Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2532 Focus on Cultivation

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Chen Taizhou wanted to respond, but he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Lu Yu immediately found the crux of the matter, locked his eyes on the shackles on his feet, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Grandmaster Tian brought it to him..." Wen Caidi replied.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why, does she still want to continue to test me in this way?"

Wen Caidi was speechless.

Lu Yu didn't wait for her answer. He walked forward, frowned and thought about the shackles on Chen Taizhou's feet for a moment, and then suddenly smiled: "So that's it..."

After speaking, he raised his hand, and there was a crisp click, and the shackles on Chen Taizhou's feet naturally collapsed.

Wen Caidi was shocked. She didn't expect that the taboo imposed by Grandmaster Tian could be broken so easily by Lu Yu.

In fact, she was also present when Grandmaster Tian imposed a restraint on Chen Taizhou. She witnessed with her own eyes how much power Grandmaster Tian used.

It was not only the power of the master, but also combined with the power of the artifact. The whole process was extremely complicated, which only made her feel dizzy.

But he didn't expect that such a high-profile ban would be vulnerable to Lu Yu.

"Don't be so surprised..." Lu Yu said, "I guess Grandmaster Tian must have spent a lot of effort on these shackles, but these are actually just superficial words, and her real methods are still hidden behind... Brother Chen, stand still , I’m going to break his real restriction!”

After saying that, he stretched out his hand again, seemingly just shaking it casually, but Chen Taizhou's whole body suddenly trembled, and then a ball of light was held in his hand.

Wen Caidi was surprised, her head was full of question marks, she could no longer understand what was going on...

Lu Yu held the ball of light in his hand, as if he was explaining to the two of them, but also as if he was talking to himself: "In the final analysis, she is still curious about things here. This is her real purpose. There is this restriction in , no matter where Brother Chen goes, he will become her eyes and ears, and he still doesn't know it. The shackles are just superficial... However, although this method is clever, how can he hide it from me? "

He squeezed his hand hard, and the ball of light suddenly went out in his palm and disappeared without a trace.

Wen Caidi and Chen Taizhou looked at him with eyes full of awe and admiration. Unexpectedly, they experienced an intrigue unknowingly. This was a battlefield without gunpowder smoke, but it was far more exciting than an ordinary battle. Thrilling.

What shocked them even more was that such a method, which Grandmaster Tian must have racked his brains for, was easily broken by Lu Yu.

"Brother Chen, how do you feel now?" Lu Yu asked again.

"Okay, okay... much..." Chen Taizhou said with a dry cough.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Brother Chen is worthy of being a leader in the army who has been on the battlefield for many years. His physique is really strong. Although these shackles are just a cover, they will also cause a lot of burden. But Brother Chen recovered so quickly. In this way Once I came here, I felt more confident!”

Chen Taizhou looked at Wen Caidi next to him and hesitated for a moment before saying: "You said you would give me a chance to make a new choice. What happened? What exactly do you want me to do?"

Lu Yu said: "You must have heard about the Twelve Peaks of He'an, right?"

Chen Taizhou nodded: "This matter is so sensational, I naturally know it. In fact, Grandmaster Tian did not restrict me from receiving information from the outside world, but it is a pity that I was not able to witness your grace with my own eyes..."

Lu Yu said: "It doesn't matter, you will see my style sooner or later, because I plan to teach you the power that I used to fight Lu Chenfeng at the Twelve Peaks of He'an."

"What?" Chen Taizhou was stunned, "You want to teach me personally?"

"It's not just about teaching in person..." Lu Yu said with a smile, "I will also use external forces, including the special environment here. Have you seen the changes here? In fact, everything I do is for you. ”

"W-why..." Chen Taizhou's face was filled with astonishment.

It was really hard for him to imagine that the earth-shaking changes in Youquanguan at this time were actually all for himself. Even if he did have some extraordinary qualities, it seemed that he was not worthy of such a big fanfare.

Lu Yu said: "Didn't you tell me before? You actually came with a certain mission. If not, how could you complete your mission?"

"That task..." Chen Taizhou murmured to himself, and he couldn't help but think of the conversation the two had last met...

He had indeed told Lu Yu that the Huilong Army's Huilong power had not yet reached perfection and there was still huge room for improvement. The reason why he went all the way to join He'an Road was to find General Hui The way to perfect dragon power...but what does all this have to do with the other party?

"Don't get me wrong, all this actually has nothing to do with me..." Lu Yu seemed to see through the other person's thoughts and said directly, "Although I am very concerned about the fate of the Dragon Clan, I am only concerned about these two things. There is no direct connection... The reason why I want to do this is that I hope that after your power increases, I can use your power to do something for me. If I accomplish the girl's purpose by the way, it is just a coincidence!"

