Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2457: Facing the God

Since entering the myriad worlds, Lu Yu has been facing a powerful God Lord for the nth time.

When he first faced the Thousand Eyes God Lord, he felt nervous, excited, scared and excited...

Later, he encountered the Immortal Dragon Lord in Fengze City, fought with the three God Lords Lan Jian, Wu Di and Bai Mei in the Wolf Smoke Land, and met many leaders of the Dongxu Dragon Clan in the Qinghui Realm... Including the Gray Dragon, when he was in the Dongxu Dragon Clan, under the blessing of the Qinghui Realm Law, he was also a powerful God Lord, but now he has become Lu Yu's subordinate.

Later, he had a fight with the Peacock Great Ming King and the Dayan God King in the Cancer Star Region. I don't know what level these two are, but it is definitely not as simple as the God Lord Realm...

Not to mention that during this period, he also killed the two God Lords Dusk and Zhenhong... Although they all relied on the power of Huo Siyu and the Ark of the Other Shore, at least he was involved, and Yongle Xianting also counted these two accounts on his head.

In short, after so many times of dealing with the powerful God Lord, it is difficult for the God Lord to cause him any special sense of oppression psychologically... It is for this reason that after hearing Zhang Hanwei talk about facing the God Lord and accepting questioning, Lu Yu did not react much, but instead discussed with Xi Mengying seriously how to kill the accuser who threw dirty water on Kunlun Sect in front of the God Lord.

However, the psychological sense of oppression is gone, but the physical sense of oppression remains. Especially when he cannot use the power of the Lotus Seed, the strong sense of oppression makes Lu Yu pale and difficult to breathe, and the whole person looks like he is about to die.

Of course, this is also the result of Lu Yu not deliberately resisting, because this is exactly the reaction of a cultivator in the Manifestation Realm when facing the God Lord.

It was not until Xi Mengying stretched out her hand and gently pressed his shoulder that Lu Yu's condition gradually eased, and everything seemed reasonable.

A figure gradually became clear in the strong light, and the image of a majestic man appeared right in front of Xi Mengying and Lu Yu... This was of course not the real body of Huayan God. Just like the two gods Mu Se and Zhen Hong before, this was only a part of their main power. If Mu Se and Zhen Hong could complete the entire descent ceremony at that time, it would probably be like this now.

"Greetings, Lord God!"

Everyone in the mysterious space stood up and bowed to the majestic man in the strong light, looking very respectful.

Only Xi Mengying and Lu Yu were still sitting in their seats, without even moving.

The strong light gradually faded, and the image of the majestic man appeared clearly. He looked around the whole audience, and his eyes naturally fell on Xi Mengying and Lu Yu in front of him.

Seeing his actions, someone immediately stood up and pointed at the two people with indignation: "How dare you! The Lord of Gods came, but you didn't even stand up to greet him. Is Kunlun Sect so rude?"

"Etiquette?" Xi Mengying smiled coldly: "If I remember correctly, this Lord of Huayan is just a master of your Yongle Immortal Court, and has nothing to do with our Kunlun Sect. Our Kunlun Sect has never been officially incorporated into Yongle Immortal Court... Is it rude not to kowtow to the Lord of Gods?"

"Besides, who are you? Is it your turn to judge whether our Kunlun Sect has manners or not?"

"You..." The man couldn't help but get angry and raised his fist angrily, but Xi Mengying was already a Godly Lord. Not to mention whether he had any way to deal with Xi Mengying, this was not the place to fight.

So, he reluctantly put down his fist slowly, forced himself to hold his breath, and said: "Everyone, you have seen how arrogant this person is, how arrogant he is! It is really a case of the top beam being crooked and the bottom beam being crooked... I think there is no need to review this matter any further. It is an indisputable fact that the Kunlun Sect is secretly communicating with foreign enemies and harboring evil intentions! I suggest that the two Kunlun Sect rebels be detained immediately together with Xi Kaijiang, and then the entire Kunlun Sect be eradicated!"

The whole audience was silent.

Xi Mengying laughed out loud without caring: "Ridiculous! You just said that our Kunlun Sect has no etiquette and is not respectful enough to Huayan Divine Lord, but now you are speaking nonsense in front of Huayan Divine Lord and taking over the job. Is this your etiquette?"


Xi Mengying immediately said: "Lord Divine Lord, I suggest that this person be expelled immediately. If he continues to stay here, no one can tell who is the real chief judge!"

"Lord Divine Lord, I..."

Huayan Divine Lord raised his hand lightly, indicating that the man should not continue talking, but his eyes looked at Xi Mengying and said: "You seem to have a big opinion about me?"

Xi Mengying said: "I do have a big opinion, but it is not directed at you, Lord Divine Lord, but at this gathering... This is a complete joke, and it is called a "trial". You can find a pretext to accuse someone of a crime. Don't you think this is too ridiculous?"

