Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2375 Convey goodwill

Lu Yu and others took the ladder back to the boat parking area below the city.

Since Lu Yu didn't speak, the others didn't speak either, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent.

It wasn't until after entering the flagship that he saw the big hole in the sky above the ship's head that Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He looked at the sacred tree Wang Ding and said, "Brother Ding, did you do this?"

"I did it..." Shenmu Wangding replied: "But you can't blame me, I'm doing this all to cooperate with you!"

Lu Yu shook his head: "I know you were just trying to cooperate with me, but you should have a better choice. To be honest, were you distracted by other things at the time?"

"Well, brother Lu, you are really powerful. I can't hide anything from you... I was actually doing some small research at the time, and suddenly I saw your order. It was too late, so I had to do this..." Shenmu Wang Ding said weakly.

"A little research?"

"Actually, after you asked me to forcibly shrink my form last time, I discovered some patterns in the changes in my internal space. If I can figure out these patterns, not only will the organization be more efficient, but the space that can be used for storage will also increase. will increase significantly.”

Lu Yu's eyes widened in astonishment and he looked at the round belly of the Divine Wood King Cauldron: "Really? It can still be like this?"

Even though the Shenmu King Cauldron is currently huge, the space inside it is actually several times its current size... If it can significantly increase the space volume on the current basis, what will it eventually be? What kind of situation? Is it possible that it will become a living cave?

"Of course...but I haven't figured out the way yet, so I can't demonstrate it for you yet." Shenmu Wangding said.

Lu Yu patted the big belly of the divine tree king tripod and said: "Don't worry, take your time. If you can really open up a built-in cave, it will be of great help to us... As for this cave, we Just take your time to repair it, I’m not in a rush now.”

After hearing his last words, Manager Chen and others couldn't help showing expressions of hesitation, obviously they wanted to say something, but Lu Yu ignored them, turned to Fu Jing and his daughter and asked: "Are you okay? ?”

Naturally, he was not asking about the injuries of the two people. Under the protection of Jiujiu Liansheng, the three of them did not suffer any injuries. However, the launch of Jiujiu Liansheng relied on the strength of mother and daughter. Therefore, it consumes a lot of money for them.

In addition, this process of deep combination of powers also has a huge impact on the mother and daughter.

Lu Yu will never forget the strange reactions of the mother and daughter when they first tried the lotus lotus... But this time they seemed to be very calm, and they did not know that they were deliberately suppressing the strange "side effects" ", or has really found a way to resolve it... Lu Yu needs to be sure about this.

Fu Jing looked as usual and replied: "It's okay, what can we do? It's just a piece of cake. Speaking of which, although it is such a big scene this time, it is not as intense as when we practiced before..."

Lu Yu was keenly aware of the loopholes in this sentence. Although the activation of Lian Wai Sheng Lian relied on the power of mother and daughter, the person who controlled the overall situation was himself. He clearly knew what the whole process was like. Intensity... When practicing before, no matter how hard it was, it was just a simulation, but this was the first time it was used in actual combat. The intensity before and after the two was not at the same level at all.

"Is there really no problem?" Lu Yu asked, looking into her eyes.

Fu Jing's eyes became a little panicked, she avoided Lu Yu's eyes, and said in her mouth: "Do you really have to ask this kind of question in front of so many people?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

What does this mean?

Is there really a problem? It's just not convenient to say it in public here...

"...Don't get me wrong!" Fu Jing said quickly: "We are really just needs some time to adjust. You don't need to worry about us. You should deal with things here first!"

After saying that, he took Huo Yunru and left together.

Huo Yunru glanced back, her eyes seemed to be full of complex emotions, but she didn't say anything after all.

"You really don't need my help?" Lu Yu asked unwillingly.

The mother and daughter did not look back, but their pace obviously accelerated a bit.

Lu Yu had no choice but to sigh helplessly and turned around again.

Manager Chen and others were still looking at him, like curious babies, but they were worried about gain and loss and did not dare to speak easily.

"I know what you are thinking..." Lu Yu said, "Unfortunately, I am not a real god. I only mastered a part of the power comparable to a god by chance, so you want to become my believer and get The power I gave you, I’m afraid there won’t be such an opportunity for the time being..."

"Uh... Mr. Lu, how dare we have such extravagant hopes? We just want to be able to follow you!" Manager Chen said.

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Follow me, are you sure? Do you know what this really means? Don't look at the fact that although the crane dragon head treats me with great respect, in fact he already knows my truth and falsehood, and he also knows I am not a real god, I am just trying to give face to the 'true god' behind me with the power of the gods I control!"

Manager Chen and others looked at each other for a while, then bowed again and said: "No matter whether it is a true god or a false god, we all hope to follow you, Mr. Lu!"

Lu Yu said: "Let me speak more clearly and straightforwardly... At this moment, the entire Heiliang City above our heads is already mobilizing its troops in full force, with the purpose of preventing me and completely blocking me. At this moment, Do you still want to continue to follow me?"

This time, without any hesitation, everyone knelt on the ground and showed their determination through actions.

"Master Lu, no matter what the situation, we believe in you!"

"Although we are commanding starships to travel north and south, and on the surface we seem to have unlimited glory, in fact, we are still at the bottom of this world. This is the first time we have come into contact with a big shot like you, Mr. Lu. This may be the first time we have come into contact with you in this life. The only chance!"

"Master Lu, please give us this chance!"

Each of the stewards was more sincere than the last.

After all, after all, after witnessing with their own eyes the scene in which Lu Yu was unharmed against the Lord Shenhe, Lu Yu was already a de facto god in their minds.

Even if he is really just a "false god" who controls part of the power of the gods, doesn't this mean that the true god behind him is more powerful?

"Well, if that's the case, then go and do something for me now!" Lu Yu said.

Everyone straightened their backs and their eyes became sharp: "Master Lu, please give me your orders!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't be so nervous. I'm not asking you to fight with others... In fact, it's almost the same as the original plan. I still want you to do business, but the progress must be accelerated. In addition, I will make a list for you. , while you are selling the goods of the Jinghai Caravan, you should try your best to purchase the materials on the list for me as quickly as possible, no matter how much it costs! You are the experts in this regard, and you must know better than me. Just keep it in perspective.”

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other for a while.

This is too strange. Since Tao already knows that the other party is fighting, but they are still just doing business?

"Master Lu, we don't understand..."

Lu Yu spread his hands: "It's very simple, my purpose is just to convey friendliness - you see, no matter how turbulent they are, we just want to come here to do business... This is called "friendliness"!"

"So, in order to show our "friendliness", you must not be stingy with the funds in your hands!"

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