Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2352 Shaking the Fundamentals

Lu Yuman thought that he had explained all the problems clearly and that no one would have any more questions.

Unexpectedly, after a short silence, everyone started to speak enthusiastically. You and I raised various questions to Lu Yu.

After careful analysis, Lu Yu realized that these people did not have questions about his plan itself, but about a series of follow-up arrangements...

The Jinghai Caravan is huge in scale, and its operation is a complicated process. After entering the high-dimensional world ahead, the transactions involved are even more complicated and complicated. Before that, many things must be decided by Qin Shihai himself. Decision, now that Qin Shihai is finished, the decision-making power for these transactions naturally falls on Lu Yu.

After all, everyone wanted Lu Yu's plan to be implemented better. Otherwise, after entering the high-dimensional world, various transactions were not handled properly, leading to some unexpected situations, or even Lu Yu's identity being discovered, then they would not have done anything. Reason somewhere.

"Stop it, stop it!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but have a headache. With his quick mind, as long as he was serious, it would not be difficult to handle this matter on Qin Shihai's behalf... But the problem was that he couldn't be serious now. To do these things well, he needed to involve There are too many causes and consequences. He doesn't know when it will be until he understands them all. He doesn't have time to waste on it now.

Besides, these things were really annoying, and he didn't have the patience to focus on them.

"Old Chen, you have been staying in the Jinghai Caravan for a long time, right? From now on, you will be fully responsible for all the transactions of the Jinghai Caravan. What contracts should be fulfilled, what goods should be sold, what goods should be purchased, and what orders should be made? What kind of price, and even who should be given gifts to open the's all up to you to decide!" Lu Yu said with a big wave of his hand.

"Me?" Manager Chen was stunned for a moment.

This means that the control of the entire Jinghai caravan has been handed over to him, which is a very huge wealth. Although he was reused by the former four seas before, he was not reused to this extent.

Lu Yu nodded and confirmed: "I only have one request, and that is not to let the things here leak out. Apart from that, it doesn't matter whether the business makes a profit or loses's all your money anyway! "

Manager Chen opened his mouth, but no words came out for a long time. After a while, he hesitated and said: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for trusting me... But I am a young man with little talent and limited ability. I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public..."

Lu Yu waved his hand and said, "If someone doesn't listen to you, don't come to me... just go to Brother Ding and let him help you settle the matter!"

When Shenmu Wangding heard this, his bulging belly bulged, and he said with a smile: "Since Brother Lu has spoken, don't worry, Old Chen, I will protect you from now on!"

Manager Chen was stunned for a moment, then quickly bowed and thanked: "Then...thank you Lord Shen Ding!"

Lu Yu could call Shen Mu Wang Ding brother, but he didn't have the courage. In his opinion, "Lord Shen Ding" was still not respectful enough, but for a while he couldn't think of a more appropriate title.

Lu Yu ignored everyone and let Manager Chen lead the other fifty managers to have a headache... He turned back and walked back to Fu Jing, breathed a sigh of relief, clapped his hands and said, "Finally it's done. "

Fu Jing witnessed the whole process with his own eyes and said with sincere admiration: "You are worthy of being able to sort out the mess so quickly... However, although you suppressed them on the surface, there was also There are still many loopholes..."

Lu Yu said: "I can't control that much anymore. The plan has changed. It's already good to be able to achieve this level... Besides, we just need to use their cover to enter the city. After entering the city, maybe we will be there soon." We will part ways with them and let us act alone, so it doesn’t matter if there are any loopholes..."

Fu Jing said: "With such a huge force, are you really willing to let them divide the spoils and leave like this? Let's not talk about other things for the time being. The various intelligences they have in their hands will be of great help to us... …”

Lu Yu thought for a while and said: "If we can use the shell of the Jinghai Caravan to make our movements more convenient, there is indeed no need to part ways with them immediately... In short, we will discuss the specific situation at that time!"

After a pause, he looked at Huo Yunru aside and asked, "How is she?"

Huo Yunru has been very silent since the previous battle. This is not because she has been unable to speak, but because she has entered a state of "tranquility".

It seems that the previous battle put a huge burden on her. She has never recovered, and it is not reasonable, because when the last three people were connected through countless red lines, they were not only connected to each other in terms of strength, but also At the same time, she entered the ethereal realm, and it was impossible for her to be so seriously injured.

Under the same situation, the pressure faced by Fu Jing and her were similar at that time. Even because Qin Shihai pinched her jaw, the pressure Fu Jing faced was even greater. However, she was already intact and in good condition at this time. Has fully recovered.

"Leave her alone." Fu Jing glanced at her and said, "She is not good at studying and practicing. Who can blame her? If she was willing to do what I asked, this situation would not happen at all!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look sideways.

To an outsider, the mother and daughter looked exactly like sisters. If he hadn't been familiar with the inside story, he would have almost thought that Fu Jing was Huo Yunru's mother.

This is really contrary to Tiangang... Lu Yu wanted to remind Fu Jing that she is your mother after all, but in the end he held back.

We can see some clues from Fu Jing's words. Even during the previous practice, the relationship between mother and daughter was not harmonious, and there were even huge differences. The reason why this happened, Lu Yu felt There is only one reason, and that is - Huo Siyu.

It is very possible that Fu Jing's request to Huo Yunru during the training process involved Huo Siyu, which led to their relationship.

Therefore, Lu Yu decided that it was best not to say anything more.

He also had to admit the fact that Fu Jing had gone further than himself in understanding the power of Guanlan's bloodline...

In fact, she was almost reaching Huo Siyu's level, so she would shake the "foundation" that Huo Siyu had arranged in Huo Yunru's body.

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