Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 267 Cut into pieces

"Bold maniac! How dare you act so arrogantly here! Who do you think our Ye family is? Do you think this is a place where you can run wild as you please?"

After being surprised, Ye Feifan became furious. He actually didn't care much about Xiang Sheng's life or death. The reason for his anger was that the other party used such methods to harm the Ye family.

Especially since this was obviously a shady conspiracy, but the other party used it generously and killed people without hesitation under their noses. This is not so much that the other party is aboveboard, but more arrogant!

Ever since he was young, he, Ye Feifan, had always been the only one who bullied others. How had he ever suffered such a big loss? As a result, his anger became even more intense.

"Someone! Come quickly!"

Ye Feifan roared loudly.

"Assemble the bunker tiger guards immediately and activate the force field array. Today I want to see if this Scar guest is really three-headed and six-armed!"

"Even if you really have three heads and six arms, I still want...I want...I want..."

Before Ye Feifan finished speaking, his voice suddenly stopped.

Because a hand suddenly pinched his neck, and the owner of this hand was the Dao Scarke who had just slapped Xiang Sheng to death.

Ye Feifan's eyes widened in disbelief. He didn't see clearly what happened. This scar guest was clearly beside Xiang Sheng before, at least two feet away from him, and he was also covering his body. The place of infusion was carefully guarded, how could it be suddenly attacked by the opponent?

Ye Zhengkang on the side was also shocked. Not only was Ye Feifan on guard, but in fact he had also been secretly on guard since Xiang Sheng fell. But when the other party suddenly attacked, he not only had no time to react, he couldn't even look. Didn't see clearly...

At this time, Ye Zhengkang couldn't help but think of Gu Sian. As the most dignified swordsman in Kyoto, he had to abandon the captured Xiang Sheng and run away. Maybe he felt the same as himself at that time and felt that this was a An opponent too powerful to resist.

Even Lu Yongfu, who was one of his own, was unexpected by Lu Yu's sudden change.

He knew that this fake young master Ciao had conquered the Blood Knife Clan and the Bu family, and then defeated Gu Sian and captured Xiang Sheng. He must have extraordinary means, but he had never seen this young master Ciao actually take action. Now he finally When I saw it, my eyes were opened. I thought to myself that they were indeed the reinforcements invited by Master Yu. They were really powerful.

"Master Ye, tell me, do I have three heads and six arms?"

Lu Yu looked at Ye Feifan with a smile, pinched the opponent's neck with one hand and lifted him up. Ye Feifan's feet were off the ground, and his legs were kicking around in vain, but it had no effect.

At this time, Ye Feifan's eyes were frightened and his face was pale. Where was the slightest trace of anger? Not to mention that his neck was pinched by Lu Yu and he was speechless. Even if he could speak, the guard in this situation would be speechless.

At this time, the housekeeper heard the shouting outside and rushed in with a group of guards. When he saw the situation in the house, he was shocked and shouted to rush forward to rescue Ye Feifan.

"Stop! Everyone, get back!"

Ye Zhengkang yelled loudly.

The guards were stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked at Ye Zhengkang blankly.

Ye Zhengkang forced himself to pretend that he didn't see his son who looked in pain, pinched his nose and said: "It's just a misunderstanding. The prince is a distinguished guest of our Ye family. How could he intentionally hurt the young master? You all stand down and don't cause trouble here. , so as not to offend our distinguished guests!”

The guards were immediately dumbfounded.

The young master was almost choked by the opponent, and there was a dead man on the ground with bleeding from all his orifices. It looked like it was clearly the work of Scarface. After all this, it was just a misunderstanding?

Although he couldn't understand it, Ye Zhengkang, as the leader of the clan, had supreme authority. The guards did not question his order and retreated one after another.

There were only four people left in the room again.

Ye Zhengkang accompanied him carefully and said: "Young Master Wang, I have accidentally offended you. It is all because of Ye's usual lax discipline. Ye apologizes to you on his behalf..."

