Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2278 Luck is not there

This burst of wind was extremely sharp and harsh. Although the sound came from far away, it already hurt the eardrums of the two people.

Obviously, this is not a natural sound... there is a high probability that it is also a man-made sound.

Lu Yu and Huo Yunru instantly realized that the situation was not good. Ru, the two of them quickly exchanged a look... No matter what it was, or whether the other party had malicious intentions, in short, their current situation was not suitable for dealing with each other. At the moment The best response strategy is to avoid the edge.

"We really have to change places now..." Lu Yu said.

"Where should we go?" Huo Yunru asked eagerly.

The environment here is very strange. There is no vegetation on both sides of the river, only huge rocks. It is like the earth suddenly split and this river was created... Under such circumstances, there is no place to hide. .

Right now, the best hiding place for the two of them is to jump into the rushing river again, but neither of them will be able to go through the same painful struggle again.

Lu Yu's eyes sparkled with energy. At this moment, his brain was working at an extremely fast speed. The surrounding mountains, rivers and rivers were moving like a sand table, modeled and generated in his mind. Everything was the result of deduction by his mind and consciousness.

After a while, Lu Yu had something to worry about and said in a deep voice, "Follow me!"

With that said, Lu Yu took her hand, jumped off the rocks at the water's edge, and ran towards the rugged river bank with strange rocks.

Huo Yunru said nothing and tried her best to keep up with him... In her opinion, although there were many bulges in the rocks here, they were not enough to hide. She really didn't know how Lu Yu was going to deal with him, but at this moment She could only choose to believe Lu Yu.

The sound was getting closer and closer... This time it was not just a sound, the two of them also smelled a fishy smell, which came with the breeze. The surroundings were instantly filled with a strange smell, which made people shudder.

The fear of the unknown spreads rapidly...

Huo Yunru unconsciously held Lu Yu's hand tighter.

Lu Yu pulled her behind a rock and then stopped.

To be precise, this is not the back of the rock, but just a groove in the ground. As long as you get closer, you can see the two people clearly... However, Lu Yu stopped at such a place. down.

Lu Yu turned around and looked at Huo Yunru up and down.

"What's wrong...why are you looking at me like this?" Huo Yunru asked confused.

Lu Yu said: "You probably don't know what you look like now..."

Huo Yunru was stunned. She really didn't know what she looked like now, but from Lu Yu's body opposite, she couldn't guess what she looked like now... The two of them had just been floating and struggling in that turbid river for so long. His clothes were covered in mud, and even his hair was filled with Anchen mud.

At this time, the words "gray-headed" and "unkempt" are the most appropriate words to describe the two people's current state...

Huo Yunru glared at him angrily: "You tell me what I'm going to do, but you still do the same..."

Women are born with a love for beauty, not to mention a high-ranking person like Huo Yunru who has always been used to living a life of fine clothing and fine food. How can he tolerate his current appearance? So I had to clean the mud stains off my body.

"No, no, no, no..." Lu Yu quickly stopped him, "This layer of dirt is now our best protection. It can isolate our breath and make us disappear to a certain extent..."

"Next, don't speak or make any sound...just follow my instructions!"

After saying the last sentence, the harsh voice was already close at hand. Lu Yu quickly pressed Huo Yunru's head and pressed her entire body and her face against the groove of the ground... Even though Huo Yunru had a belly I can't ask any questions at this time.

The other party is finally here...

What surprised Huo Yunru was that the one who came here didn't seem to be a human being, but a beast... It could clearly hear the other party's thick snort, as well as the sound of the rocks making a clicking sound when the other party stepped on the river beach...

Although she couldn't see the specific image of the other party, her intuition told him that this must be a very real monster.

"Suck, suck, suck..."

"Suck, suck, suck..."

The other party made a strange inhalation sound, as if he was using his sense of smell to sense the surrounding atmosphere.

Huo Yunru couldn't help but feel lucky that they had this layer of dirt covering their bodies, otherwise they would not be able to hide from the smell of this monster.

However, this layer of dirt can only isolate the breath on the body. It cannot make them turn into the same color as the rocks on the ground. As long as the opponent comes a little closer, they will have nothing to hide... Lu Yu How to deal with such a situation?

Or are they able to avoid each other's search just by luck?

Just as they were thinking this, the monster had already walked over, and the two of them could clearly hear the sound of the monster stepping on stones...

The first direction this monster searched was where the two of them were at this time.

Luck didn't seem to be on their side...

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