Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2572: Destroying the Star Dao Hall

Lu Yu looked back at Madam Jindee and said with a smile: "Madam, look, I will risk everything for the sake of the secret between us!"

Mrs. Jindee also smiled sweetly: "Don't worry, Mr. Bai, since you treat me as one of your own, I will naturally not treat you as an outsider. From now on, we will ride in the same boat and share weal and woe..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "In that case, let's continue to treat the injury!"

As he said that, he wanted to take her into his arms.

Mrs. Jindie twisted her slender waist, but used her hands to hold Lu Yu. She had already suffered a loss once, so naturally she would not be easily attacked again.

"Lao Bai, why are you so anxious? This is not a good place to recuperate. Anyone passing by can see us at a glance. Let's find a place to stay first!" Mrs. Jindee said softly.

"Okay, okay... then let's go back first!"

Lu Yu couldn't push too hard, so he had to obey her... It would be okay if no one saw him staying with Madam Jindee before, but now that their whereabouts together have been revealed, he has to consider the aftermath. problem.

Otherwise, even if the Tianfang flint is unearthed from her body, it will cause endless trouble in the future, and maybe her secret will be exposed.

The two of them also started to leave along the passage.

"Lao Bai, where are you taking me?" Mrs. Jindee asked.

As the Star-Destroying Dao Master imprisoned the starry sky, and then You Guangxing and others sorted out the passages, the entire Star-Destroying Dao landscape and environment had completely changed. The originally chaotic world had turned into orderly passages. Even the Road to God's Fall temporarily They no longer exist, so Mrs. Golden Butterfly can no longer tell the specific location.

Under such circumstances, Lu Yu, who mastered the secrets of the stars, had a natural perception of the unfamiliar environment at this time.

"Of course we go to the Dao Hall of the Heart-Destroying Dao. Didn't Haizun already say that? Only there is the safest place!" Lu Yu replied.

"Having said that, I don't think there will be any danger here for a while. Why don't we go somewhere else?" said Mrs. Jindee.

"Oh? Where do you want to go?" Lu Yu asked.

Madam Jindee said: "Haizun said just now that Dusk God Lord and Lotus Lord are fighting each other. What a rare sight it is to see the battle between the two God Lords? The previous shock was too violent and we couldn't get close. That's all. , now that the Star-Destroying Dao Master has taken action to stabilize the law and order, why don’t we go and observe?”

Lu Yu couldn't help but sneer in his heart. No matter how much she said, she still didn't give up her plan to sneak away quietly, so she deliberately found such a high-sounding reason.

"No." Lu Yu refused.

"Uh...why?" Mrs. Jindee was stunned, "Don't you want to watch the unprecedented battle between the two divine kings?"

"Of course I want to, but unfortunately I can't." Lu Yu said.

"Can't do it? What do you mean?"

Lu Yu pointed to another passage next door: "Would you like to step out and try?"

Mrs. Jindee was full of doubts, but she still obeyed the instructions.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she took one leg out, a powerful force would bounce her back.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Jindee asked in surprise.

"The stars are imprisoned." Lu Yu said, "On the surface, it seems that this place is open in all directions and unobstructed, but in fact it has been imprisoned by the law. Only by driving the secrets of the stars can we break through its blockade and go retrograde. Otherwise, we can only move forward with the trend and reach the final destination. ”

"The final destination is the Dao Hall of the Star-Destroying Dao?"

"Yes, no matter which position we are in, we will all reach the same destination in the end. Whether it is our own people or the people of the Divine Strategy Talisman opposite us, they will eventually be gathered in the Dao Hall of the Star Destroying Dao." Lu Yu said.

Mrs. Jindee said in astonishment: "It turns out... this is their real purpose."

Lu Yu also said with emotion: "When I first arrived here, I have always wondered why such a vast area is collectively called the 'Star Destruction Dao Realm'. Is it because the Star Destruction Dao has established a stable area in the center of this place? Until Only now do we understand that what the Star Destroying Path established is not just a few stable buildings, but also the law center of the entire area. This is indeed the territory of the Star Destroying Path. "

Madam Jindee’s eyes were complicated, and she murmured to herself: “Taoist Master Destroying Star… is really powerful!”

