Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2422 Final Battle

Everyone on the Fuyou was waiting with bated breath.

Only Lu Yu's voice suddenly broke the silence: "Adjust twenty degrees to the right."

Tong Fang immediately issued an order, and everyone immediately became busy, and the huge hull of the Fuyou also turned accordingly.

"Adjust thirty degrees upward." Lu Yu spoke again.

Tong Fang issued another order, and completed the adjustment again according to Lu Yu's request, and then turned his eyes back to Lu Yu.

Not only him, but everyone on the Fuyou was eagerly watching his every move... This was the fifth hunt after the Death Shadow No. 1. In the previous hunts, Lu Yu accurately predicted the location of the prey every time.

His order made the entire hunting process extremely simple, just like opening a fishing net and waiting for the "big fish" to come to the door. After five hunts, there is still no net on the Fuyou, which was simply unimaginable in the past.

In the past, even hunting the most basic common monsters such as the Shadow Wolf would result in some combat losses. However, after the five hunts, all of them were large monsters similar to Death Shadow No. 1. Death Shadow No. 2, 3, 4, and 5 have been gathered, and Death Shadow No. 6 will soon appear... Such an impressive record, Tong Fang and others did not even dare to dream of such a dream in the past.

Because of this, Lu Yu has accumulated a very high prestige in the minds of everyone. Every word he said is like a golden rule and has been fully implemented by everyone.

Lu Yu is quite satisfied with this result, which is why he chose to practice with Death Shadow No. 2 to No. 6 first... This can not only accumulate combat experience and further understand the performance of Fuyou, but most importantly, it can also cultivate trust between each other.

The last point is the most important. Only with full trust can everyone willingly execute some seemingly incredible but actually necessary tactics when facing the demon at the last moment.

Of course, Lu Yu didn't have any specific tactics yet, but he couldn't help but anticipate the worst and make the worst plans in advance.

"Adjust downward by 40 degrees." Lu Yu issued another order.

Compared with the "adjust upward by 30 degrees" just now, the adjustment this time was undoubtedly very large, but everyone did not have any doubts or complaints, and completed this new order decisively and neatly.

After that, Lu Yu fell into a long silence and never issued any other new orders.

Because he was silent for too long, everyone couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, so Tong Fang reminded him in a low voice: "Sir, what's the next step?"

"Next step?" Lu Yu was slightly startled, turned his head to look at him, and said with a confused look: "What's the next step?"


Tong Fang's heart suddenly said badly.

In fact, the Death Shadow No. 6 that was hunting at the moment was much more difficult than the other Death Shadows before. It has lasted for a quarter of an hour from the beginning of the battle to now.

During this quarter of an hour, Lu Yu had been locking onto the other party's position and continuously issuing commands, which meant that he had been fighting with the Death Shadow No. 6 for a full quarter of an hour.

Others might not understand what the time in this moment meant, but for someone at his level of cultivation, he could understand that although Lu Yu looked calm on the surface, he was actually consuming a huge amount of energy in secret... Lu Yu's current state was obviously due to excessive consumption of energy, so much so that he was in a trance and lost his mind.

Tong Fang could not help but become worried.

If Lu Yu's command was not there at this time, I really didn't know what to do...

However, he also knew that Lu Yu could not be blamed for this. After all, everyone has their limits. Now Lu Yu has reached his limit, and he can only rely on himself to find a way to remedy it...

Then, before he could come up with a specific solution, Lu Yu suddenly stretched and said, "There is no next step. I have been entangled with it for so long, and I have understood its habits and laws. So when I adjusted it in the last step just now, I had already predicted its movements in advance... At present, it seems that my prediction is still accurate. Next, I just need to wait for the net to close!"

As soon as the voice fell, a violent shock suddenly hit.

A mass of giants hit the front of the Fuyou. Although the collision was fierce, the collision point happened to be in the core area of ​​the Kun Suction Array. Therefore, there was no suspense. The giant was firmly sucked by the Kun Suction Array, as if it was thrown into the arms, and was instantly sucked into the belly of the Fuyou, falling into the range of the tire pressure array.

The giant struggled unwillingly, but the tire pressure array was so powerful that no matter how hard it tried, it was still tightly bound and could only roar silently. Due to the isolation of the array, even the sound could not be transmitted, so its roar was also silent.

The interior of the Fuyou suddenly erupted with thunderous cheers.


"Number 6 is captured! Number 6 is captured!"

"Haha! Next is Death Shadow Number 7!"

"What do you think, which number can we collect this time?"


Everyone cheered and jumped for joy.

Now everyone has understood Lu Yu's naming habits. For this simple and crude naming strategy, they not only have no objection, but also enjoy it and never get tired of it.

Only Tong Fang did not join the crowd in cheering. He still looked at Lu Yu beside him in astonishment. He felt his head buzzing, and all he could think about was what Lu Yu had just said.

Prediction? What the hell is this? Can someone predict the movements of monsters?

If he had gone there again, Tong Fang would have sneered at such a statement, but now... Death Shadow No. 6 was still struggling in the tire pressure array, which undoubtedly proved that Lu Yu was not just talking nonsense.

What kind of meticulous thinking and powerful mental will are needed to predict the movements of something like this?

This undoubtedly also means a greater consumption of mental power... Originally, Tong Fang thought that Lu Yu's performance just now was because he had reached his limit, but now it seems that he has no limit at all!

Tong Fang stood aside, looking at Lu Yu's facial profile that seemed to be cut by a knife, and his inner shock was beyond words. He didn't say anything for a long time.

"Master Tong, there is bad news now..."

Lu Yu's voice brought Tong Fang's thoughts back to reality again.

"Uh...what's wrong?"

Lu Yu frowned slightly, his face thoughtful: "I guess there won't be any more Death Shadow No. 7 next..."


"Because..." Lu Yu paused, as if making a final confirmation, "The prey we have captured now...should have exceeded the limit, right? Unfortunately, we have been targeted by the demon now."

"What!" Tong Fang was shocked, and his face changed instantly.

"Prepare for the final battle!" Lu Yu took a deep breath, "Next, no matter whether the final result is a win or a loss, this will be our final battle!"

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