Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2512 Last Chance

Lu Yu said: "So, is this the reason why you couldn't stay in Huilong Army and came to He'an Road?"

Chen Taizhou nodded bitterly: "That's it..."

"This doesn't seem right, does it?" Lu Yu said: "According to your statement, the son of the head of the Hongying Sect is obviously a villain, and you were completely framed by the villain... When you were in the Jiusen Star Territory, you were all He refused to endure their oppression and instead went to his hometown to kill others. Will he be willing to swallow his anger this time? "

"Of course I will not sit still and wait for death. This is not my character..." Chen Taizhou said, "In fact, our joining He On Road this time is an opportunity we have fought for with great difficulty. We are not using this as an escape, but as a hope. Take this opportunity to make meritorious deeds and use this place as a springboard. One day we will return to the Huilong Army with supreme glory..."

"Springboard?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

Chen Taizhou nodded and said slowly: "Actually, I might as well tell you the truth. We came here with a mission. This matter is related to the power of Huilong. If it can be done, the power of Huilong Army will be even greater. Go to the next level. Even if Lu Jichang wants to stumbling upon us, he will be unable to do anything... On the contrary, I will ask him to pay back everything he owes us... Unfortunately, unexpectedly things will change. It’s become what it is now!”

When he said the last sentence, Chen Taizhou couldn't help showing a sad expression again.

"Lu Jichang? Is that the name of the son of the head of the Hongying Sect?" Lu Yu asked.


"Then what is the task of substituting meritorious services that you mentioned? It involves the power of Huilong... If I guess correctly, you will probably say that this is the secret of Huilong Army?"

Chen Taizhou said: "I'm sorry, I really can't tell you these things... Even if I end up in this situation, there are some principles that I still can't give up."

"Okay..." Lu Yu spread his hands indifferently, "Although what you did is very disappointing, I respect your choice. Having principles is a good thing. I respect people with principles. Have you ever thought about it? How are you going to resolve this situation?”

"How else can we resolve it?" Chen Taizhou showed a bitter smile again on his face, "Originally I thought that all this was the result of my being too impulsive and that we were the ones to blame. But it wasn't until I came here that I knew everything. Such a change... There are so many prisoners here, but I am the only one being detained here. If I had simply broken the rules of He On Road, I should not have ended up in this situation. This shows that there is an invisible big hand behind my back. Secret manipulation...I didn’t expect Lu Jichang’s power to penetrate here!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but thought, secretly thinking that Chen Taizhou seemed to really not know the true origin of the opponent's mechanical arm.

If he knew the origin between the mechanical arm and the Demon Spirit Clan, he probably wouldn't be so surprised... With the Demon Spirit Clan's influence, it's not too surprising that it would affect a mere He'an Road.

At the same time, this also shows that the identity of Lu Jichang is not simple. He may indeed be the son of the leader of the Hongying Sect, but with the adventure that happened to him, his secret identity must have changed. Otherwise, just by the Hongying Sect, How could it affect Hop On Road?

"It seems that you are not as reckless as you seem on the surface, and you have already thought of this..." Lu Yu said, "This shows that your enemy has already understood your plan, and you want to use it to come to He'an Road has the opportunity to make a beautiful comeback, but they have already made plans secretly and have long wanted to kill you..."

"Put me to death?" Chen Taizhou couldn't help but sneered, with a hint of contempt in his eyes, "It's not that easy. If I had died so easily, I would have died countless times... Now, although I am I am trapped here, but it is not easy for me to let it go. I am just waiting to see who is secretly cooperating with the person named Lu. Once this person appears in front of me , I will make him pay a heavy price!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but was slightly startled, and looked at Chen Taizhou deeply: "Is that so... But I was wrong this time. Frankly speaking, I didn't realize that you actually had such ability..."

Chen Taizhou didn't answer anymore, his eyes lowered, and he looked embarrassed again, as if the sparkle in his eyes before was just Lu Yu's illusion.

"Okay!" Lu Yu patted the chain on Chen Taizhou's body, "If that's the case, then I won't bother you. You can just wait here and see who is the mastermind behind all this... …”

As he said that, Lu Yu turned around and left.

