Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2364 Remote Assistance


With a loud noise, the Galaxy Sword did not directly enter the body like it did with Lai Ye before, but was bounced out.

This is not because the golden elixir of the powerful Dharma Master is so strong that even the Galaxy Sword cannot hurt him at all, but because he has a protective armor on his body.

To be precise, it was a heart-protecting mirror. With the rapid thrust of the Galaxy Sword, his body suddenly activated a special force field that was independent of his own domain. It was this special force field that successfully prevented He could withstand the fatal blow from the Galaxy Sword, otherwise he might have ended up like Lai Ye...

"Hehe... You are not the only one who has a divine treasure!" The powerful Dharma Master smiled solemnly and tore off his clothes with force.

Although he was not harmed by the protective mirror, the clothes on his upper body were in tatters, so he simply tore them off to avoid getting in the way.

The breast-protecting mirror was more completely revealed, blooming with dazzling white light under the pressure of the Galaxy Sword. It looked like someone standing in the same court, and you could tell at a glance that it was not an ordinary thing.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

Only then did he realize that this was the opponent's real trump card. With such a treasure to defend himself, the opponent was already invincible as soon as he came up. No wonder he had no scruples.

"What? Haven't you seen this thing before?"

The powerful Dharma Master took a step forward, deliberately patted the breastplate on his chest, and said with a sneer: "Boy, I admit that your strength is indeed beyond my expectation, but it is still not enough for you to be domineering here. Dare you You have to pay the price for touching my people!”

"Now I still have the energy to continue to launch the offensive. Do you still have the energy to continue the defense? I can make countless mistakes, but if you make one mistake, I will let you die without a burial place!"

There was a proud look on his face.

The fight between the two sides has been stalemate for so long. He already knows the capabilities of Lu Yu and the Galaxy Sword. He was indeed defeated in the battle of spiritual thoughts just now, but in fact Lu Yu only narrowly defeated them. Just like that The situation is difficult to replicate again, and even if it is successfully replicated, it will not harm the overall situation at all.

However, he was not as confident in his heart as he seemed on the surface. The strong resilience shown by the other party made him a little scared. Therefore, even though he knew that the other party was at the end of his strength, sooner or later he would be a piece of his chopping block. Meat, but still a little anxious.

Therefore, the words actually have some heart-breaking intentions in them.

If it could directly overwhelm Lu Yu's psychological defense, wouldn't it be better to eat this piece of meat into his mouth as soon as possible? Putting aside everything else, just the magic weapon in Lu Yu's hand was almost making him unable to control himself.

However, what he didn't expect was that this psychological game had no effect. Lu Yu didn't even frown at all.

"In this case, there is nothing we can do..."

While speaking, Lu Yu made a backhand move, and the Galaxy Sword immediately flew back and was held tightly in his hand.

His eyes then became firm.

The powerful Dharma Master couldn't help but be stunned: "What are you trying to do? Don't you want to give up and try the defensive ability of my heart mirror again?"

"I advise you to save it! This thing is called 'Qingtian Wall'. If your strength can be improved a few levels, with the power of the sword in your hand, it may be possible to break through my defense. As for now, this is It’s simply impossible!”

Lu Yu turned a deaf ear and continued to accumulate strength, and the sword of the Galaxy Sword burst out with bright and gorgeous brilliance.

The powerful Dharma Master smiled: "You are stubborn! If you are so stubborn, then just give it a try!"

He was happy to let Lu Yu continue to try. If Lu Yu was willing to waste more energy on this top-quality treasure, it would only become easier for him to deal with him in the future.

Lu Yu still didn't respond, and the Galaxy Sword in his hand suddenly swung down, and Pi Lian's sword light burst out.

The sword light flowed past, but it did not hit the Qingtian Wall, but passed by the powerful Dharma Lord.


The powerful Dharma Master couldn't help but be stunned.

He never imagined that Lu Yu would make such a mistake...

No, such a mistake is too low-level... This cannot be a mistake that the other party will make, it can only be the result of the other party's deliberate actions!

But what is the purpose of doing this?

As soon as he thought of this, before the powerful Dharma Master had time to think deeply, suddenly the sword light just flowed back and was injected back into the body of the Galaxy Sword.

The brilliance on the Galaxy Sword became more and more brilliant.

The powerful Dharma Master finally discovered that something was wrong. Theoretically speaking, even if the opponent's magic weapon rolled back its previous offensive, its power would not become stronger...unless someone from the outside world injected new power into it. !

Just as he thought of this, the sky suddenly opened, stars appeared, and a beam of starlight broke through the isolation of space and the boundaries of the law, shining straight down and shining on Lu Yu's body.

Lu Yu and Xinghe Sword were bathed in the brilliant starlight together, and their whole bodies turned golden, like a descending god!

The powerful Dharma Master couldn't help but be stunned. His mind went blank and he couldn't understand what was going on!

This is really incredible, far beyond what normal people can understand.

This scene even appeared directly in Heiliang City. Although they could not see Lu Yu, who was bathed in starlight, they could clearly see a beam of starlight breaking through the sky and shining straight down. Such a scene would not be possible in a high-dimensional world. It is extremely rare, and it has never happened in this dark city.

In an instant, all the streets in Heiliang City became still. The pedestrians stopped one after another and looked at this scene in disbelief. The expressions on their faces were similar to those of Fasun who was standing in front of Lu Yu. The strong ones are almost the same.

Even some of the top experts hidden in high-rise buildings couldn't help but look at the block where Lu Yu was standing with doubtful eyes.

In the entire Heiliang City, only Fu Jing and Huo Yunru, who had seen a similar scene before, knew that Lu Yu's previous scene was not actually launching an offensive, but guiding the starlight's positioning.

The Galaxy Sword originally had the ability to draw starlight, but the efficiency was not particularly outstanding. Therefore, the intention of Lu Yu's comment just now was actually to inform the Divine Wood King Cauldron to use the Star Gathering Bead to remotely assist him.

The beam of starlight coming directly at this time is actually the effect of the Star Gathering Pearl being remotely activated.

As the powerful Dharma Lord himself said, Lu Yu's defense alone could not be broken through with his own strength, but if coupled with the long-range amplification of the Star Gathering Pearl, it would be completely different.

At the moment of life and death, the powerful Dharma Master seemed to feel something in his heart. He knelt down directly on the ground and tremblingly prostrated himself in front of Lu Yu who was bathed in the starlight.

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