Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 261 It’s a Deed

Xiaozhu flew towards Lu Yu and threw himself into Lu Yu's arms.

Lu Yu opened his arms calmly and let her nestle against his chest, but there was no excessive desire in his heart, only the joy of meeting again after a long separation.

It's not even just a reunion after a long separation, in a sense it can also be regarded as the aftermath of a disaster.

The two hugged each other in silence for a while, and Xiaozhu suddenly realized that this behavior seemed inappropriate. Two red clouds appeared on his face. He broke away from Lu Yu's arms with some embarrassment and stammered: "Young... ...Master, I'm sorry... Xiaozhu was in a hurry and lost his temper..."

Lu Yu looked at her blushing face with a smile and gently stroked her little head: "No need to say this, I have missed you too these days!"

Xiaozhu's pretty face suddenly blushed even more, but her heart felt as sweet as honey.

Lu Yu leaned down and picked up the long sword that Xiaozhu had just dropped on the ground. He found that it was just an ordinary sword used by the disciples of the clan for practice, and even the blade was not sharp.

"I just saw you practicing sword practice. Who taught you? You look quite impressive!" He said with a smile.

Xiaozhu lowered his head in embarrassment.

"No one taught me... The young master was not in the house, so Xiaozhu had nothing to do. When he was bored, he remembered the scene when the young master was practicing swordsmanship, so he started practicing by himself, imitating the young master's past appearance... In fact, it was all me. One person is thinking and practicing blindly, which makes the young master laugh..."

Lu Yu's eyes lit up: "Just by groping alone, you have already achieved such a level, which is already quite good. Even among the disciples in the clan's martial arts hall, I'm afraid there are many who can't compare to you! I didn't expect that Xiaozhu, you are still a A genius in cultivation!”

Xiaozhu's face couldn't help but become more embarrassed: "Actually, it can't be considered as groping alone... There is one thing that Xiaozhu wants to admit to the young master. In fact, when cleaning this sword room, Xiaozhu often looked through the swordsmanship comments that the young master made before... ...Xiaozhu read the classics in the sword room without the young master’s permission, please punish him!”

"Why do you suddenly want to practice?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

In fact, Xiaozhu has always been responsible for cleaning the sword room here. If she wanted to browse the books in the sword room, she would always have the opportunity. If she had wanted to practice in the past, Lu Yu would not have discovered her talent for cultivation now.

Xiaozhu lowered his head, was silent for a moment, and then said: "That's because... after the young master was no longer in the house, Xiaozhu suddenly found that he was useless and could not help with anything. There were so many things at home, but Xiaozhu couldn't help himself. There is no one who can help me, not even as good as Huzi..."

Huzi was none other than Lu Xiaohu. He was injured by Xiang Chen during the four-county martial arts competition. Lu Yu resolutely gave up the competition and healed his injuries, thus understanding the choices in life and the state of Taoist heart.

After Lu Yu's treatment, Lu Xiaohu was finally safe and sound. After this disaster, he seemed to have matured a lot and showed even more amazing talents in cultivation. It can be predicted that in the near future, he will become Another mainstay of the Lu family.

Even when Lu Yu was on Jade Butterfly Peak, Lu Yuanshan specifically mentioned this matter in the letter he sent him, saying that Lu Xiaohu had outstanding talent and would become a great person in the future. He hoped that Lu Yu could plan a way out for him. The implication was Asked Lu Yu if there was any way to recruit him into the Dali Sword Sect, Lu Yu said at the time that he would consider it carefully.

Now it seems that with Lu Xiaohu's current strength, it will be difficult to recruit him into the Dali Sword Sect. Putting him in the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce as a reserve disciple is a good choice.

"Xiaozhu doesn't want this, he doesn't want to be a useless person. Xiaozhu wants to continue to work for the Lu family... for the young master..." Xiaozhu continued in an inaudible voice.

Lu Yu truly felt her attachment and reluctance to him, and couldn't help but be moved in his heart.

"In that case, let me teach you a set of exercises. As long as you practice diligently according to the exercises I teach you, you will definitely have great potential in the future!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu connected his thoughts to the medical stars in the sea of ​​consciousness, and began to scan Xiaozhu's body. Combined with the conditions of her meridians, he created a set of perfectly suitable qi movement keys for her on the spot.

Combined with Lu Yu's own experience, such a set of qi movement tips was quickly summarized. Lu Yu carefully taught it to Xiaozhu, no matter how small it was, no reservations, and even took the initiative to open up the blockage for her. Unopened meridians.

Xiaozhu ran it according to the method taught by Lu Yu, and suddenly a surging ancient power seemed to wake up in his body, and he was shocked.

"Young Master, this skill is so powerful! I think even the best skill in the family's collection, Capturing the Dragon, is not as powerful as this skill... What kind of skill is this? "

Lu Yu smiled and said, "This is a technique that belongs specifically to you. If you like it, just call it 'Xiao Bamboo Heart Technique'..."

Xiaozhu's pretty face turned red, thinking that Lu Yu was teasing him, thinking to himself that these were most likely advanced techniques he learned from the Dali Sword Sect. No matter what sect or sect, advanced techniques should not be taken lightly. The passed-down skills, such as the Lu family's Dragon Capturing Technique, must be approved by the elders of the clan before they can be learned.

The set of skills that the young master passed on to him was obviously much more powerful than the Dragon Capturing Skill. Maybe he violated the rules because of this, but even so, he still passed on this set of skills to himself...

"Master, Xiaozhu is just a maid, how can you teach such an important skill to Xiaozhu?"

Xiaozhu said complainingly. In fact, her heart was full of joy and emotion. She secretly made up her mind to keep this secret for the young master and never let him be punished.

She never thought that what Lu Yu said was actually the truth.

"No matter how important the technique is, how can it be as important as you? Besides, what's wrong with the maid? There are some maids who are very powerful!"

When Lu Yu said this, he couldn't help but think of Chu Hongling.

If one day he succeeds in cultivation and becomes a powerful person like Yudie Zhenren, and Xiaozhu also becomes like Chu Hongling, not only powerful, but also equivalent to his own incarnation spokesperson, if you think about it carefully, this seems to be a very good thing. Wonderful thing.

"Master, if Xiaozhu becomes very powerful, will it be possible for me to follow you again?" Xiaozhu asked cautiously.

Although Lu Yu has come back, she also knows that Lu Yu's identity is completely different at this time, and it is impossible to stay in the Lu family for a long time. The distance between the two seems to have become extremely far.


Lu Yu said without hesitation: "As long as you practice diligently, I believe we will meet again soon!"

"Really?" Xiaozhu said with great joy.

Lu Yu sighed softly: "To be honest, I am very short of manpower at the moment. I wish I could transfer you to my side as soon as possible. But the time is not ripe yet. You should stay at home and wait for my news!"

Xiaozhu nodded and silently made up his mind. From today on, he must practice hard and never waste any time on other things, so that he can return to the young master as soon as possible.

"'s a deal!"

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