Chen Taizhou said: "What do you want me to do for you?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Don't you think it's too early to tell you this now? I'll tell you later when you have enough ability!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a stream of water suddenly separated from the "twisted dough ball" and entangled itself with Chen Taizhou.

These water flows are not real water flows, but are transformed from spiritual vein springs, possessing extremely powerful power... His cultivation plan for Chen Taizhou actually started right away.

"Wait, wait a moment..." Chen Taizhou Alliance said, "I have another question..."

However, Lu Yu kept gesturing, and another stream of water separated from the "twisted dough" and entangled itself with Chen Taizhou, saying, "If you have any questions, ask them quickly before I seal your mouth."

"Why... me?" Chen Taizhou asked.

"That's it? Isn't this problem simple?" Lu Yu laughed, "First of all, if you want to do this, you need the threshold of Aurora. At present, I only found that you are qualified...Secondly, even if there are others, you can do it. At this point, do you think he will obediently agree to my request? "

"Okay, the question time is over. If you have any other questions, I will answer them for you after completing these steps..."

After saying that, he waved again, this time using both hands together, waving continuously, and suddenly a stream of water swept across, like knitting a sweater, implying a certain rhythm and rhythm, surrounding Chen Taizhou.

Within a moment, Chen Taizhou was completely swallowed by the water, and his figure disappeared without a trace, becoming part of the mahua ball.

Lu Yu clapped his hands, turned back to look at Wen Caidi, and smiled softly: "Okay, Senior Sister Wen has been waiting for a long time, it's your turn next!"

Wen Caidi was immediately surprised: "What do you want to do?"

Lu Yu said: "Don't get me wrong, I have no plans to cultivate you, at least not yet, and the schedule can't be arranged for the time being... I mean, what questions do you have to ask me? You have been waiting here for so long Isn’t it just for this moment?”

Wen Caidi was silent for a moment and asked: "You asked me to find Chen Taizhou specifically, and you made so much preparation for it, just to cultivate him with all your strength?"

"That's natural." Lu Yu replied, "Didn't you already see the situation just now? How can this be false?"

Wen Caidi said: "To what extent do you plan to train him?"

"Well...since I just mentioned the Twelve Peaks of He'an, it is natural to use the Twelve Peaks of He'an as a template. His strength must at least reach the level of Lu Chenfeng under the blessing of the Twelve Peaks of He'an, and This is just the lowest limit. As for the upper limit, it depends on his own destiny! "

Wen Caidi couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Not to mention the Twelve Peaks of He'an, Lu Chenfeng's strength alone was beyond his reach, but now this guy actually wanted to reach it in one step. Chen Taizhou's strength had risen to such an extent. Is this possible?

"Is this possible?" Wen Caidi couldn't help but ask.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "This does sound incredible, but you have to know that Brother Chen is not an ordinary person. Before coming here, he had a very rich experience and a very solid foundation... plus the secluded atmosphere here. Quan Lingmai, I think there’s a good chance!”

Wen Caidi was silent. Although Lu Yu appeared confident, she still felt that this was an incredible thing.

"Senior Sister Wen, don't be jealous. I'm actually just using him to practice my skills first. Anyway, the Youquan spiritual vein is already here. At worst, I will arrange it for you next time!" Lu Yu said.

"Who wants your arrangements..." Wen Caidi couldn't help but twitching the corner of her mouth, "But I remember you said before that you would be practicing in seclusion soon, so what on earth is going on?"

Lu Yu said: "It's one thing to practice in seclusion, this is another thing. Next, I really plan to practice in seclusion, but in the process, I also need someone to help me run errands."

"So, this Chen Taizhou is the person who will run errands for you next?"

"Not bad!" Lu Yu snapped his fingers, "Although the Youquan here has reappeared, its strength still needs to be verified. So although I am cultivating him now, I am actually also accumulating it for my next training. experience……"

Wen Caidi fell silent again, and after a while she asked: "Then what exactly do you want him to do for you?"

"Senior Sister Wen, why are you so impatient?" Lu Yu couldn't help laughing, "Some things won't work if you tell them in advance, so you'd better be patient and wait. As long as you stay here with peace of mind, sooner or later you will be able to Know what I want him to do!"

"Okay, the question time is over, let's talk about it next time!"

After speaking, Lu Yu waved his hand, and the water suddenly surged again, and Wencai Die was quickly pushed out.

Within a moment, she was back beside the gurgling stream.

On the other side, Lu Yu waved his hand to open the twisting water, and Chen Taizhou's figure reappeared.

Chen Taizhou looked at Lu Yu in astonishment, wondering what was going on...

Lu Yu smiled and said: "The walls had ears just now, so it was not very convenient to talk. Now we can be honest!"

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