Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2552: Ocean of Bones

"Golden Butterfly!" Ouyang Xiao shouted at the group of people in the distance.

Everything before was just speculation, until this moment it was completely confirmed. It was indeed Madam Jindie who betrayed them, and formed another team and quietly rushed in ahead of time.

At this moment, the two sides can be said to be enemies meeting, and they are particularly jealous, especially when they see that the other party is only one step away from the gorgeous temple in the sea of ​​bones.

The people on the opposite side felt something and looked back one by one. One of the women in gold clothes showed a surprised look: "Hey, isn't this Liuzun and Nanzun? I didn't expect you to move so quickly?"

Ouyang Xiao shouted angrily: "Golden Butterfly, you dare to betray the Shen Ce Mansion, it seems that you are tired of living!"

As he spoke, he stared into the distance, as if he wanted to see who was standing with Madam Jindie, but because the distance was too far, he couldn't tell the other party's specific identity for a while.

The Golden Butterfly lady smiled and said, "I'm sorry, two venerables, although the reward you promised me is very generous, I want more... But now everyone can still compete fairly, you are not completely without a chance!"

Ouyang Xiao wanted to say more, but was stopped by Xiao Yinan, who said in a deep voice: "No need to waste your breath, just do it!"

Ouyang Xiao was slightly stunned and looked at the sea of ​​bones in front of him.

This sea of ​​bones is not flat. Occasionally there are clusters of bones in the middle, which are piled up in the shape of high towers. There are rules hidden in the chaos, and it seems that there are deep mysteries hidden...

With Ouyang Xiao's eyesight, he saw at a glance that these bone towers were made by Golden Butterfly and others. They seemed to be using these bone towers to guide the power of Tianfang Flint in the temple in order to complete the final cracking, but this also made these ancient towers actually connected with the power of Tianfang Flint.

Ouyang Xiao frowned and said, "But if this happens, it will inevitably affect the Tianfang Flint and cause unpredictable consequences... It may affect our plan at that time!"

"So what?" Xiao Yinan said, "Even if our plan fails, the Tianfang Flint will only stay here, and there will be opportunities to try again in the future... But if the Tianfang Flint is taken by this group of people first, we will no longer have a chance. The most urgent thing is to get rid of these people first!"

As he said, he turned his head and looked at Ah Fei, shaking his neck and making an "up" gesture.

Ah Fei immediately understood, and the six pairs of wings spread out.

At the same time, Xiao Yinan also took out the emerald jade pot again, lowered the spout of the pot, and poured it in the direction of Ah Fei.

The fragrant liquid poured on Ah Fei's six-winged wings, and the wings instantly expanded and became larger, as if covering the sky and the sun. A slight shake was a storm rolling out.

Not only did the size increase, but the power was also increased by many times.

Lu Yu was stunned. He didn't expect it to be like this. He couldn't help but become more curious. What exactly was in Xiao Yinan's green jade pot? Could it be that wherever it was poured, the power of that place would instantly soar?

Several bone towers were destroyed, but the storm continued to move forward, advancing deeper into the sea of ​​bones. Xiao Yinan also continued to pour the liquid in the jade pot on Ah Fei's six-winged wings.

Finally, when the storm advanced to a certain extent, the entire sea of ​​bones became agitated, like a piece of cloth in a strong wind, swaying and dancing wildly.

The white bones were running all over the ground, rising and falling, sometimes high and sometimes low. The originally static sea of ​​bones had become a turbulent scene.

Lu Yu saw it clearly from the side. He clearly felt the wonderful changes in the sea of ​​bones. It was not that Ah Fei's six wings were strong enough to shake the entire sea of ​​bones, but that his power just broke the original balance of the sea of ​​bones.

This is like a boiling oil pan, suddenly splashed with a drop of water, naturally the whole oil pan becomes boiling.

Faced with such a situation, Mrs. Jindie finally couldn't help but screamed: "Are you crazy? Do you know what the consequences are of muddying the water like this?"

Xiao Yinan sneered: "Mrs. Jindie, you broke your promise first, so don't blame us for being unkind and unjust, but if you cherish your life, it's still time to retreat now!"

Mrs. Jindie did not respond again. The surging waves of bones had submerged the figures of their group, and also submerged her voice.

Xiao Yinan still refused to give up, and gave an order: "Go!"

After that, he held the jade pot and rushed into the sea of ​​bones.

The rest of the people followed.

Lu Yu also did not hesitate. Even if it was not for cooperating with Xiao Yinan, this was the only chance to get close to Tianfang Flint. If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger cub?

Birdman A Fei was the last one to enter the sea of ​​bones. He deliberately walked in the last position to provide cover for everyone. His six pairs of wings flapped continuously, creating an endless stream of strong winds. Although it was not enough to shake the tide of the entire ocean, it also controlled the surrounding white bones.

It was like blowing a bubble in the stormy waves, and everyone relied on this bubble to move forward. It looked fragile, but it was somewhat safer.

Under A Fei's cover, everyone moved forward very quickly. In less than a moment, they had arrived at the location of Mrs. Jindie.

At this time, the other party also opened a protective shield, allowing the white bones to beat, and struggling to support under the surge of deep white bones.

Now both sides have come to the same starting line... Although the scene is very chaotic, it is equivalent to catching up with the opponent's progress of more than ten days in just a few breaths.

Without saying a word, Ouyang Xiao raised the lotus lamp in his hand and jumped up, smashing it towards the opposite side of the golden butterfly lady.

The golden butterfly lady also knew the power of Ouyang Xiao's lotus lamp, so she didn't dare to be arrogant. She took off a golden butterfly-shaped hairpin on her head and threw it directly towards Ouyang Xiao. The golden butterfly bloomed with a dazzling light, trying to resist Ouyang Xiao's attack.

However, what people didn't expect was that just when the lotus lamp and the golden butterfly hairpin were about to collide, Ouyang Xiao's hand suddenly trembled, and several lotus shadows swayed out, directly passing the golden butterfly hairpin and continuing to attack the golden butterfly lady.

Mrs. Jindie's face changed drastically. She obviously didn't expect that Ouyang Xiao's lotus lamp would change like this. She moved several times in a hurry, but the lotus shadows always followed her. Everything that collided with it was turned into powder. The power was extremely amazing.

Finally, Mrs. Jindie was forced into a corner. There was no way to avoid it. She was about to be swallowed by the lotus shadow.

At this moment, a palm blocked Mrs. Jindie.

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