Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2283 The Last Reliance

"How could this happen?" Huo Yunru was shocked.

She knew that the two of them were in the best condition after the recovery just now, and Lu Yu would never make such a mistake.

Lu Yu thought for a while: "It should be interference from others... It seems that there are not only those monsters just now, but also masters."

"Is it the third line of defense you mentioned..."

Huo Yunru's heart sank. Since Lu Yu himself judged that this was caused by human intervention, then this "master" hiding in the dark could not just interfere with such a small spell. Other larger spells must have been interfered with, which means that they will not be able to send a signal to the outside world to request support.

Lu Yu had obviously thought of this, but he was not panicked at all, saying: "Don't worry, I'll try to see if there is a way to break through this master's blockade..." As he said that, Lu Yu began to use puppetry again in other forms... The reason why he still used puppetry instead of directly sending a distress signal to the outside world was because the influence range of puppetry was very small and would not expose their specific location. If it was a distress signal... Lu Yu now had no way to send his thoughts and consciousness directly to the outside world. He could only use a spell similar to fireworks to create light and shadow effects to notify the Ark on the other side. In this way, their location would be completely exposed. If they could successfully notify the Ark on the other side, it would be fine. With the powerful strength of Huilong and others, they would definitely be able to kill in the blink of an eye... But if they failed, they would face the worst result. Therefore, it is better to continue to try puppetry for safety. However, after trying several times, Lu Yu still couldn't perform the puppetry completely. In the end, he had to admit: "There is no way. This expert is really powerful. He blocked all the ways I can think of..." "That is to say, we have no way to notify the Ark on the other side now, right?" Huo Yunru was worried. She didn't want to stay in this weird place for even a moment. "Don't worry." Lu Yu comforted: "The other party's multi-level law blockade will inevitably cause many chain reactions. These changes will definitely be noticed by everyone on the Ark on the other side... On the surface, he blocked all our roads, but in fact, he opened a new road for us. Now we just have to wait patiently!" "But even if the Ark on the other side noticed these changes, they don't know what it means... How long will it take for them to react?" Huo Yunru said. Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Have some confidence in them, okay? They are all experienced people in the world, I believe they will come to a conclusion as soon as possible... However, this is indeed not something we can control, we can only try to delay it as much as possible."

"How to delay it?" Huo Yunru glanced at him, "Are we hiding here all the time? It seems that it will be dark soon..."

Lu Yu fell silent.

Indeed, the light outside has become dimmer than when they just came, which means that either the day and night are about to alternate here, or a heavy rain is brewing.

And the place where they are now is just a crack in the rocks. Even if no external forces visit next, the protection they can provide for them is very limited. It is not a place to live at all.

Besides, it is impossible for this place to remain peaceful all the time...

The previous behavior of the monster has already shown that the local forces here are already consciously looking for them. Although they have temporarily escaped a disaster under his ingenious calculations, he does not think that such a trick can be used a second time. It is only a matter of time before they will be found.

In this strange place, it is not surprising what will happen next.

Therefore, we must not stay here and wait for death. We must take the initiative and seize the initiative... Although the cards in their hands are very limited, they have to try.

"Let's go!" Lu Yu finally made up his mind and said to Huo Yunru.

Huo Huo Yunru was stunned: "Where to go?"

Didn't he say that he would try to delay as much as possible? Now they know nothing about their situation, so walking out aimlessly like this doesn't seem like a good idea...

"Didn't you say you wanted to find a piece of clothing to cover it? Since the method of changing doesn't work, you can only think of other ways... You don't want to be like this forever, right?" Lu Yu said.

"Other ways..." Huo Yunru said in surprise, "Do you have other ways?"

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously: "How about I take you to find a set of clothes directly?"

Huo Yunru was even more surprised: "Do you know where to find clothes?"

"Come with me!"

Lu Yu walked out of the crack between the rocks without looking back.

Huo Yunru looked hesitant... It's not that she didn't believe Lu Yu, but she was naked now. Men and women had different standards in this regard. Lu Yu could do whatever he wanted, but she couldn't do it, even though she knew there was no one outside.

"You... wait for me!"

In the end, she quickly followed.

At this time, the only thing she could rely on was Lu Yu. She had no clothes on her body, and she couldn't lose this last support.

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