Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2476 The Great Waves Wash Away the Sand

Lu Yu looked at the two crystal bottles in his hand. One was a brand new crystal bottle that the mysterious man had just given him, and the other was what was left after the previous Soul Branding was completed.

After comparing silently for a moment, he said: "Let's go, it's time for us to leave!"

Xi Mengying said: "Leave now?"

"Otherwise?" Lu Yu asked, "Is it possible that we still want to stay here for the New Year?"

"But I think your current condition is not very good. Should you practice the shedding technique first before going out?" Xi Mengying said.

Strictly speaking, Lu Yu had just completed the Soul Burning Technique, and the state of his body and soul were not consistent. This may not be obvious to ordinary people, but from the perspective of a truly top expert, Lu Yu at this time Just like wearing a piece of clothing that doesn't fit well, the flaws will be seen at a glance.

Therefore, the best solution is to practice the shedding technique here first, so that the body and soul can be unified, and the flaws can be eliminated invisible.

However, unexpectedly, Lu Yu refused: "Didn't that guy just say that the process of practicing molting will be very painful? This place is 100% safe. After all, it is not our own place. So, let's leave first and then talk about it!"

Xi Mengying said: "Kaiyang City is not a place for leisure. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are secretly staring at the Kunlun Sect. If we go back in this state and someone happens to see it, all our efforts will be wasted. As for what you said There is no need to worry about safety issues, we can take turns protecting each other.”

Lu Yu said: "What you said

It does make sense, but let me be honest, I think my current state is very interesting and worthy of in-depth study, so I want to maintain this state for the time being, hey."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly came to his senses: "Does it mean that you also need to practice the shedding technique for the turns you just mentioned?"

Xi Mengying nodded and admitted: "I think this matter is very urgent for me!"

"In this case, you should practice first, and I will protect you!" Lu Yu said, "I can also take advantage of the situation to observe your state, maybe this will be more valuable for research!"

Indeed, compared to Lu Yu's process of burning the soul in a resigned way, Xi Mengying's fierce struggle is undoubtedly more interesting. If you want to have a deeper understanding of the mystery of the soul, Xi Mengying is undoubtedly a more suitable object to observe.

Xi Mengying didn't delay any further and started practicing the shedding technique in front of Lu Yu.

The so-called shedding technique does not only refer to the removal of a layer of superficial skin, but also refers to the transformation of the entire physical body. After all, compared to the soul, the entire human body is just a layer of skin.

Circles of red light emerged, and the skin on Xi Mengying's body cracked inch by inch, like a broken porcelain doll. Bright red flesh and blood kept rolling up from the cracks, quickly healing and scabbing, and then the scars fell off and cracked again. The whole process starts over and over again.

And this is only on the surface. In fact, Xu Mengying's internal organs are also repeating this process.

This scene was really ferocious and terrifying. Lu Yu was just standing by

As I watched, I couldn't help but feel a shudder. This is a process in which every cell particle is constantly reinventing itself from the inside out. You can imagine how painful it is.

It seemed that the mysterious man was not exaggerating on this point.

However, even though she was experiencing such pain, Xi Mengying never even hummed or even frowned. Although Lu Yu also prided himself on being perseverant, he couldn't help but admire him sincerely when he saw this scene. At least he I can't do this myself.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but the skin all over Xi Mengying’s body has become as delicate and tender as suet again. The cell particles in her body are still rolling from the inside out, but no more wounds will be formed. , this is because her brand new body has adapted to the existing soul and will no longer be separated by the soul.

The so-called shedding technique is actually equivalent to re-condensing a new physical body amidst endless fragmentation.

Seeing this, Lu Yu couldn't help but be amazed for a moment.

Originally, he simply wanted to maintain his current state, so he refused to practice the shedding technique, but now that he has seen Xi Mengying's practice process, he really doesn't want to practice it anymore.


Xi Mengying opened her eyes again, stood naked in front of Lu Yu, and asked, "What do you think?"

Lu Yu looked at her carefully. At this time, Xi Mengying's appearance had not changed in any way compared to before. Even the contours of her body had not changed significantly. However, strangely, she had a completely new look at this time. Feel.

"It feels like a big change, but I also said

I can’t figure out exactly where the change is, it’s amazing! "Lu Yu said truthfully.

"I also feel amazing," Xi Mengying said, "It seems that I have found my true self."

"The real self?" Lu Yu was slightly startled, "Where do you start talking about this? What happened when that guy used the Soul Burning Technique on you before?"

Xi Mengying said: "I can't tell exactly what happened, but you should know my situation. I have been stuck in chaotic thoughts and broken memories, but the previous soul-burning technique was like a During the field test, all insignificant things were destroyed by its attack, and only the truly important things remained. It was as if a strong wind blew away all the rotten leaves piled on the ground, revealing the real landscape. , and it also allowed me to see my true self more clearly.”

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this to be the case.

If his previous process of helping Xi Mengying clarify her thoughts and recover her memory was like peeling off the cocoon, then her experience just now was like a big wave. This may sound like a more efficient way of dealing with it, but in fact it hurts the enemy and hurts everything. Eight hundred.

"Is there any problem?" Lu Yu asked.

"Don't worry." Xi Mengying smiled slightly, "Those less important memories and thoughts have only temporarily settled down and have not really disappeared, so they are actually lossless to me. Everything is just a temporary choice. I think If necessary in the future, these less important memories can be used again at any time.”

Lu Yu was speechless for a moment.


In this regard, he really didn't have any good advice to give the other party.

"Next, do you plan to go to the Six Paths Alliance as a guest in this form?" Lu Yu asked again.

"Isn't it possible?" Xi Mengying asked, "I'm just a guest. There is no need to deliberately hide my identity. Xi Kaijiang may have been cautious before, worried that the Kunlun sect would be implicated if the matter was exposed, so he asked me to follow him. However, Now I have my own idea!"

"what idea?"

"The interests of the Kunlun Sect do not represent my interests, and Xi Kaijiang's concerns do not represent my concerns. There is no need to pay so much attention to them. If I am the true mother of Kunlun, what if the entire Kunlun Sect is in direct opposition to Yongle Immortal Court?"

"This" Lu Yu was completely speechless.

Now, he was truly convinced that Xi Mengying was different. Just like she had experienced the "snatching off the cocoon" last time, she had also undergone great changes after experiencing the "big waves".

Lu Yu couldn't tell whether this was good or bad for the moment, but judging from the current situation, things didn't seem to be moving in a bad direction.

"But it's too far to say this now." Xi Mengying smiled, "How about we wait until you enter the Six Paths Alliance first? Are you ready? If you are sure that you don't plan to use the shedding technique here, then we should set off. "

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