Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2439 Let go

Chen Hui was obviously stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Lu Yu would dare to directly intervene in the tense and explosive atmosphere.

Moreover, the "kick" he forced in just cut off the energy flow between the two, and forcibly suppressed the tense momentum between the two.

"The Holy Mother is actually Xi Mengying, the daughter of the Master. She is intelligent and has extremely strong cultivation. She is quite similar to the Queen Mother of Yaochi in the past. And because of her special relationship with the Master, some disciples call her the Holy Mother. "Chen Hui replied quietly.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be shocked again by his answer.

It turned out to be Xi Kaijiang's daughter. This undercover agent was really thorough. Not only did he climb to the position of leader of the Kunlun Sect, but he also gave birth to a daughter here.

But it seemed that she didn't know Xi Kaijiang's true identity, otherwise she wouldn't have such a big opinion against Chen Hui. In Lu Yu's view, the only reason why Xi Kaijiang trusted Chen Hui and favored him so much was It was Chen Hui who had a pious heart and was able to master the power of the sacred flame well, making him the perfect object of possession.

Because of this, Chen Hui became Xi Kaijiang's key training target. He often received his personal guidance, so he soared into the sky, and he became the chief disciple even though he was not strong enough yet. But this scene fell into the eyes of the disciples who didn't know what was going on. , it became clear that Chen Hui was a lucky person who only knew how to flatter others.

"What about him?" Lu Yu turned his gaze to Sihai and asked.

Before Chen Hui could respond, Na Sihai snorted coldly and answered first: "

The Holy Mother is my biological mother. Who do you think I am? "

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of what Chen Hui had called him before, and asked in shock: "So your surname is also Xi?"

"Of course!" A hint of pride appeared on Xi Si's surface, "Eighteen of us brothers and sisters were all born from the Mother Mother's inspiration. Naturally, we follow the Mother Mother's surname Xi and we are the orthodox ones in Kunlun!"

good guy

Lu Yu was completely shocked now.

I didn't expect that this old guy was actually Xi Kaijiang's grandson. No wonder he spoke so domineeringly. I didn't expect that Xi Kaijiang's daughter actually gave birth to a total of eighteen offspring. Is this also Xi Kaijiang's instruction?

He really works hard enough and can be called a model worker in the undercover world. Does he intend to use his descendants to stabilize the rule of the Kunlun Sect? I just don’t know how many offspring he has given birth to.

At this point, Lu Yu finally understood the whole story.

To put it bluntly, these descendants of Lao Xi's family were dissatisfied with Lao Xi's vigorous support of Chen Hui. In addition, they mistook the message sent by God King Dayan as the so-called "divine decree", which led to the trouble. This comes out.

Lu Yu didn't want to pay attention to the family affairs of Lao Xi's family, but the other party wanted to snatch his subpoena information, so he couldn't ignore it?

"Whether you are Kunlun orthodox or not, you and your Holy Mother have made a mistake. The top of this peak is not the so-called heavenly decree, but my thing. It is just stored here temporarily. Now I I'm going to take it away, I hope you won't interfere with me anymore," Lu Yu said lightly.


Big tone! Xi Sihai sneered, "You said what's yours is yours?" There has never been a precedent for allowing outsiders to take away the treasures of Kunlun Holy Land. Chen Hui, you dare to collude with outsiders in order to seize the treasure of Kunlun Holy Land. This is the ironclad proof that you have betrayed the master! "

Chen Hui said angrily: "Xi Sihai, how long are you going to keep messing around? I have already said that this person is an important guest of the Master. You can forget about it. If you offend him, the Master will hold you accountable. Come down, even Xi Mengying can't protect you!"

"Dignified guest?" Xi Sihai laughed again, "Chen Hui, do you still want to use such a name to scare people? With his little cultivation, he is not even qualified to carry my shoes, but he is also the head teacher Is it possible that you still want to tell me that the head master wants to replace our Kunlun sect with a new chief disciple?"


Before Chen Hui said anything, Lu Yu waved his hand at him to stop him from continuing.

"Brother Chen, there's no need to waste your breath anymore. It doesn't make sense to tell him. I didn't expect that the situation of a great disciple like you in the Kunlun Sect would be so bad. Anyway, I've received a lot of care from you along the way. Today I will be the one to take care of you." This is my little feedback to you!”

As he spoke, Lu Yu slowly approached Xi Sihai opposite him.

Xi Sihai's face darkened and his eyes locked on Lu Yu. He did not expect that this guy who seemed to have only ordinary cultivation would dare to approach him.

You must know that he is in a state of full momentum at this time. Even Chen Hui cannot easily approach him, but he behaves very relaxedly.

, as if not affected at all.

Chen Hui also noticed that things were unusual and hurriedly said: "Brother Lu, what are you going to do?"

Lu Yu didn't look back: "Didn't you say that Xi Kaijiang asked me to let go of my hands and feet here? Now I'm going to let go of my hands and feet and discipline his disciples and grandchildren for him!"

"Bold! Who are you! How dare you call my master ancestor by his first name!"

Xi Sihai scolded angrily, unable to restrain the urge to take action anymore. He swung the long sword in his hand repeatedly, and countless thunders suddenly fell.

The surging electric light swallowed up Lu Yu's figure in an instant.

Amidst the thunder, Lu Yu raised his hand and waved, and suddenly a red lotus flower flew up from his fingertips.

It is the Lotus outside the Lotus.

After the battle with the demon, he is now more adept at using multiple dimensions and controlling his power. The activation of the Lotus outside the Lotus is no longer rigidly covering the whole body with lotus flowers. It can be done at will and freely.

The next moment, all the thunder was absorbed by the red lotus on Lu Yu's fingertips, transferred to other dimensions, and disappeared into thin air.

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