Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2341 Passage

When Manager Chen came to the guest room again, there was already a completely different scene inside.

I saw that the room was in a mess, and the tea table and chairs were knocked to the ground...

The two extremely beautiful concubines were sitting silently on the edge of the bed, with red eyes and faint tears on their cheeks. It was obvious that they had just cried...

Lu Yu, on the other hand, stood at the far end of the room with his back turned, facing an empty wall, also silent...

The only thing in the whole room that was still the same as before was the treasure called "Ju Bao Ding", and the atmosphere seemed particularly depressing.

Manager Chen hesitated for a moment before breaking the calm and saying, "Mr. Lu, I heard that you are looking for me?"

"I want to see you, Mr. Qin." Lu Yu said without looking back.

"Meet Mr. Qin? What do you mean..."

"What? If you want me to bear the pain of parting with you, why don't you even show your face?" Lu Yu suddenly turned his head, his eyes trembling slightly, like a wounded beast.

"So, Mr. Lu, you have already figured it out?"

Lu Yu's eyes were full of unwillingness: "It's not impossible to make me part with the pain, but you have to let me know who it is to... If your Mr. Qin is as good as you said, , so it’s not impossible for me to bear the pain and give up my love!”

As soon as these words came out, the two beautiful and doting wives sitting on the edge of the bed burst into tears at the same time: "Master, we..."

"Shut up!" Lu Yu interrupted forcefully, "I have made up my mind, there is no room for you to interfere in this matter!"

After saying that, he seemed a little bit unbearable, so he added: "This is the only way we can survive..."

The two doting wives on the edge of the bed let out a cry of sorrow and burst into tears in an instant.

When Manager Chen saw this, he let out a long laugh: "Young Master Lu is willing to cut off a strong man's wrist. This is a very wise decision... Madams, you don't have to be sad. I know that you must be very reluctant to let go of Young Master Lu now, but Only after you follow our Master Qin will you know what true power is..."

"Our Lord Qin has always been very good to women. If you can please him, you will be rich and well-dressed. You will also gain an unparalleled status and become a master from now on... Only then will you know How narrow-minded I used to be.”

He paused, looked at Lu Yu again and said, "But if you insist so much, then please come with me!"

Lu Yu didn't say a word and strode out of the room.

When he walked to the door of the room, he glanced at his two beloved wives who were still sobbing. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, but in the end he strode out without saying anything more.

Manager Chen said: "Madams, please come with me!"

"Shall we... go there too?"

"Of course!" Manager Chen smiled playfully: "From now on, you are no longer Mr. Lu's people. Do you still want to stay in his room... Besides, aren't you curious about us? What kind of person is Mr. Qin? "

The two women hesitated for a moment, and finally walked out coyly.

After walking out of the room, they saw Lu Yu again. The three of them looked at each other silently, then quickly looked away, and no one spoke.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Manager Chen's face grew stronger: "You three, please come with me!"

He led the three people to a special cabin. The door was opened, and a brilliant color came out of it. It seemed that there was nothing inside, only a brilliant light.

This scene was very familiar to Lu Yu. It was obviously the entrance to a teleportation channel.

"Master Qin is not on this starship?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

Manager Chen said: "Didn't I tell you earlier? Our Lord Qin is in charge of everything. He is in charge of all the affairs of the entire caravan. How could he stay here... This fixed passage leads specifically to Lord Qin's flagship. If you want to see him, you have to go through here."

Lu Yu sneered: "This is not a 'fixed channel'. It is not easy to maintain such a transmission channel on a high-speed moving ship, and it consumes a lot of money... It seems that your Master Qin is also looking forward to seeing me. Otherwise, why would you have prepared the transmission channel in advance, as if you were waiting to see me!"

Manager Chen did not refute, nor did he feel embarrassed after the lie was exposed. He smiled lightly and said: "How is it? Mr. Lu is afraid? Maybe this is a trap at all, and the other end of it leads to the dark depths outside. null?"

Lu Yu said: "Your Mr. Qin may indeed be plotting against me, but it is impossible for him to plot against me at this point... If I just disappear like this, it will not be of any benefit to you. If he is really a shrewd person, It is impossible for a businessman to do such a business... On the contrary, the emergence of this transmission channel gives me more expectations for his hands and eyes..."

After speaking, Lu Yu ignored the subdued Manager Chen and strode directly into the portal.

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