Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2358 Everyone is here

Lu Yu turned around and looked at each other with Fu Jing, then asked calmly: "Discount? How much discount?"

The middle-aged man had a smile on his face: "Looking at the three of you, you must have just come from the Central World, right? You must have also discovered that the prices here are ridiculously high. Compared with the prices in the Central World, It’s like heaven and earth... I dare not say that the price of my things is the same as that of the Central World, but it will definitely not be as outrageously high as the things here, at most no more than twice the price level of the Central World! "

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his brows slightly, and he suddenly became interested: "How did you know that we just came from the Central World?"

"Isn't this simple?" said the thin monkey-like middle-aged man, "If I read correctly, the three of them should be wearing Tiangongfang's nephrite gold silk robes. Such clothes are not common here. It’s common. Apart from Tiangongfang in the Central World, there is no other place where such clothes are produced... In addition, the quality of the clothes of the three of them is still so good, so it is natural that they have just arrived here. "

Lu Yu was obviously even more surprised. Although the other party's inference was not completely correct. Strictly speaking, they were not from the Central World... But just because the other party could recognize the nephrite gold silk robe of Tiangongfang, It was enough to surprise him.

"Are you from the Central World?" Lu Yu asked.

The middle-aged man laughed dryly and said: "Ashamed, I have always been yearning for the central world, but unfortunately I have never had the opportunity to go and see it... This knowledge is all heard from others, but I believe there should be no such thing. about it? Do you want to come with me and have a look? I promise to satisfy you!"

Lu Yu glanced at Fu Jing and Huo Yunru behind him again, exchanged glances with each other, and then nodded vigorously: "Okay, let's go and have a look!"

He naturally knows that there is no pie in the sky, there is no free lunch in the world... The middle-aged man in front of him is most likely a liar, but he still wants to follow him. His purpose is very pure, just for satisfaction. Just out of curiosity.

Anyway, their purpose this time was originally just to find out all the information, and maybe there was information that could be harvested here.

"Our store is over there. Please come with me, you three... By the way, I don't know what to call you?" the middle-aged man greeted as he walked.

"My surname is Lu." Lu Yu responded lightly.

As for Fu Jing's mother and daughter behind her, there is no mention at all.

The middle-aged man didn't pay attention and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Mr. Lu. The villain's name is Wang An. You can just call the villain by his name... These two are your female companions. They are so beautiful. Where are we? There are many magic weapons and accessories, such as Yuluo gold bracelets, toffee stone earrings, and red pendant stone necklaces... which can not only increase defense, but also play a decorative role. If the young master brings them to them, they will definitely be more outstanding! "

Seeing that Lu Yu's expression was not moved at all, Wang An observed his words and immediately changed his words:

"Of course, in addition to these things, we also have everything else! All kinds of magical weapons, all kinds of protective equipment, all kinds of magic weapons... As long as you can name it, we can arrange goods for you, even heaven-level products We can get the elixir for you!"


Hearing this sentence, Lu Yu couldn't hold himself any longer and showed a strange expression on his face.

He didn't expect that one day someone would sell elixirs in front of him... Judging from the quality of the elixirs he just saw on the market, he could say without hesitation that this was just a fool's errand!

Wang An was obviously mistaken. Seeing Lu Yu's relaxed expression, he thought he was particularly interested in elixirs, so he introduced his "own" elixirs more vigorously.

It's a pity that his views on elixirs are not as profound as his views on Tiangongfang's clothing. After talking for a long time, he still missed the point, and even made the wrong statement. Lu Yu suppressed it several times, and he finally held back. He did not correct his misconceptions about elixir knowledge.

Forget it, he's just a layman, there's no need to worry too much about him...

Wang An kept chattering and making noise all the way, and led the three of them straight to a small alley.

"Please, three of you, our shop is right here?"

Lu Yu looked at the obviously desolate streets around him, with a strange look in his eyes. Compared with the lively scene around him, something was obviously wrong here.

"Is your shop located here?" Lu Yu asked.

"Yes..." Wang An showed a somewhat uneasy look on his face: "I won't hide the matter from you, Master. The reason why our things are so cheap is because their origins are somewhat irregular. Otherwise, There’s no way it’s so cheap, but I can assure you that the stuff is definitely good… You can decide whether you want to buy it or not after taking a look at it. Anyway, you’re here, and you have nothing to lose by taking a look!”

Lu Yu was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "It's interesting... let's go in and have a look!"

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