"Ridiculous?" Huayan Divine Lord said: "Then what do you think is not ridiculous?"

Xi Mengying said: "For what reason my father was imprisoned, Lord Shenjun knows it very clearly. It is really ridiculous to say that he colluded with Shenhua Immortal Court and secretly harbored evil intentions! When did our Kunlun sect become so capable and powerful? To the extent that it can influence the struggle between the two immortal courts? Can we, the Kunlun Sect, really bear such a big hat?"

"The real reason for this is nothing more than a conflict of interests. Some people think that our Kunlun Sect's business is too prosperous, so they want to get a share of it! In this case, why don't you just make it clear? What do you need this time? We, the Kunlun sect, will give us a price for how much blood we have to put out!”

"If I can accept it, then I will pay it directly. If it is a price that I really can't accept, then I know what to do. I will take the initiative to withdraw and give up the admission quota for our Kunlun Sect! "

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of everyone in the room couldn't help but become strange.

No one thought that Xi Mengying's attitude would be so direct, she simply made everything clear at once.

Divine Lord Huayan was obviously startled for a moment before he laughed: "Interesting, it's really interesting... You are much cleaner than that old man of yours! But behind such cheerfulness, can I think that you also feel that Xi Kaijiang's behavior is inappropriate? The place?"

Xi Mengying said: "I have never said such a thing. If Lord Shenjun insists on thinking this way, I don't want to refute... I would like to ask Lord Shenjun, what is your purpose for the trial of our Kunlun Sect? Even if it is true, What good will it do to you if you are convicted of my father's crime? Can Yongle Immortal Court be able to sit back and relax and gain an advantage in the fight against Shenhua Immortal Court? In the final analysis, don't you want to squeeze more out of our Kunlun Sect? If that’s the case, why can’t it be simpler?”

Huayan Shenjun said: "You are so straightforward! I don't even know how to respond to you... But even if it is what you said, the case must be tried. Otherwise, if you are not sure of the crime, how will you know? What price should I set? If I asked you to hand over all the Kunlun Sect’s wealth, you wouldn’t be convinced, would you?”

Xi Mengying raised her eyebrows: "In that case, let me hear how you want to interrogate him!"

Lord Huayan said calmly: "Bring the suspect here first!"

Soon, a prisoner was tied up and led up - what was tied to him was not a rope, but various charms. It seemed that this was the only way to suppress his power.

Lu Yu finally met Xi Kaijiang for the first time... His appearance was actually very young. Even compared to Chen Hui, he was not much different. Just looking at his appearance, it was hard to imagine that he would be an old monster from the Freemasonry.

However, after learning about what he had done secretly, Lu Yu was no longer surprised by this... Being able to participate in the huge plan of God King Dayan and Yao Ji, responsible for awakening the Holy Mother of the previous era, Naturally, this person cannot be a simple person.

Even Lu Yu doubted whether he was also from the Storm Clan. Unfortunately, the blood characteristics of the Storm Clan were not very obvious, and he didn't see many clues.

"Xi Kaijiang, do you recognize these two people?" Divine Lord Huayan asked.

Under the suppression of the spell, Xi Kaijiang could not move at all. He first looked at Xi Mengying, then his eyes stayed on Lu Yu for more time, and finally nodded.

"They have just explained your crime to me in full. Of course, this process was not of their own free will... What else do you have to say?"

Unexpectedly, Huayan Shenjun actually cheated directly on the scene...

At the same time, a strong pressure came, and Lu Yu and Xi Mengying were the first to bear the brunt. Even with Xi Mengying's support, Lu Yu felt that he was almost out of breath... On the other hand, Xi Mengying's expression also changed slightly.

Obviously, Huayan Shenjun was using this method to silence them both so that more information could be blasted out of Xi Kaijiang's mouth.

I have to say that under normal circumstances, this is a very effective method, but it is a pity that he chose the wrong target this time...

Xi Kaijiang knew very well that others might succumb to the pressure of Divine Lord Huayan and be forced to reveal secrets, but it was absolutely impossible for these two people...

Besides, if Lu Yu's psychological defense was broken, then he wouldn't be asking this question, but the plan to assassinate the Lord of Pantian.

Divine Lord Huayan waved his hand again, and immediately a talisman attached to Xi Kaijiang's throat was lifted, and he was finally able to speak.

"Lord Zhenjun, I don't know what you are talking about..."

"Hmph!" Lord Huayan snorted coldly, "You are so stubborn that you really won't shed tears until you see the coffin... President Wu, please come out and repeat the evidence you have!"

As soon as the words fell, a person stood up from his seat. It was actually the person who had previously accused Xi Mengying of not being polite.

It turns out that this guy is the so-called accuser.

Xi Mengying's eyes flickered and she winked at Lu Yu.

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