Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2249 Favor

After a lot of trouble, Lu Yu and Huo Siyu transferred to Sub-ship No. 1. They set off with Ye Weicheng and others, who were already old partners who accompanied Lu Yu deep into the tiger's den.

There is no way that the place they are going to is also a high-dimensional world. Lu Yu currently does not have many available manpower, so he still has to bring these old faces... However, Ye Weicheng and others also deserve Lu Yu's trust. Their performance was very good both times, and there was no problem in bringing them along this time.

"Sir, where are we going?" Ye Weicheng asked.

Although he knew that this trip would be to meet the leader of the Dragon Clan of the Dongxu Tribe, he had to have a specific destination.

"Well, I don't know yet..." As he spoke, Lu Yu turned to Huo Siyu beside him, "Look, should you untie the gray dragon outside first and let him explain his specific location first? ?”

At this time, the gray dragon was still under the control of the ring collar, but due to its huge size, it was naturally impossible to fit it into the sub-ship No. 1, so it was tied to the outside of the sub-ship No. 1.

Under other circumstances, this would undoubtedly be a very dangerous move, but at this time Gray Dragon has been completely controlled by Huo Siyu, and there is no room for struggle. Therefore, not only is this move not dangerous, but it also allows Sub-ship No. 1 to An additional plug-in device seems to add a flamboyant momentum.

"Is this such a small matter worthy of me personally taking action?" Huo Siyu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Even you don't need to take action personally, just let Captain Ye handle it...haven't you forgotten that we still have You haven’t done anything, right?”

The so-called business, naturally, refers to using the ethereal realm to restore vitality. After all this trouble, the two of them have never had the chance to find the right time to enter the ethereal realm... Of course, part of this is the result of Lu Yu's deliberate delay.

"There's no rush, there's still enough time on the way anyway... I'd better go and meet it myself. Captain Ye doesn't have much experience in dealing with giant dragons!" Lu Yu said.

Huo Siyu looked at him sideways: "You don't want to avoid me on purpose, right? You can't escape the first grade of junior high school, but you can't escape the fifteenth grade. Unless you don't plan to let me take action again, you can't escape this matter. …How long do you think you can delay?”

Lu Yu coughed slightly and said: "I don't want to delay. There must be a priority when doing things. If I don't figure this out first, I will always feel uneasy... You should practice your breathing first." Come on, I’ll come find you later!”

Huo Siyu laughed disdainfully: "You're just fooling yourself here! You'll beg me later!"

As she said that, she threw it casually, but an ice crystal prism was thrown out. Then she turned around and walked away, regardless of whether Lu caught the ice crystal prism or whether she could control it.

Lu Yu quickly reached out to catch the ice crystal thorn and held it in his hand.

Suddenly, an indescribable feeling filled the whole body, and various negative emotions such as coldness, darkness, fear, despair, and sadness came one after another... Is this the power derived from the Lord of the Underworld, Hades?

Lu Yu really couldn't imagine how Huo Siyu controlled such a power... When she exerted these powers, she was bound to be filled with these negative emotions. How on earth did she not be affected by these emotions? Or is it that her state of mind has transcended these emotions?

Lu Yu didn't have an answer to this in his heart...but he did have an accurate judgment about another thing, that is, the power of the underworld was extremely mysterious and beyond his ability to understand.

Even the power of the Dragon God can be simulated to a certain extent through the power of the Red Lotus, but he is completely unable to simulate the power of the Myojin God.

This is not to say that the power of Hades is a higher level of mystery than the power of the Dragon God, but it is just due to the characteristics of the power of Hades... Perhaps only those who have experienced real death and experienced the void world after death can It is possible to understand this characteristic of it.

Huo Siyu had truly died before... Perhaps it was because of this that he was able to master such power so smoothly now.

Lu Yu shook his head, no longer entangled in this issue, and walked out of Sub-ship No. 1 holding the ice crystal thorn in his hand.

This is not a weapon like the ice crystal thorn. With Lu Yu's ability, he can't control such power at all. To a certain extent, this is more like a control switch. Lu Yu can use this ice crystal thorn to turn on the gray dragon. Loosen some of the collars on the body, and at the same time lock them further, causing the other party to suffer.

It can be said that holding this ice crystal thorn in his hand, Lu Yu is equivalent to deciding the life and death of the gray dragon.

Lu Yu walked to the shell splint of Sub-ship No. 1, just in front of the gray dragon's huge head. He gently pulsed the ice crystal thorns in his hands, and suddenly the collars full of barbs that were nailed to Huilong's body were revealed. After reacting, he suddenly relaxed.

Of course, Lu Yu did not relax all at once. He understood the gray dragon's body structure and knew which parts were really critical and which parts were relatively less critical. He only chose to allow the gray dragon to regain part of its mobility. parts.

But even so, the Gray Dragon struggled hard again, causing the entire Sub-ship No. 1 to tremble violently following it.

Lu Yu quickly tightened the collar again, and it immediately became calm again.

"I'll give you another chance..." Lu Yu said, "If you are still like this, then I will turn around and leave, and let you stay here until you are completely dried... If you don't want to become a dried dragon, then then Just be patient and don't move, and answer my questions honestly."

This threat really worked.

When Lu Yu loosened part of the collar again, the gray dragon lay down obediently and did not continue to struggle.

"Despicable human, you unexpectedly attacked me... How did you become so familiar with my body structure?" Although the gray dragon's movements were much more cautious, his tone was still full of hostility.

Lu Yu smiled: "What if I say these are the blessings of the Dragon God?"

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