Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2424 Billowing Smoke and Dust

Next, various orders were issued at high speed.

Each time Lu Yu made a specific request, Tong Fang transformed the request into a series of specific operation instructions, which were conveyed to the political and legal systems in various parts for specific operations.

The entire Fuyou was filled with a tense atmosphere, and everyone almost didn't dare to breathe, for fear of accidentally alarming the unknown and terrible enemy ahead.

On the other hand, Lu Yu behaved like a calm and patient hunter, becoming more and more calm. It was his commanding attitude that stabilized the morale of the people to a certain extent, otherwise many people would not be able to bear this depressing atmosphere.

"Mr. Lu..." Tong Fang suddenly whispered, "Although I know it's not appropriate to say this now... but do you really think that you can deal with the demon with just the tire pressure array?"

After this series of orders, Tong Fang also roughly understood Lu Yu's intentions at this time. Now it is basically certain that Lu Yu intends to use the tire pressure array to attack the demon. As for whether there are other means besides this, at least Tong Fang has not seen it yet.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said, "Why don't you have confidence in your tire pressure array? The power of the tire pressure array comes from the Jinkun beast, but it is not just the Jinkun beast. In addition, it also comes with the power of the Dayan God King... Don't you have confidence in His Majesty the Dayan God King?"

Tong Fang said, "Of course I have confidence in His Majesty the God King... But that is the Sky Demon after all, even His Majesty the God King is extremely afraid of their power!"

"The Dayan God King is afraid of the power of the Sky Demon?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he had discovered something very interesting, "So, the Dayan God King actually fought with the extraterritorial Sky Demon?"

"Uh, it should be..."

"What do you mean it should be? Forget it, don't dwell on this issue... Did he say what the Sky Demon's weaknesses are? Or are there any special things to pay attention to when fighting with the film?"

Tong Fang couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Young Master, you think too highly of me. Even if the God His Majesty really has this information. Do you think I am qualified to ask him to share it with me? "

Lu Yu said: "Tong, the head of the family, don't belittle yourself. You and I have not seen the real demon yet. Maybe it is not as difficult to deal with as imagined... Or maybe you were not qualified to let His Majesty the God King share such information with you before, but maybe after returning this time, he will take the initiative to discuss these issues with you? If you don't believe it..."

He paused, suddenly turned his gaze to the front, and then said: "Let's wait and see!"

As his voice fell, the clouds and fog in front suddenly dissipated... To be precise, there was no cloud and fog here, but the Fuyou entered an unknown substance. This unknown substance seemed to be some special dust. In the process of colliding with the Fuyou, a large amount of electric charge was generated. Suddenly, there were stars in front of the Fuyou, forming an effect like clouds and fog.

This is also the first time that Lu Yu saw a light source other than the Fuyou appear in the darkness of the extraterritorial world.

Tong Fang couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

That familiar feeling came back again...

Although it was not as strong as the previous times, it was indeed the same bone-chilling feeling as in the past, with blood almost coagulating... His memory of this feeling was simply unforgettable.

From this he knew that they had finally encountered the demon head-on...No, perhaps it should be said that they encountered it from the back, because according to Lu Yu's design, they should have appeared behind the demon at this time.


With Lu Yu's order, the Kun Suction Array began to activate and instantly soared to the strongest effect.

It was different from the previous hunting times. When hunting Death Shadow No. 1 to No. 6, the Kun Suction Array was activated in advance, but this time he was facing the demon himself. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Lu Yu did not order the Kun Suction Array to be activated until the last moment.

There is no doubt that this strategy is effective.

Large tracts of black matter were sucked into the Kun Suction Array... They looked like black gas, but they were not just pure gas. There were a lot of dust particles in them. These dust particles rolled and tumbled, and bursts of bright and strong electric sparks would burst out when they collided with each other, which looked full of hideous charm...

At the same time, there were countless sharp and piercing screams, as if the end of the world was coming...In an instant, the eardrums of countless crew members on the Fuyou were broken, and bright red blood flowed out.

Although they were only in the state of smoke and dust, they showed another completely different kind of horror.

There was a chaos on the Fuyou.

No one could have imagined that the first moment of the two sides' fight would be so thrilling. Although Lu Yu had made a detailed plan, and the demon also fell into the control of the Kun Suction Array according to his plan, he did not expect that he could still launch such a desperate counterattack.


Lu Yu roared.

This roar was not a sound wave, but a mental wave from the level of thoughts. Therefore, even though everyone's eardrums had been activated, they could still clearly sense his will.

"According to the original plan!" Lu Yu added.

Suddenly, everyone quieted down, regained their concentration, and performed their duties.

A ruptured eardrum is an extremely serious injury to ordinary people, but to them it is nothing. As long as the battle is over and they rest quietly for a while, they will be able to recover in a short time... What is more serious is the mental level. The blow, but with Lu Yu's two thoughts, most of the impact has been offset.

The black smoke and dust are still billowing.

Although the efficiency of the Kun Absorption Array has been increased to its limit, it is still very difficult to completely inhale it.

It was just stuck in the Kun Suction Formation, neither being sent further into the Tire Pressure Formation nor being able to escape... This was a situation that had never happened in the previous hunts.

Everyone saw that the situation was unusual, and their expressions gradually changed.

"Master Lu, the situation is not good..." Tong Fang said, "Your plan to use the tire pressure array to deal with it may not work, not to mention that we can't let it absorb the tire pressure array now. Formation, even if it is successfully sucked in, it seems to have no entity..."

Without an entity, it cannot be digested... The previous large monsters all had entities, so they were eventually digested into a pile of bones. But at this time, this cloud of smoke and dust, no matter how hard it is digested, is ultimately just a pile of bones. Just the smoke in my stomach.

Lu Yu turned to look at him: "What? Do you want to give up now? Who said before that wealth can be found in danger..."

Tong Fang couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Master Lu, I am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. You also know that no matter how unfavorable the war is, I will not die here... It's just that I really can't think of how to crack it."

Lu Yu said nothing, and frowned in deep thought.

For most people around him, they may still not know what the smoke and dust means, but Lu Yu already knows very well in his heart that these smoke and dust are the source of the power of the demon that he has been sensing from a distance, which means that this is indeed the source of the power of the devil. The so-called demon himself.

However, if you simply think that this is the original state of the demon, it is not necessarily the case.

In Lu Yu's perception, this is still not the purest state of the demon's power, which means that the smoke state at this time is not the original state of the demon.

As for how to restore the demon to its original state, so as to completely defeat it and understand the mystery of its original power, further attempts are still needed.

However, their means were very limited at this time, and it seemed that the only one who could handle this important task was Lu Yu himself.

Lu Yu thought for a moment, and finally had a sudden change of heart.

If you don't want to give up your children, you can't trap the wolf... If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?

If he wanted to truly understand the mystery of the power of the demon and then apply its characteristics to the power of the red lotus, he could only do it through personal in-depth contact.

"Master Tong, it's too early to draw conclusions now... Why don't I try it myself!"

With that said, Lu Yu strode towards the jawbone of the Fuyou, which was also the area where the Kunsu Formation was located.

Tong Fang was startled and said quickly: "Master Lu, what are you going to do..."

Lu Yu didn't even look back and replied: "Didn't you keep asking me what means I have to deal with the demon? Now I will tell you the answer. My real plan is to combine the power of the three. One is the power of the Jinkun Beast. , the second is the power of the God King, and the third... is naturally my power!"

After saying that, with a few steps rising and falling, he had already plunged into the Kunsu Formation and merged with the billowing smoke and dust.

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