"But as the young master said, Xiang Sheng is dead, and we have no choice now. The Ye family and the Lu family are now grasshoppers in the same boat. We should work together in the same boat. Don't hurt each other over this trivial matter. Being harmonious ruins the overall situation!”

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Let me just say, Chief Ye still knows the general situation... Haha, in fact, I was just joking with Young Master Ye. Didn't he say he wanted to see if I had three heads and six arms? I had to reluctantly do it. Let’s put on a show!”

With that said, Lu Yu let go of his hand and placed Ye Feifan back on the ground.

Ye Feifan was immediately relieved and panted violently. His eyes still looked frightened when he looked at Lu Yu, like a frightened little rabbit...

Lu Yu calmed down and continued: "I wonder if you are satisfied with this method of mine? In fact, I have another method called the 'Blood Boiling Curse'. It was passed down by Zong’s cousin..."

"Those who are affected by this curse will have their whole body's blood boiling as if they were boiling, and they will suffer from the burning pain of their hearts and bodies. It was only after the Blood Knife Sect and the Bu Family experienced this method that they decided to abandon the dark side and surrender to the Lu family."

"Unfortunately, it takes a lot of effort to cast this spell. And considering that the Ye family will soon become the first family in Lujiang County, the Ye family leader must replace Xiang Lijian as the county guard of Lujiang. My king, as Lujiang Renshi, we can’t be too disrespectful to our parents, Mr. Guan..."

"If I hadn't taken these two points into consideration, I would definitely ask you two to experience this method!"

Ye Zhengkang's heart trembled.

Now he finally understood why the Blood Knife Sect and the Bu Family suddenly turned against each other. It turned out to be because of this!

The other party actually mastered such a vicious and sinister spell, which can make the blood in the whole body feel as if it is boiling. The taste of that makes people shudder just thinking about it...

Lu Yongfu on the side also felt a tingle in his heart. He looked at Ye Feifan on the side and found that the other party was even more unbearable. As long as the young master Biao glanced at him inadvertently, he would shudder involuntarily. It seemed that the young master Biao had just The method has completely suppressed him.

"Young Master is very capable and hides his secrets. He is truly worthy of being the Scarlet Man who defeated the best swordsman in Kyoto!"

Ye Zhengkang was completely impressed now and said sincerely: "It is not easy to deal with the Xiang family. The Xiang family has held the position of county governor for many years, has made friends with powerful people from all over the world, has many supporters, and has three people. The prince serves as a backer..."

"As far as I know, Gu Si'an has returned to Kyoto and asked the Third Prince for help in person. He hopes that the Third Prince can send out strong men at the level of Martial Saint to deal with you specifically. Young Master must guard against this!"

"A strong martial saint?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows. It is said that the strong Martial Saint is the most powerful warrior in the bodyguard. There are only a few in the entire Dawu Dynasty. This third prince actually has such great energy and can actually hire a strong Martial Saint to deal with him?

It seems that this third prince is really quite capable!

"Clan Leader Ye doesn't need to worry. No matter what kind of reinforcements the third prince sends, I will be responsible for solving them..."

Lu Yu smiled and said.

"As for the Xiang family being powerful and having many supporters, it can be easily solved..."

Just as he was talking, Lu Yu suddenly picked up Xiang Sheng's body from the ground and tore it into two pieces while the Ye family and his son and Lu Yongfu were stunned.

His movements did not stop, and the two sections suddenly turned into four sections, and the four sections were divided into eight pieces!

It wasn't until he cut Xiang Sheng's body into eight pieces that he stopped, clapped his hands and said, "The head of the Ye clan can transfer these eight gifts to the other eight families. Your Ye family is a ready example. I don’t need to teach you how to convince those eight families, right?”

Ye and his son looked at the eight bloody balls of flesh and blood, and felt a chill in their hearts.

They had really thought too much before, and they actually thought about subduing such a demon...

Fortunately, I didn't really break my skin, otherwise, this would be really boring!

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