After listening to Lu Yu's explanation, Mrs. Golden Butterfly stopped struggling and followed Lu Yu to continue along the passage.

Not long after, a city suddenly appeared in their sight.

Compared to the outside world, the scale of this city is only ordinary, but being able to build a city in a chaotic place where stars have fallen is already of extraordinary significance. It is more majestic than any other city. Magnificent.

"Who is coming?"

On top of the city, someone shouted loudly.

But before Lu Yu and Mrs. Jindie could respond, someone beside them shouted: "One of our own, one of our own... open the door quickly, open the door quickly!"

Lu Yu stared at the man and found that he was a familiar face, and he was also one of the people who had participated in the ruins exploration operation before.

It's a pity that Song Daiting only introduced the situation of Pulsatilla to him in detail before, and didn't have time to talk about the people involved in the operation. Later, he stayed with Madam Jindee and had no chance to call Song Dai out. Now Lu Yu can't even talk about the other party. Don't even know the name.

The formation that controlled the city gate was opened, and the man immediately rushed out from inside, and came to the two of them in one swift step. Lu Yu was hesitant and didn't know how to speak, but he didn't expect that he didn't have to worry at all...

"Madam, where have you been?"

"Just now, Lord Dusk and Master Lian were fighting outside. The scene was really scary. Thanks to the Star Destroyer Dao Master..."

"How on earth did you escape those waves of shocks... Do you know that I am almost worried about you?"

The man's heart was filled with Mrs. Jindee's eyes, and he held Mrs. Jindee's hands. His concern was expressed in words before, and he didn't even pay attention to Lu Yu who was beside him.

Looking at this posture, Lu Yu almost thought that he was Mrs. Jindee's real husband, but then he thought about it. He seemed to have heard Ah Fei and others mention it before. Mrs. Jindee only gave her the title. In fact, she did not have any nominal husband. husband.

However, it is true that many people fell under her pomegranate skirt and had an ambiguous relationship with her, so when the birdman A Fei mentioned her, he would call her a "bitch"...

The person in front of her seems to be one of her subordinates, but she doesn't know when she trained him...

"Wei Donglai, don't be like this..." Mrs. Jindie broke away from the man's hands without leaving a trace, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Lu Yu.

There was a hint of appropriate apology in his eyes, as if he had done something sorry for Lu Yu.

Lu Yu felt funny in his heart. He naturally knew that this was just Mrs. Jindie's trick. The purpose was to prevent himself from "exploding" and not revealing all the "secrets" between the two of them... I have to say that she was indeed like this. A master in this field.

"Thanks to Mr. Bai and his care, I was able to avoid danger this time and return safely..." Mrs. Jindie said.

"Pulsatilla?" Wei Donglai then looked directly at Lu Yu, "He actually has the ability to save you? Are you sure you are not contrary?"

Lu Yu could tell now that although they were on the same team before, this guy obviously didn't have a good impression of him.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Mrs. Jindee stopped her quickly, "Lao Bai is also the grandmaster of Bixiao Shrine after all. How can he be incapable?"

But Wei Donglai didn't take it seriously at all: "Isn't it true? I remember when we were at the ruins before, it was obviously you who saved him..."

"That was before..." Mrs. Jindie said, "This time, Mr. Bai got the advice from Lord Dusk and saved me from Lord Lotus. If it hadn't been for him, how could I still be alive?"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Donglai suddenly looked surprised.

The surrounding Star Destroying Dao disciples were also surprised, and all their eyes were focused on him.

Lu Yu, however, was unfazed by honor and disgrace. He didn't care. He looked up at the sky above the city and said, "Madam, look... now you don't have to worry about not being able to see the grand battle between the two gods. This place is indeed not in vain!" "

Madam Jindee followed his gaze and saw the stars floating in the city, reflecting the figures of the two powerful men, none other than the Dusk God and the Lotus Lord.

The sky was filled with brilliance and splendor, and the confrontation between the two sides still seemed inextricable.

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