Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2294 Can I believe you?

"What?" Huo Yunru was stunned for a while, "Is the situation so bad? Didn't you say before that they should have discovered the abnormality at the Ark on the other side?"

"They have indeed discovered anomalies and have begun to take action..." Lu Yu said, "But starting to take action and making progress are two different things. I am afraid that their actions may not be effective so quickly, so we have to stay here for a while. Preparations..."

"How could this happen..." Huo Yunru said in confusion.

"I missed something in my calculations before..." Lu Yu said, "I wishfully believe that everything here was created by the master of this place, the Jia Luo Tiantong..."

"Is not it?"

"Yes, but not entirely..." Lu Yu turned his head and looked at the deep dark passage ahead, "He also took advantage of the special environment here, which is the mineral deposits hidden deep underground... No matter what is inside What it is, he must have used the power here to form one screen after another here, and made the entire star dim. "

"Did everything happen because of this?" Huo Yunru was stunned: "How do you know this?"

"The unity of the law..." Lu Yu replied: "From the clouds we met outside when we entered this world, to the turbid river, the rocks on the bank, and all the things we saw later. Everything has a certain internal correlation, can’t you sense it?”

Huo Yunru shook her head blankly, and then looked at Lu Yu with surprise. In her opinion, what Lu Yu mentioned had no relevance at all.

"The connection between them is, of course, invisible when viewed with the right eye, but if you switch to a multi-dimensional perspective, you will find that there is a consistent connection between them..." Lu Yu tried to explain, but Seeing that the expression on Huo Yunru's face was becoming more and more confused, he had no choice but to give up: "How did Huo Siyu make you realize the true meaning of Duowei before? It seems that you still need more practice..."

Huo Yunru smiled bitterly and said: "My understanding is indeed not as good as yours... You might as well skip this part and go straight to the final conclusion!"

"The final conclusion is that Jialuo Tiantong actually only uses a small part of the power here. This may be due to the need for mining... But once he feels an external threat, he can increase the amount of power at any time. The strength can form a more unbreakable defense, such as the external cloud layer we encountered before, which can be increased by at least several times... In this way, it can more effectively resist the invasion of external forces, "Lu Yu said.

Huo Yunru couldn't help but be stunned. When they passed through the external clouds before, it could be said that they had spent a long time trying. The intensity had increased several times. She simply didn't know how to break through...

However, just because she can't do anything, doesn't mean that others can't do anything either...

"Can't those people on the other side of the ark have a way to break through?" Huo Yunru asked.

Lu Yu said: "If Huo Siyu is still here, as long as she reveals the ice crystal prism, then everything will be easy..."

"It's a pity that she is no longer here. The only way to break through easily on the Ark is the Kuangsha attack. If they directly activate the Kuangsha array, then naturally nothing can withstand it. But in that case, It is estimated that we will also be finished, so they will definitely not use this method until the last moment..."

"In addition, it will be more troublesome for others to break through. It's not that there is no chance, but it will probably take a certain amount of time to find a breakthrough. This will definitely not be completed in a short time. "

Huo Yunru said: "In other words, we can't count on the street seals on the other side of the Ark for the time being. Are we going to be trapped here now?"

Lu Yu shrugged: "That's indeed the case so far..."

"Then what should we do?" Huo Yunru also looked at the deep and dark passage ahead, "The man named Shi said that as long as we survive here, it will obviously not be an easy task, otherwise, it will be It doesn’t need to be done by that mammoth…”

Lu Yu couldn't help but fell silent.

This matter is the biggest uncertainty at present. What kind of work will be done must be completed by the mammoth, and the content is just to survive...

Lu Yu could feel that the other party's arrangement actually meant testing and probing... That Jialuo Tendo never verified whether he was from the Qiutong Palace, because he didn't need to Verify that as long as you can survive this test, all doubts will be overturned.

And if he died here directly, then he wouldn't have to care anymore...

It can be seen from this that the test here is by no means simple...Does this mean that he has shot himself in the foot?

It's a pity that Lu Yu couldn't run back and tell the other party that their process of killing the mammoth was just a trick. In fact, they had no ability to win head-on, and they were not from the Qiutong Palace...

Telling these truths will not make the other party soft-hearted, it will only make them die faster.

He can only find a way to get through this difficulty on his own.

"I originally wanted to show off to Qiutong Palace. No matter what work he asked us to do, I just wouldn't do it. But I didn't expect that they didn't ask us to do the work at all, but in this fatal way... Look at it this way Come on, there is only one way!" Lu Yu finally said.

"What can I do?" Huo Yunru looked at him curiously.

Lu Yu looked at her without saying a word, and his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, as if he wanted to see through her soul.

Huo Yunru was so frightened that she lowered her head, not daring to look at her, and whispered: "You are talking...Why are you looking so scary..."

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said slowly: "Huo Yunru, can I trust you completely without reservation?"

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