Not to mention Chen Taizhou, even Li Xiaochuan on the side was shocked... I didn't expect that Lu Yu would depose such a big Zhou Zhang and make such a big noise, but in the end he only came to say such words to the other party. Other than that, You haven't done anything, are you leaving now?


Chen Taizhou raised his head again, but he just said the word "you" and didn't know what to say, so he could only hesitate to speak.

"Well, that's right!" Lu Yu nodded, then turned around and said, "After you find this person, don't forget to let me know. I'm also very curious about who this person is..."

Chen Taizhou finally plucked up his courage again and asked, "Are you leaving now?"

"What else?" Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Your spiritual sense has not been lost, and you know everything outside... Even if I want to talk to you more, there is no such opportunity..."

"But... you came here just to listen to my story?"

"What are you talking about..." Lu Yu said, "What I really want to hear is about the dragon clan, but you are unwilling to talk, so I have to settle for the second best... Actually, this is not bad. Your story is also very exciting, and to some extent, it has many similarities with what I have experienced. Whether you believe it or not, I even got some inspiration from your story..."

Chen Taizhou looked at the other party and didn't know what to say for a while.

The other party's behavior and style were really unexpected... To be precise, every reaction of the other party was actually beyond his expectations.

"Okay, if time permits, I would also like to talk to you more, but unfortunately, as you know, there is no such time now!"

As Lu Yu said, he strode towards the entrance.

At this time, there were bursts of rapid and clear footsteps outside. It was obvious that someone had arrived outside, and it was not just one person, but a whole army.

"By the way..."

When he was about to reach the door, Lu Yu suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of Chen Taizhou, with a strange smile on his face.

"Although I admire your courage and perseverance, to be honest, you are basically dead if you stay here now... If, I mean if, if you have another chance to choose again, what decision will you make?"

Chen Taizhou looked up in astonishment and looked at Lu Yu standing at the door, his eyes full of surprise.

What does this mean?

What does "another chance to choose again" mean?

What is this person hinting at?

Before he could figure it out, Lu Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, think about it slowly, there is still some time... I hope you can find the answer as soon as possible!"

After saying this, he never stopped again, strode out of the door, and greeted the rapid footsteps.

Chen Taizhou's mind was full of question marks...

What does "some time" mean? How much is some?

What time does this time refer to?

What will happen when the time is up?

Will there really be a chance to choose again?


"Brother Feng, what exactly did you mean by what you just said to him? I didn't understand a word of it..."

In addition to Chen Taizhou, Li Xiaochuan also had a question mark on his head, and asked after following Lu Yu quickly.

"That's right, you didn't understand, because I don't know what I'm talking about either."

"Ah?" Li Xiaochuan was stunned instantly.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said, "I just gave him a riddle. This riddle was something I came up with temporarily. As for what the answer will be, it depends on the next action, so I don't know what the answer will be..."

Li Xiaochuan opened his mouth slightly and couldn't say a word.

He was completely confused.

What's going on?

Why does it feel like there are hidden tricks in what this person says? Is there something wrong with his brain, or is there something wrong with my brain?

"Then did we go to such great lengths to come here just to give him a riddle?" Li Xiaochuan asked.

"It's not just a riddle." Lu Yu said, "The riddle is just the surface, the real purpose is to plant a seed, now the seed has been planted, when the right time comes it will take root and sprout, or even bloom and bear fruit, I am also looking forward to what kind of flowers and fruits it will produce!"

"..." Li Xiaochuan was speechless again.

"In fact, it's not just for him, but also for you..." Lu Yu turned around and looked at him and said, "Didn't I say it a long time ago? The purpose of my trip is also an opportunity to show you, Brother Xiaochuan, the He'an Avenue. So far, I have shown it twice a year. I wonder if you have any experience now?"

"Uh... this... that..."

This time Li Xiaochuan was not only speechless, but also sweating.

"It's okay." Lu Yu smiled and patted his shoulder, "There will be another chance next time, but you must watch carefully this time, I guess this will be the last chance!"

As soon as the voice fell, a group of He'an Dao disciples wearing uniform clothes appeared in front of them.

With their arrival, the whole prison changed, as if the world was turned upside down.

Among the crowd, one of the disciples was wearing clothes with gold edges, shining with gold, which was very eye-catching.

It was an ace disciple.

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