Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2314 Fight back

Lu Yu was simply stunned when he heard Fu Jing's words.

Even he himself did not expect that things would take such a turn, especially since he had just learned not long ago that when they cooperated with each other, the state of power connection was very "deep" for the other party. And "thoroughly" is like "going deep" and "thoroughly" with real swords and guns.

He didn't believe that Fu Jing didn't know all this. After all, the two of them had experienced this personally several times, but she still made such a suggestion. Frankly speaking, this shocked Lu Yu.

It seems that no matter how compatible two minds and spirits are, they cannot achieve complete mind-to-mind communication. After all, the thoughts in people's hearts are too complicated. I don't know how many distracting thoughts will arise every second. No one can be perfect. Ground coordination and unity.

Fu Jing was very resolute and immediately found Huo Yunru.

Huo Yunru was a little happy at first. After all, Fu Jing had not taken the initiative to find her for a long time. She thought this was a sign that the relationship between the two parties had eased.

But when she saw Lu Yu standing by, she couldn't help but froze and said in astonishment, "Why are you here too?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and pointed at Fu Jing without saying a word, implying that all this was actually her idea.

"We need your cooperation." Fu Jing said directly.

Huo Yunru seemed to have anticipated a certain tone and became hesitant: "What kind of cooperation?"

"What else can it be?" Fu Jing said: "Of course it is what you are best at, and it is also what Huo Siyu carefully designed and arranged for you, and soon

Before, you were already with Afeng

"This, this, this." Faced with her daughter's aggressiveness, Huo Yunru's eyes dodge and her tone became stammering, "Jing'er, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"What? Are you still pretending?" Fu Jing stepped forward and looked at her mother with sharp eyes, "Do you think that if you don't say anything, others won't know what happened? In fact, people with discerning eyes have already seen it. Otherwise, what’s going on with the clothes you’re wearing?”

As he spoke, Fu Jing suddenly tore off his mother's clothes with a "swish" sound.


Huo Yunru exclaimed and quickly hugged her chest with both hands. She curled up into a ball, but the clothes on her body completely fell into Fu Jing's hands and quickly degenerated into a piece of skin.

This was the piece of skin that Lu Yu tore off from her body to use the puppet technique. It turned out that the clothes on her body were still transformed by Lu Yu using the puppet technique.

No way, she was wearing heaven-level clothes produced by Tiangongfang. She only purchased a few hundred pieces from Fengze City. They had already been distributed and there were no extra spares. In order not to let others see it. When there was a flaw, she continued to wear the clothes that Lu Yu had transformed using puppetry, but she didn't expect that her daughter had already noticed the clues.

Since all the clothes on his body are gone, and the one he is wearing was replaced by Lu Yu’s magic, then what happened before?

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.


It was possible to fool others with magic, but it was indeed impossible to fool Fu Jing, but he didn't expect that Fu Jing's attitude would be so radical. Could it be that every woman actually has the potential for madness in her body? Normally it will not explode, but once it reaches a certain critical value, it will completely explode.

"What are you covering up? It's not like you haven't seen it before." Fu Jing curled her lips, "Isn't this what Huo Siyu wants you to do? Do you want to disobey her order?"

"Jing, Jing'er me, me me"

Huo Yunru's eyes were filled with tears, her voice was filled with tears, and she couldn't stop crying.

She couldn't understand why she had to be treated like this. The initiator of all this was her own daughter.

Fu Jing ignored her, turned to Lu Yu, and said softly: "Let's get started! What exactly do we need to do?"

Lu Yu looked at Huo Yunru, who looked like a snow-white lamb, and then at Fu Jing in front of him, and said with a wry smile: "What's going on with you? In fact, I originally just planned for the two of us to try it first, but you suddenly Call her over, I haven’t even figured out how to arrange it yet.”

"It doesn't matter, you can think about it slowly," Fu Jing said, "It doesn't matter if you don't think about it well. Let's start with the two of us and let her stay on the sidelines to observe. Anyway, after being specially trained by Emperor Siyu, she It will come in handy sooner or later!”

Lu Yu could only smile bitterly.

He looked left and right at the two women in front of him for a long time. No matter how he looked at them, he felt that the state of the three of them was a bit awkward at this time, so that he didn't know where to start.

"It's really necessary

Like? "After a while, Lu Yu reluctantly leaned into the nearby ear and whispered: "Actually, it doesn't have to be like this."

"It's necessary." Fu Jing said, "You said it yourself before. This is their strategy. They just want to sow discord. We can't be the only ones who take action and I won't fight back, right?"

"Besides, didn't you say that? I can be a little angry at any time, so just think of it as me being a little angry!"

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