen to prove his strength... Although this was just a simple request, it required a certain amount of influence to do it. In this way, it turned into Lu Yu's test for him.

Su Qinghe shouted "good guy, good guy" several times in his heart!

After a moment of silence, Commander Chen apparently understood the meaning behind Lu Yu, and he couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Lu is indeed a powerful character... Your request actually goes against the usual rules of our Fengze City nightclub, but for Mr. Lu's sake. , I can break this rule for you once, just wait a moment, I will make arrangements right away!"

After saying that, he waved to summon a subordinate, and then whispered to him, asking him to help inquire about rare materials.

Although merchants from all walks of life are not obliged to disclose their goods, it is not difficult to do so with his influence. After all, it is not a confidential matter, and there is nothing too big to disclose in advance. influence... In this way, he can show Lu Yu his influence in Fengze City.

"Do you understand it?"

Just as Commander Chen was whispering to his subordinates, Lu Yu suddenly said to Su Qinghe.

This meaningless sentence made Su Qinghe stunned: "What do you understand?"

"After you get the information about these rare materials later, be sure to take pictures of them all!" Lu Yu said with a sparkle in his eyes.

Su Qinghe's body suddenly shook, and he instantly understood Lu Yu's plan behind this.

Now that Commander Chen has sent people to inquire, it may seem like nothing to him, but to those around him who have received the news, it seems like they are saying hello in advance... By then, no one will dare to compete with them!

He is taking advantage of the situation!

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