Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2415: Sacrifice one's relatives for the sake of justice

Next, the Fuyou began to clean up the mess.

Although the long-tailed scorpion had been subdued, the people who had been attacked by the power of the demons had not been cleared up yet... A quarter of an hour ago, everyone was still comrades-in-arms, but now they had to draw their swords against each other, because these people were already in the stage of demonization, and the whole process was irreversible. Only by completely destroying them could the process of demonization be stopped.

During this process, Lu Yu saw that many soldiers from Donglin City had only their hands and feet contaminated by the power of the demons. Compared with other parts of the body being attacked by demonic energy, the hands and feet were much slower to be demonized. It can be clearly seen that the hands and feet of these invaded people turned into various strange shapes.

Some grew into a big lump...

Some turned into a tree...

Others turned into countless long earthworms entangled with each other...

Many soldiers in Donglin City couldn't bear it, so they just swung their knives to cut off the demonized parts. On the surface, it seemed that they had completed the cut-off from the invasion of the power of the devil... But not long after, these Donglin City soldiers with missing arms and legs began to twist their bodies and became demonized again, which caused more riots...

The crowd then realized that the invasion of the power of the devil was extremely deep, and it was impossible to stop the demonization by simply cutting off the lesions with weapons. The result of being soft-hearted was that they had to endure the pain for the second time...

"Master Tong, why don't you go over to help?" Watching all this coldly, Lu Yu couldn't help but ask Tong Fang, "If you take action, use the fire power of His Majesty the Great Evolution God King, just like you did to me just now... You should be able to stop all this, right?"

Tong Fang said: "His Majesty's blazing sun holy fire is righteous and majestic, It can indeed cut off the invasion of the power of the demon, but the power of the holy fire is not infinite. Even if I take action, what I can do is just a drop in the bucket... With so many people, which one should I save? "

Lu Yu said: "Even if the power of the holy fire is limited, you can't just watch them die, right? These are all your subordinates. Saving one more will save one more living force. This is better than being blamed?"

Tong Fang glanced at him, opened his mouth, and hesitated to speak. He opened his mouth several times before finally asking: "Mr. Lu, are you really okay?"

Lu Yu reacted immediately and suddenly realized: "No wonder you have been standing here, disregarding the lives of your subordinates. It turns out that you are guarding against me... Do you think I look like I'm in trouble?"

Tong Fang didn't speak, but his expression had already explained everything... The invasion of the power of the demon is not predictable by the naked eye. Even those Donglin City soldiers who had their hands and feet cut off looked fine at first, but the next moment they suddenly began to become demons.

No one can guarantee that Lu Yu will be in the same situation. After all, Tong Fang just witnessed the dark darkness hidden in the depths of his eyes.

"What? Do you want to execute me here as well?" Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh, "Have you ever thought about how you would explain to your God King if I died in your hands?"

Tong Fang whispered, "Mr. Lu, please forgive me. This is related to the safety of the entire Fuyou, so I have to be cautious... If you really become a demon, then we probably won't have a chance to leave here, let alone explain to His Majesty the God King..."

"You really think highly of me!" Lu Yu smiled and pointed forward.

The long-tailed demon scorpion in front was wrapped into a ball in the tire pressure formation, and its black body had begun to melt gradually.

"Such a big storm has calmed down. Even if I am really demonized, can I still stir up a bigger storm than this?"

Tong Fang shook his head and said, "This is different... Although I can't tell the reason, I have a hunch that if you, Lu Yu, are also demonized, it will bring us a catastrophe..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly and looked at him deeply.

It must be said that Jiang is still old. In fact, he also felt that when he was fighting against the power of the devil before, his power seemed to have some special changes in the process of the red and black colors constantly alternating back and forth... What kind of changes, even he couldn't say clearly, but he didn't expect that this old guy also noticed it.

However, Lu Yu was also very clear that his mentality was calm and his strength was stable at this time, which was completely different from the situation when he had direct contact with the power of the devil before. He was absolutely sure that he was still the same as before and was not affected by any power of the devil.

"It seems that I have to find a way to prove myself to you... Otherwise, you will have to follow me all the time?"

Lu Yu said, and suddenly stepped forward.

Tong Fang was shocked and almost couldn't help but attack, but he saw that Lu Yu didn't walk towards the long-tailed scorpion, but walked towards the Donglin City warriors on the side, and his gait was calm, without any sign of wanting to be he forced himself to hold back.

At this time, there were still the last few Donglin City warriors who were attacked by the power of the demons and had not been cleared. They were all attacked in their hands and feet. The whole person's consciousness remained clear, but the hands and feet had undergone demonization...Among them, there was a man whose entire thigh grew into a tree, and it looked like he was coexisting with a towering tree.

Through the previous examples, they knew that there was no room for recovery. They would either be completely demonized or be eliminated before they were completely demonized... In short, they were dead.

However, who would let go of the chance to live?

So, they kept begging their former comrades.

"Please, don't do this..."

"Hurry up and let Elder Tong come over. There must be other ways!"

"We don't want to die... We became like this just to deal with this damn long-tailed scorpion. You can't do this to us!"

"If it doesn't work, let us leave here and let us die!"

"How can you bear to treat us like this?"


The voices of several people questioning were deafening.

The Donglin City warriors who surrounded them and held sharp bone blades avoided their eyes. It can be seen that they were also struggling in their hearts, but no one dared to agree to let them go.

At this moment, Lu Yu strode over and said loudly: "Since you can't do it, how about letting me do it?"

As he spoke, he had already passed the crowd and walked straight towards the Donglin City warriors who were already in the state of demonization.

"Mr. Lu, you can't..."

Everyone knew that Lu Yu's identity was extraordinary, and they hurriedly wanted to stop him, but it was too late. He was already standing in front of the demonized Donglin City warriors.

When they really didn't know what to do, Tong Fang also came over, waved his hand lightly at everyone, and said: "It doesn't matter, let him go!"

He was also very curious about what Lu Yu wanted to do. Did he want to prove that he was not demonized by "killing relatives for the sake of justice" against these people? But these two things are not directly related...

The demonized Donglin City warriors looked at Lu Yu in front of them with doubt. They didn't know what this noble man with a transcendent status wanted to do... But they were sure of one thing, that is, it proved that the noble man's power was far beyond ordinary. At least when he was in direct contact with the power of the demon, he didn't seem to be affected at all.

"Do you want to live?" Lu Yu asked.

Several people's eyes lit up and nodded hurriedly.

"Well, I'll give you a chance now. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, there may be a glimmer of hope... But I have to say ugly words in advance. I am not absolutely sure. If I fail, I will directly eliminate you... Do you agree?"

Several people exchanged glances with each other... In fact, they had no choice at all. Either agree to Lu Yu's conditions to have a glimmer of hope, or die immediately. This is not a very difficult choice.

So, several people nodded again hurriedly.

Lu Yu smiled slightly, turned back and glanced in the direction of Tong Fang, and said: "Master Tong, you have to keep a close eye on them. If I can't suppress the demonic power in their bodies and they become demonized, you can kill me as well!"

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