Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2169 The troops march in danger

Compared with the peaceful atmosphere outside, there is a completely different scene inside the barrier.

The Immortal Dragon Lord transformed into a tall skeleton and stood in front of Lu Yu. With Lu Yu's understanding of the dragon clan, he could immediately recognize that the bones on his body were the bones of the giant dragon... It seems that the rumors were not wrong. , this immortal dragon king really did not know how many dragons he invested to reshape this body at this time.

Behind his dragon skeleton is a scene of countless dragon shadows intertwined...

Even Lu Yu didn't know how to describe this scene. It was as if countless dragon souls were bound by an invisible force. They wanted to break free but couldn't. They wanted to die but couldn't. They could only be trapped by the eternal... Slavery, the scene looks even more chaotic than the gathering of thousands of dead warrior souls under the Hall of Heroes...

These chaotic, ferocious, and angry souls are intertwined, and their powers are intertwined with each other, and together they form part of the power of the immortal dragon king in front of him.

Lu Yu's body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Not because of fear, not because of pressure, but because of anger... The reason why he has been able to go all the way to this day can be said to have been greatly favored by the dragon clan. Any sight in front of him naturally makes him unable to help but feel angry.

But no matter what happens, he can only endure it for the time being... because he is still unable to resist the power of the Immortal Dragon Lord. Even if he has the divine elixir to restrain the opponent, he cannot be his opponent at all. .

After all, the difference in power between the two is too great. Even the "Dragon Breaking Pill" requires a certain strength foundation to play its corresponding role.

"Who are you exactly?"

The Immortal Dragon Lord stared at Lu Yu with sharp eyes and asked.

He has already tried to forcefully break through Lu Yu's defenses and directly explore the secrets in his mind - with the strength of his power, it should be more than enough to deal with Lu Yu, a virtual saint...

But what he didn't expect was that his power was still unable to break through Lu Yu's psychological defense, so he had to give up the strong attack and switch to this most basic method of communication again. .

Lu Yu smiled and said, "What you really want to ask is, what is the relationship between me and Panwu Immortal Lord?"

"Ha, I didn't expect that I would find out right away. Master Long Jun is indeed inseparable from the Shadow Clan!"

It turns out that the mark symbol that Lu Yu showed just now is a special mark that represents the power of Panwu Immortal Lord... When Lu Yu seized the Sacred Heart Gourd with Fairy Yao Ji in Qianwu City, he had come into contact with part of Panwu Immortal Lord. Although the power of the Immortal Lord is not familiar, and the mark he simulates is only specious, it is enough to test the opponent's reaction.

When the Immortal Dragon Lord heard this, his expression suddenly changed: "Are you testing me? Very good, you have indeed tested me now, but do you think you can still leave here with your life?"...

Lu Yu said: "Lord Long, there is no need to be excited. I have just said that before you have figured out my trump card, you should not act rashly against me... Do you think that was my trump card just now?"

Immortal Dragon Lord's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous edge: "Give you one last chance, you'd better be able to successfully convince me... Otherwise, you should know that no matter what your background is, I will bear the consequences. You should be able to afford it…”

"Really?" Lu Yu asked back.

Then he took a deep breath.

He knew in his heart that everything he had done before was just foreshadowing and testing. Only this moment was the real moment...not to win the trust of the Immortal Dragon Lord, but for the next follow-up. Series plan.

Lu Yu activated the Nine Turns of Nirvana Technique and reversed the power of the red lotus. Then a milky white halo appeared, and a faint holy aura appeared on his body.

Immortal Dragon Lord immediately stepped back a few steps and said in shock: "Are you from Qiutong Palace?"

Seeing his reaction, Lu Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that he had passed the test now.

The previous mark of Panwu Immortal Lord was fake, and the current mark of Qiutong Palace was also fake. This holy milky white halo actually originated from his manipulation of the Bixiao that he captured from Lord Shenya. Research on the statue of the saint... In fact, none of his so-called trump cards are his!

This is his brand new plan, to make the false identity real step by step, starting from the transaction with Tiangongfang, and now to the showdown with the Immortal Dragon Lord... Since he can deceive the Immortal Dragon Lord here If so, then when he comes to the Wolf Smoke Land in the future, he will naturally be able to repeat his same tricks!

In this way, rescuing Jade Butterfly and recapturing Dragon and Black Tail will undoubtedly become twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, this approach is indeed dangerous, like dancing on the edge of a knife, but there is no way. Faced with such a situation, he can only win the chance to break the situation by fighting hard.

Fortunately, judging from the current situation, this one can be considered a win.

Qiutong Palace is indeed a powerful existence in the world. As long as this identity is confirmed, no matter what the immortal dragon king in front of him thinks, he will not dare to touch himself. .

These inner activities only flashed across Lu Yu's mind. His expression did not change at all, and he said with a sneer:

"Now, do you still think that Lord Osawa can protect you?"

The Immortal Dragon Lord's eyes were uncertain: "Are you here on behalf of the Qiutong Palace? What is your purpose?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly. Since he wanted to pretend to be a magic stick, he would simply pretend to be a stickman!

"Lord Long, don't be nervous. I'm not here to target you, nor Panwu Immortal Lord and the Shadow Clan. I don't care what kind of intrigues there are between you... I'm just here to convey a message. That’s all!”

"What message?"

"Soon, the situation in the world may change dramatically. Will you be willing to support me then?"

"Support you?"

"Of course it's not just me, to be precise, it's the big boss behind me. As for who she is, I believe you should have already made your own judgment!"

The Immortal Dragon Lord's eyes became solemn: "Are you saying that the cards in the heavens will be reshuffled soon?"

Lu Yu said calmly: "Maybe it's a shuffle, maybe it's something else. In short, the world will definitely not be peaceful in the future... I can only say this. When it happens, you will naturally understand what happened. One thing!”

"Then how do you need my support?"

"At a critical moment, we need you to do something crucial. I hope you won't hesitate when the time comes!" Lu Yu said, "Sir Long Jun, you must not want to be under the wings of others all the time. If this matter is finally successful, then you will have the opportunity to dominate the world. This is the promise made to you by the big boss behind me!"

The Immortal Dragon Lord couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. He looked at Lu Yu in front of him and said nothing. The focus of his eyes had deviated.

Lu Yu smiled and continued: "Lord Long, you don't have to give an answer now. You just need to know what you have in mind at this time... But I want to remind you that once we face a choice, if you don't support us, That is the first enemy we want to destroy!"

"Okay, that's all for today... Regarding my true identity, Lord Long, please continue to keep it a secret for me!"

With that said, Lu Yu waved his hand, indicating that the other party could put away his power and remove the surrounding shielding barrier.

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