Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2540: Unexpected Gains

The extraditer finally lowered his head.

"Wei Libang" he said the name slowly.

"Wei Libang?" Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly stunned.

To this day, he has a certain understanding of He'an Road. Although it is not very in-depth, he still knows the names of the top leaders of He'an Road. However, this is the first time that he has the name Wei Libang. Heard.

"You're right. I did target you intentionally, and I was the one who pushed you into the Prison of Ashes. But I don't know anything about the Hongying Sect. All of this was requested by a man named Wei Libang. "My, as for whether he has any private dealings with the Hongying Sect, I don't know," the extraditer explained.

Lu Yu said: "I don't think I have heard of this name. Could it be that he is not from He'an Road?"

"He'an Road?" The extraditer couldn't help laughing: "How could he be from He'an Road? It's normal that you haven't heard of his name, because he comes from Pantian Road."

"What?" This time it was Lu Yu's turn to change his color.

Pantian Dao has always been a divine dragon, and even the Six Paths Alliance does not know them very well. Otherwise, when they were in the Cancer Star Territory, Chen Miaoxin, the founder of Zhu Yan Dao, would not have mistaken herself for Pantian Dao. Man, the mystery of Pantian Dao can be seen from this.

And during the time when he became the Lord of Youquan, it was not that he had not made any insinuations about Pan Tiandao, but he found nothing. This further proved the concealment and mystery of Pan Tiandao. Unexpectedly, at this time, it suddenly took a turn, and suddenly from extraditing people to He heard the news about Pan Tiandao from his mouth.

"Are you sure that person is from Pantian Dao?" Lu Yu asked, "I heard that Pantian Dao has always been mysterious, and there have been many misunderstandings about it. How can you be sure that that person must be from Pantian Dao?"

The extraditer said: "It's not like you don't know what I do. Others may misunderstand, but how could I be wrong? That man carries the stars on his back and holds the sun and the moon in his hands. This is a sign of Pantian Dafa. Whenever the moon wanes, From time to time, the operation of Moonlight Ferry will be affected by him. I even have to select a period of time every year for him to adjust and maintain the Moonlight Ferry. Do you think it is possible for me to admit my mistake? "

"Adjustment and maintenance?" Lu Yu was surprised, "Could this Moonlight Ferry actually have something to do with him?"

"It's not related to him, but to Pan Tiandao?" The extraditer glanced at him, "Don't you know? The design of the Moonlight Ferry was originally proposed by Pan Tiandao, but it was finally handed over to us. It’s just implementation.”

Lu Yu said: "How do I know this?"

The extraditer sighed: "Indeed, this has been a long time ago. When Pan Tiandao proposed this design, they were not so mysterious. They also had their own Taoist hall, and they lived in harmony and communicated with the other five Taoists. Unimpeded However, not long after this plan was proposed, their Taoist hall suddenly encountered an accident. From then on, the entire Pantian Tao was hidden, its whereabouts were mysterious, and the dragons who acted were invisible. If I hadn't been in charge of the Moonlight Ferry, I wouldn't have known about it. These secrets of the past”

Lu Yu said: "What you said is indeed beyond my expectation."

He did not doubt the extraditer's words, because based on his understanding of He'an Avenue, it was indeed far-fetched to independently create a product like the Moonlight Ferry, but if combined with Pantian Dao, all this would be even more difficult. That makes sense.

Therefore, this Wei Libang is undoubtedly the Pantian Dao.

The second generation head of the Hongying Sect represents the power of the Demon Spirit Clan. Since there are private transactions between them, it means that Pan Tiandao and the Demon Spirit Clan actually have some kind of connection.

How specific is this connection? Is it just limited to Wei Libang, or does it involve the Lord of Pantian?

When I actually execute the assassination plan, do I need to take the factors of the Demon Spirit Clan into consideration?

There are no answers to these questions yet

The situation seems to be getting more and more complicated.

"This is the situation. I actually don't understand your so-called grudges, hatred and turmoil with the Hongying Sect, and I have never thought about understanding it. Everything I have done to you is just to accept the consequences. Now are you satisfied? Can you put away this magical power of yours?" the extraditer said, looking at the string string in Lu Yu's hand.

Lu Yu flicked his hand, and the strings in his hand disappeared in an instant, and the law characters involved at the other end also fell back into place.

The entire lake returned to a state where the water surface was as flat as a mirror.

"I hope you didn't lie to me!" Lu Yu said, "If I find out that you are dishonest, it will be very easy for me to repeat the scene just now."

The extraditer snorted softly and said: "How long do you think the Lord of the Nether Spring can protect you? My abilities are limited. This time I have failed Wei Libang's trust, but he will not give up here. He will take action next time After all, it is a thunderous time. I hope you will still be as optimistic as you are now!"

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Will he take action against me personally?"

If someone with Pantian Dao is willing to take the initiative to send it to your door, it will really take no effort at all.

Originally, he borrowed Chen Taizhou's identity just to successfully escape the golden cicada's shell. After all, the bodies available for him to perform the Soul Falling Technique were very limited. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise now.

The extraditer said: "Whether he will take action personally, I don't know. I have met him several times, but I don't fully understand him. But this matter will never let go, that's for sure!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "That's really great, I'll wait and see!"

The extraditer shook his head and snorted heavily: "It is indeed a newborn calf. It will not shed tears until it sees the coffin!"

Lu Yu ignored his complaints and said with a smile: "Since you are willing to tell these secrets, we are now in the same boat. Anyway, there is nothing else to do. Why don't we set off now!"

"Depart?" the extraditer said, "It's not the agreed time yet!"

Lu Yu said: "I believe in your strength. Even if it is not on time, it is no problem to control the departure of this moonlight ferry. And even if it really veers off course, isn't there Wei Libang who can adjust and guide us? "

The extraditer was silent for a moment and said, "Don't you need to go back and report to the Lord of the Spring?"

Lu Yu smiled: "No need, the Lord of Youquan has a clever plan. He has other channels to know everything that happens here, including every word and deed of you and me."

The extraditer's face changed slightly, and he was silent for a while before saying, "Where are you going?"

Lu Yu thought for three seconds and finally decided to continue with his original plan.

"Go to the Star-Destroying Path!"

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