Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2420: Intensify the efforts

Tong Fang stopped everyone's tendency to celebrate loudly, and the cheers gradually subsided.

This was indeed an unprecedented victory, but they were still in a very dangerous area at this time. The crisis could come at any time in the next second, so they could not be paralyzed and relaxed. It was far from a good time to celebrate.

Seeing everyone returning to their positions, performing their duties, and re-entering a state of combat readiness, Tong Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

He figured out the direction and walked towards where Lu Yu was.

At this time, Lu Yu was no longer in the command area of ​​the skull, but came to the abdomen of the Fuyou Department - the "digestive area" where the tire pressure circle was located. The purpose was naturally to observe the giant monster that had just been captured.

"What's its name? Do you have any relevant information there?"

Before Tong Fang could approach, Lu Yu asked without looking back.

Tong Fang was not too surprised. Now he was 100% sure that Lu Yu definitely had super perception ability... Even monsters outside the territory could not escape under his perception, not to mention his own cultivation. It's not that unimaginable.

"No..." Tong Fang shook his head and said, "Information about the outside world is very scarce, and even what we have is extremely limited... There are no fixed names for these monsters. They are all given randomly according to our own habits. , if they were in other areas, they might have a completely different name."

Lu Yu said: "That's true, but isn't your ultimate goal to sell these monsters as materials? Choosing a more domineering name will help determine their selling price, right?"

Tong Fang glanced at him and said: "This may be true for those who don't know the ropes, but if they are people who really know the ropes, they won't be disturbed by these names... They will only focus on the texture of the bones themselves, and only on the texture Only with the best products will they be willing to spend real money.”

After a pause, he continued: "But for this newly discovered monster, we should indeed give it a new name. According to convention, this name should be given by you, Master..."

"Shall I get up?"

Tong Fang nodded and said meaningfully: "You are the first person to discover it, so naturally you should name it..."

Lu Yu heard the implication of his words and said with a smile: "Actually, what you really care about is how I can accurately discover whether he is right or not... The reason is very simple. During this time, I have done some research on the understanding of the power of the demon. My knowledge has improved tremendously, and now I can sense the changes in the strength of the demon's power, so naturally I can also accurately sense the changes in the position of the monster..."

Tong Fang opened his mouth slightly and said nothing for a long time.

Although he had expected such a result, hearing Lu Yu admit it himself still made him feel very incredible.

The power of the demon is so strange and unpredictable... Even His Majesty the God King Dayan has difficulty predicting its movements, but this Lu Yu can actually perceive it accurately. This is really incredible.

What was even more astonishing was that all of this only happened in such a short period of time. He could be said to have witnessed Lu Yu's entire progress with his own eyes. This extraordinary potential made him feel deeply frightened.

It seems that his previous conclusion was not wrong, but was further confirmed... That is, in some aspects, this guy named Lu Yu has potential that is comparable to, or even surpasses, His Majesty the God King...

"How stable is your ability to feel? How stable is it?" Tong Fang asked again, his tone becoming somewhat cautious.

Lu Yu was speechless: "How do you ask me to answer this? In my own opinion, my ability is naturally 100% reliable, but if I tell you it is 100% reliable, do you dare to believe it?"

As he spoke, he pointed at the giant monster in front of him: "Perhaps, you should ask it how stable it is..."

Tong Fang said: "It's not that I don't trust Young Master, it's just that I have to confirm this issue myself before I can be sure... Since Young Master says it's 100%, it means 100%! If we have such ability, then the rest of this journey will be promising!"

"Not only will the difficulty of hunting become easier, but we can also use your ability to avoid extraterrestrial demons. In this way, we can hunt more monsters and harvest more monster bones!"

By the end, his voice was filled with excitement.

Lu Yu glanced at him and said somewhat helplessly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Tong, I may let you down..."

"Uh...what do you mean?" Tong Fang was stunned for a moment, and then began to persuade him earnestly: "Mr. Lu, are you worried about time? Don't worry, at the depth we are at now, the turbulence is extremely fast. ; According to our previous cooperation, the hunting efficiency will be extremely high, and it will not waste too much time. Our travel date will only be advanced, not postponed..."

Lu Yu just looked at him with a smile and said nothing.

Tong Fang added: "Of course, I will not monopolize these monster resources for this hunt. I will give you an appropriate share ratio and guarantee that you will be satisfied... 50%, how about 50%!"

"Master Lu, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! If we miss this opportunity, we will all regret it!"

It is no wonder that Tong Fang is so impatient. Judging from the situation of capturing the giant monster in front of him just now, if he had listened to Lu Yu's advice from the beginning, it would be a piece of cake. There would be no risk in the whole process, just like picking it up for free.

The skeleton of an ordinary monster can be sold at the price of a divine elixir in the Central World... If it is replaced with the giant monster in front of him, what kind of sky-high price would it be?

Accurate positioning, early warning, suppression of the power of the demon... With Lu Yu's three abilities, he even thinks it is not impossible to challenge the Golden Kun Beast... Of course, the premise is that their luck is good enough to meet another Golden Kun Beast.

If there is another Golden Kun Beast, it means there will be another Fuyou... If there are two Fuyou ships cooperating with each other, then even if there is no Lu Yu to support him in the future, Tong Fang feels that he can also go to such a depth to hunt.

Seeing Tong Fang's increasingly excited expression, Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh: "Master Tong, I always thought you were an honest man, but I didn't expect you to be even more greedy than I thought... Two large monsters can't satisfy your appetite, aren't you afraid that you can earn money but not spend it?"

Tong Fang said seriously: "Wealth and honor are sought in danger. If you don't fight, how can you catch the overwhelming wealth? But the reason why I do this is not for my own selfishness, but for the entire Freemasonry, for His Majesty the God King!"

As he spoke, the expression on his face became more solemn and pious.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Tong is so pious. If His Majesty the God King knew this, he would be very pleased... In this case, let's just increase our efforts and challenge the outer demon directly!"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Tong Fang's face collapsed instantly, and he said in astonishment: "What did you say?"

"I have said it very clearly..." Lu Yu shrugged, "If we can capture the outer demon, then all the monsters of this generation around will also fall into our hands. Isn't this much better than hunting one by one slowly?"

"But, but..." Tong Fang was stunned.

Although he had decided to do a big thing, he didn't expect Lu Yu to take such a big step...

The demon is definitely the most terrifying existence in the outer world. All the monsters are just the result of demonization and mutation under its power. It is the real source of all evil and dark forces.

It is true that Tong Fang said "wealth and honor are sought in danger", but the purpose of seeking wealth and honor in danger is for wealth and honor. If you don't even have your life, where will wealth and honor come from? How can we contribute to the great cause of His Majesty the God King?

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of meaningless sacrifice.

"In short, if you want to make a fortune, you have to challenge the demon with me. Maybe it is too exaggerated to capture it directly, but at least we have to try to collide with his power... This is my condition!"

Lu Yu finally said.

"As for this monster... Let's call it Death Shadow No. 1! Next, we will soon see No. 2, No. 3, and even No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, and No. 7!"

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