Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2213 The Second Step is Successful

"A big game of chess?" Lord Baimei asked puzzledly, "I wonder what kind of big game Her Highness the Saint is planning?"

Lu Yu said unceremoniously: "Is it your turn to take part in what His Highness is planning? You don't need to know the specific details. I'm just asking you if you are willing?"

The white-browed god couldn't help but choke.

The Lord Blue Sword God on the side asked: "I wonder how you need our cooperation?"

Lu Yu said: "It's very simple. You don't need to do anything. Just quietly exit here and pretend that nothing happened."

The two powerful gods looked at each other, and the white-browed god smiled: "You mean, let us let you leave here."

Lu Yu said arrogantly: "Not only do you want to let me leave, but you also want to let me take away this dragon fish black tail. The reason I have just said is that Her Highness the Saint is planning a big game, and this is exactly what she planned. Haha, you two just kept saying that you have no intention of taking the black tail of the dragon fish as your own, why are you reluctant to let it go now? "

The White-Eyed God Lord said: "Since we said we won't take it as our own, naturally we won't be reluctant to part with it, but this doesn't mean we have to hand it over to you. How important is the dragon fish's black tail? Just With your words, you won’t reveal any specific details, even if you represent the Great Bixiao Saint, do you think it’s appropriate for us to hand it over to you like this?”

Lu Yu smiled: "I don't think there's anything inappropriate."

"You!" The white-browed god pointed at Lu Yu's nose for a long time. He didn't know what to say for a moment. He was obviously very angry.

Lu Yu didn't panic at all, he just looked at the other party steadily, looking confident.

He is not afraid of angering the other party because of this. Anyway, his purpose is just to delay time. Even if the other party refuses to agree in the end, he has already made money by just doing this.

"I hope you two can think about one thing clearly. If you are unwilling to cooperate, then it will be an obstacle to Her Majesty's plan. Her Majesty will never be soft. Have you thought about the consequences of doing so? ?”

"You, you, you" the white-browed god was so angry that his whole body could not help but tremble.

He didn't expect that the other party would dare to speak to him like this on the territory of Wolf Smoke Land. This completely did not take them Wolf Smoke Land in their eyes, let alone these three powerful gods.

However, just as Lu Yu expected, the more arrogant he was, the less the other party would question his identity. Now there was no doubt about his identity as the secret envoy of Qiutong Palace.

"We do not intend to be enemies with Her Majesty the Saint, but this Dragon Fish Black Tail is extremely crucial. We always need to have an explanation for it. If you don't say a word like this, it will be difficult for us to explain to you." Blue Sword God Lord He spoke again, his attitude softened a lot compared to before.

Lu Yu said: "I don't mean to embarrass you two intentionally, but there really isn't much I can reveal about these matters. I'll tell you a little more. You must have heard about it. Not long ago, I broke the news Traces of the Ark of the Other Shore were found on the Sea of ​​Stars. The Ark of the Other Shore is also a treasure of the Dragon Clan. You two must be aware of the relationship between it and the Dragon Fish Black Tail? "

The White-Browed Divine Lord and the Blue Sword Divine Lord once again looked at each other.

Lord Blue Sword God said: "We are very ignorant and really don't know anything about this. I hope you can tell me something."

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He didn't expect that the other party didn't even know this. This shows that the function of the dragon fish's black tail is a secret in all the worlds.

According to the Wanlong Kingdom, the Dragon Fish Black Tail was originally the engine on the Ark of the Other Shore. When the Ark of the Other Shore fell in the Huangtian world, Emperor Shuntian separated it and became a treasure alone.

But since the two powerful divine kings in front of him did not know about this matter, it means that the black tail of the dragon fish was also a very special existence before this, and its specific function was not well known to the public. Lu Yu couldn't help but become curious. , I wonder what kind of existence this treasure was before Suntian Dadi got the dragon fish black tail?

But this question is irrelevant now. Since the other party doesn't know the secret, it is just right for Lu Yu to use it as a secret to reveal, which can better demonstrate his unpredictability.

"The black tail of the Dragon Fish is originally the engine of the Ark. Once this treasure is put back into the Ark, its performance will be fully stimulated. It can go up to heaven and earth, cross the sea of ​​stars, and be omnipotent. At that time, all the people will be able to do anything. There is no place where Lieutenant General Tianwanjie can restrict its movements!" Lu Yu said calmly.

"What?" The two powerful divine kings were really shocked when they heard this.

A starship that can traverse the sea of ​​​​stars and enter an uninhabited land is definitely of strategic significance. Lu Yu deliberately made his words ambiguous in order to arouse their endless associations.

"You mean, Her Royal Highness the Saint's plan is to get the Ark on the other side."

Lu Yu said: "That's all I can say. As for the meaning behind this, please make your own decision! Whether you want to cooperate with Her Highness the Saint's plan, please make your own decision!"

The scene fell into silence again.

This time, the White-browed God and the Blue Sword God looked at each other silently for a longer time.

Although the two of them didn't say anything on the surface, Lu Yu knew that the two of them must have been communicating crazily at the level of thoughts.

Lu Yu was not in a hurry. Anyway, his purpose was just to delay time. Even so, his purpose had been achieved.

But what he didn't expect was that the final result was even better than he expected. After a long silence, the Blue Sword God finally said: "Since Your Highness the Saint has such a grand plan, we will naturally not hold her back." Legs, as you wish, we will leave here, but we can only promise to leave on our own. Regarding other matters, we will indeed not issue any further instructions, so as not to affect Her Majesty’s plans!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his brows slightly and said with a smile: "It's more than enough for the two of you to achieve this level. Thank you for your cooperation!"

The Blue Sword God looked at the Wudi God on the ground again and said: "Then, Wudi God..."

Lu Yu waved his hand generously: "You can take him away too. Since you two have never appeared here, then naturally he has never appeared here either!"

"Then we won't disturb you! I wish His Highness a great victory!"

After saying that, the two of them didn't waste any more time and helped up Lord Wu Di on the ground. His body once again turned into billowing black smoke and quickly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, the world returned to dark red color again, as if the previous scene had never happened at all.

"Huh, two old slickers," Lu Yu muttered to himself with a cold smile as he looked at the direction where the black smoke was receding.

He knew that this matter would not be so simple. Although these two powerful gods had already believed his words on the surface, they didn't know what they had planned behind the scenes.

But what does it matter?

At least he's bought enough time now.

The second step of the plan has also been successfully completed.

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